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5. Process Improvement
5.4. Analysis of DOE data
5.4.7. Examples of DOE's

Full factorial example

Data Source
This example uses data from a NIST high performance ceramics experiment This data set was taken from an experiment that was performed a few years ago at NIST (by Said Jahanmir of the Ceramics Division in the Material Science and Engineering Laboratory). The original analysis was performed primarily by Lisa Gill of the Statistical Engineering Division. The example shown here is an independent analysis of a modified portion of the original data set.

The original data set was part of a high performance ceramics experiment with the goal of characterizing the effect of grinding parameters on sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride, reaction bonded silicone nitride, and sintered silicon nitride.

Only modified data from the first of the 3 ceramic types (sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride) will be discussed in this illustrative example of a full factorial data analysis.

The reader may want to download the data as a text file and try using other software packages to analyze the data.

Description of Experiment: Response and Factors
Response and factor variables used in the experiment Purpose: To determine the effect of machining factors on ceramic strength
Response variable = mean (over 15 repetitions) of the ceramic strength
Number of observations = 32 (a complete 25 factorial design)
    Response Variable Y = Mean (over 15 reps) of Ceramic Strength
    Factor 1 = Table Speed (2 levels: slow (.025 m/s) and fast (.125 m/s))
    Factor 2 = Down Feed Rate (2 levels: slow (.05 mm) and fast (.125 mm))
    Factor 3 = Wheel Grit (2 levels: 140/170 and 80/100)
    Factor 4 = Direction (2 levels: longitudinal and transverse)
    Factor 5 = Batch (2 levels: 1 and 2)
Since two factors were qualitative (direction and batch) and it was reasonable to expect monotone effects from the quantitative factors, no centerpoint runs were included.
JMP spreadsheet of the data The design matrix, with measured ceramic strength responses, appears below. The actual randomized run order is given in the last column. (The interested reader may download the data as a text file or as a JMP file.)

JMP spreadsheet containing the data

Analysis of the Experiment
Analysis follows 5 basic steps The experimental data will be analyzed following the previously described 5 basic steps using SAS JMP 3.2.6 software.
Step 1: Look at the data
Plot the response variable We start by plotting the response data several ways to see if any trends or anomalies appear that would not be accounted for by the standard linear response models.

First we look at the distribution of all the responses irrespective of factor levels.

JMP plots: normal probability plot, box plot, histogram

The following plots were generared:

  1. The first plot is a normal probability plot of the response variable. The straight red line is the fitted nornal distribution and the curved red lines form a simultaneous 95% confidence region for the plotted points, based on the assumption of normality.
  2. The second plot is a box plot of the response variable. The "diamond" is called (in JMP) a "means diamond" and is centered around the sample mean, with endpoints spanning a 95% normal confidence interval for the sample mean.
  3. The third plot is a histogram of the response variable.
Clearly there is "structure" that we hope to account for when we fit a response model. For example, note the separation of the response into two roughly equal-sized clumps in the histogram. The first clump is centered approximately around the value 450 while the second clump is centered approximately around the value 650.
Plot of response versus run order Next we look at the responses plotted versus run order to check whether there might be a time sequence component affecting the response levels.

Plot of Response Vs. Run Order
JMP plot of response versus run order

As hoped for, this plot does not indicate that time order had much to do with the response levels.

Box plots of response by factor variables Next, we look at plots of the responses sorted by factor columns.

JMP box plots of response for first three factor variables

JMP box plots of response for last two factor variables

Several factors, most notably "Direction" followed by "Batch" and possibly "Wheel Grit", appear to change the average response level.

Step 2: Create the theoretical model
Theoretical model: assume all 4-factor and higher interaction terms are not significant With a 25 full factorial experiment we can fit a model containing a mean term, all 5 main effect terms, all 10 2-factor interaction terms, all 10 3-factor interaction terms, all 5 4-factor interaction terms and the 5-factor interaction term (32 parameters). However, we start by assuming all three factor and higher interaction terms are non-existent (it's very rare for such high-order interactions to be significant, and they are very difficult to interpret from an engineering viewpoint). That allows us to accumulate the sums of squares for these terms and use them to estimate an error term. So we start out with a theoretical model with 26 unknown constants, hoping the data will clarify which of these are the significant main effects and interactions we need for a final model.
Step 3: Create the actual model from the data
Output from fitting up to third-order interaction terms After fitting the 26 parameter model, the following analysis table is displayed:

     Output after Fitting Third Order Model to Response Data
               Response:     Y: Strength

                   Summary of Fit
                RSquare         0.995127
                RSquare Adj     0.974821
          Root Mean Square Error     17.81632
           Mean of Response         546.8959
                   Observations  32

