Ask The Life Scientist?

You are invited to ask questions on life science of the scientists and engineers who participate in NASA’s Life Sciences enterprise by submitted inquiries through the Outreach Program of the Life Sciences Division, NASA Headquarters.

We are responsible for all of NASA's life sciences programs, which include: Gravitational Biology and Ecology, Advanced Human Support Technologies, and Biomedical Research and Countermeasures. We are generally able to get you a response within one week, but please anticipate some delay if the best answer requires us to forward your question to additional sources. Please provide the information below and be as specific as possible when stating your questions. Please visit the Space Life Sciences Outreach website to help you refine your interest or phrase your question. You might even find the answers you’re looking for there!

If you have questions on other NASA topics, we suggest that you check the answers to frequently asked questions for NASA and NASA Spacelink.

Be sure to check our Question & Comment Archive as well to determine if someone else submitted your question.

Also, please note that your question will end up in our public archive. Your name, and your question will end up on a web page that is available to anyone in the world.. If you don't want your name, or your question there, don't use this form!!

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Last Updated 2/4/98 by Ted Fabian