/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 7:49:19 Sep 17, 2008 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 3:48:30 Jun 18, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ var imageData; /** * Runs on doc load and loads the initial images */ function initialLoad() { $(document).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings){ //$("#featuredImage").html("Error Retrieving Featured Content"); $("#featuredImage").empty().append( $("
").addClass("siteError") .html("

Unable to retrieve Featured Content at this time.

") ); }); // add the loading message $("#featuredImage").empty().append( $("
").addClass("largeLoading") .html("Loading...") ); // get our thumbnails // pass the date/time in order to keep IE and Firefox from caching the page $.get("/featuredContent.action", {cacheFix : new Date().getTime()}, function(data){ // get our JSON data imageData = unwrapJson(data); var imagesRetrieved = false; // display each image $.each(imageData.lightboxContents.damResults, function(i, metadata) { var imageRef = ""; if (imageData.useStaticImagery) { imageRef = "filename=" + metadata.fileName; } else { imageRef = "guid=" + metadata.GUID; } imagesRetrieved = true; var url = "/imageRetrieve.action" + "?" + imageRef + "&type=0" + "&imageHeight=77"; // use thumbnail type and add the image $("").addClass("thumb") .click(imageClicked) .load(function () { $(this).fadeIn(); }) .hide() .attr("id", "image"+i) .attr("alt", "Thumbnail with VIRIN: "+metadata.VIRIN) .attr("title", "Click to view this image (VIRIN: "+metadata.VIRIN+")") .attr("longdesc", metadata.captionTruncated) .appendTo($("#featuredThumbnails")) .attr("src", url); }); if (imagesRetrieved) { // switch the image to the 1st one switchImage(0); } }); } /** * Switches the featured image to the given image index */ function switchImage(arrayIndex) { if ($("#featuredImage .largeLoading").length === 0) { // change the featured image to the loading message $("#featuredImage").empty().append( $("
").addClass("largeLoading") .html("Loading...") ); } // deselect all thumbnails $(".thumb").removeClass("selected"); // apply the "selected" class to the clicked image var thumbnailID = "image"+arrayIndex; $("#"+thumbnailID).addClass("selected"); // get the metadata for this image var metadata = imageData.lightboxContents.damResults[arrayIndex]; var imageRef = ""; var isStatic = false; if (imageData.useStaticImagery) { imageRef = "filename=" + metadata.fileName; isStatic = true; } else { imageRef = "guid=" + metadata.GUID; } // update the image source to use the preview sized image var url = "/imageRetrieve.action" + "?" + imageRef + "&type=1" + "&imageWidth=380" + "&imageHeight=240"; // Generate the asset details URL (unused if isStatic is true) var assetDetailsURL = "/assetDetails.action" + "?guid=" + metadata.GUID; $("").addClass("feature") .load(function () { $("#featuredImage").empty(); if (!isStatic) { var assetDetailsLink = document.createElement("a"); assetDetailsLink.href = assetDetailsURL; $("#featuredImage").append(assetDetailsLink); var appendElt = $("#featuredImage>a"); } else { var appendElt = $("#featuredImage"); } appendElt.append($(this)); $(this).fadeIn(); }) .hide() .attr("alt", "Featured image with VIRIN: "+metadata.VIRIN) .attr("title", "Featured image with VIRIN: "+metadata.VIRIN+((!isStatic)?" (Click to view still image details)":"")) .attr("longdesc", metadata.captionTruncated) .attr("src", url); // update all the metadata fields $(".titleText").text(metadata.VIRIN); $(".captionText").text(metadata.captionTruncated); $("#dateTaken").text(metadata.dateTakenFormatted); $("#photographerName").text(metadata.photographerName); $("#assetLocation").text(metadata.location); if (!isStatic) { //var assetDetailsLink = $("").attr("href", assetDetailsURL); // line above doesn't work in IE; the 3 lines below are an ugly hack to fix this // jQuery syntax restored in the 4th line below var assetDetailsLink = document.createElement("a"); assetDetailsLink.href = assetDetailsURL; $(".captionText").append("  ").append(assetDetailsLink); $(".captionText>a").text("More Details") .addClass("arrowLink"); // Add the asset details link to the media type icon $("#imageTypeIcon").attr("href", assetDetailsURL); var imageDownloadURL = "javascript:downloadPopUp('/imageDownload.action" + "?guid=" + metadata.GUID + "')"; // update the image download link $("#imageDownloadLink").attr("href", imageDownloadURL); } else { // Remove the link from the Still Image icon $("#imageTypeIcon").before( $("#imageTypeIcon img").attr("alt", "Still Image").attr("title", "Still Image")) .remove(); // Remove the Download Image icon $("#imageDownloadLink").remove(); } } /** * Callback/event handler for when images are clicked */ function imageClicked() { // what image was clicked?, trim off the leading "image" var arrayIndex = $(this).attr("id").substring(5); switchImage(arrayIndex); executeContentsChangedAlert("instant"); } // Run initialLoad $(document).ready(initialLoad);