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E-Verify Privacy Notices

Privacy Impact Assessments

The availability of information, from personal information to public information, is made all the easier today due to technological changes in computers, digitized networks, internet access, and the creation of new information products. The E-Government Act of 2002 recognized that these advances also have important ramifications for the protection of personal information contained in government records and systems. The Act mandates an assessment of the privacy impact of any substantially revised or new Information Technology System. The document that results from these mandated assessments is called a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA).
See "USCIS Verification Information System Supporting Verification Programs" and "Update" listed under the "Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)" section of the  "DHS Privacy Office - Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)" link under "Related Links" on the right side of this page.


System of Records Notices (SORNs)

A System of Records is a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifier assigned to the individual. The Privacy Act requires each agency to publish notice of its systems of records in the Federal Register. This notice is generally referred to as a system of records notice (SORN).
See "Verification Information System"  listed under the "US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)" section of the "DHS System of Records Notices (SORNs)" link under "Related Links" on the right side of this page.


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