Effect Test Sum Source DF of Squares F Ratio Prob>F X1: Table Speed 1 894.33 2.8175 0.1442 X2: Feed Rate 1 3497.20 11.0175 0.0160 X1: Table Speed* 1 4872.57 15.3505 0.0078 X2: Feed Rate X3: Wheel Grit 1 12663.96 39.8964 0.0007 X1: Table Speed* 1 1838.76 5.7928 0.0528 X3: Wheel Grit X2: Feed Rate* 1 307.46 0.9686 0.3630 X3: Wheel Grit X1:Table Speed* 1 357.05 1.1248 0.3297 X2: Feed Rate* X3: Wheel Grit X4: Direction 1 315132.65 992.7901 <.0001 X1: Table Speed* 1 1637.21 5.1578 0.0636 X4: Direction X2: Feed Rate* 1 1972.71 6.2148 0.0470 X4: Direction X1: Table Speed 1 5895.62 18.5735 0.0050 X2: Feed Rate* X4: Direction X3: Wheel Grit* 1 3158.34 9.9500 0.0197 X4: Direction X1: Table Speed* 1 2.12 0.0067 0.9376 X3: Wheel Grit* X4: Direction X2: Feed Rate* 1 44.49 0.1401 0.7210 X3: Wheel Grit* X4: Direction X5: Batch 1 33653.91 106.0229 <.0001 X1: Table Speed* 1 465.05 1.4651 0.2716 X5: Batch X2: Feed Rate* 1 199.15 0.6274 0.4585 X5: Batch X1: Table Speed* 1 144.71 0.4559 0.5247 X2: Feed Rate* X5: Batch X3: Wheel Grit* 1 29.36 0.0925 0.7713 X5: Batch X1: Table Speed* 1 30.36 0.0957 0.7676 X3: Wheel Grit* X5: Batch X2: Feed Rate* 1 25.58 0.0806 0.7860 X3: Wheel Grit* X5: Batch X4: Direction * 1 1328.83 4.1863 0.0867 X5: Batch X1: Table Speed* 1 544.58 1.7156 0.2382 X4: Directio* X5: Batch X2: Feed Rate* 1 167.31 0.5271 0.4952 X4: Direction* X5: Batch X3: Wheel Grit* 1 32.46 0.1023 0.7600 X4: Direction* X5: Batch

This fit has a high R2 and adjusted R2, but the large number of high (>0.10) p-values (in the "Prob>F" column) make it clear that the model has many unnecessary terms.
JMP stepwise regression Starting with these 26 terms, we next use the JMP Stepwise Regression option to eliminate unnecessary terms. By a combination of stepwise regression and the removal of remaining terms with a p-value higher than 0.05, we quickly arrive at a model with an intercept and 12 significant effect terms.
Output from fitting the 12-term model

     Output after Fitting the 12-Term Model to Response Data

               Response:    Y: Strength

                  Summary of Fit
               RSquare 0.989114
               RSquare Adj 0.982239
         Root Mean Square Error 14.96346
          Mean of Response 546.8959
         Observations (or Sum Wgts) 32

Effect Test

Source                DF     of Squares  F Ratio     Prob>F
X1: Table Speed        1       894.33     3.9942     0.0602
X2: Feed Rate          1      3497.20    15.6191     0.0009
X1: Table Speed*       1      4872.57    21.7618     0.0002
    X2: Feed Rate
X3: Wheel Grit         1     12663.96    56.5595     <.0001
X1: Table Speed*       1      1838.76     8.2122     0.0099
    X3: Wheel Grit
X4: Direction          1    315132.65  1407.4390     <.0001
X1: Table Speed*       1      1637.21     7.3121     0.0141
    X4: Direction
X2: Feed Rate*         1      1972.71     8.8105     0.0079
    X4: Direction
X1: Table Speed*       1      5895.62    26.3309     <.0001
    X2: Feed Rate*
X3: Wheel Grit*        1      3158.34    14.1057     0.0013
    X4: Direction
X5: Batch              1     33653.91   150.3044     <.0001
X4: Direction*         1      1328.83     5.9348     0.0249
    X5: Batch
Normal plot of the effects Non-significant effects should effectively follow an approximately normal distribution with the same location and scale. Significant effects will vary from this normal distribution. Therefore, another method of determining significant effects is to generate a normal plot of all 31 effects. Those effects that are substantially away from the straight line fitted to the normal plot are considered significant. Although this is a somewhat subjective criteria, it tends to work well in practice. It is helpful to use both the numerical output from the fit and graphical techniques such as the normal plot in deciding which terms to keep in the model.

The normal plot of the effects is shown below. We have labeled those effects that we consider to be significant. In this case, we have arrived at the exact same 12 terms by looking at the normal plot as we did from the stepwise regression.

Normal plot of the 31 effects

Most of the effects cluster close to the center (zero) line and follow the fitted normal model straight line. The effects that appear to be above or below the line by more than a small amount are the same effects identified using the stepwise routine, with the exception of X1. Some analysts prefer to include a main effect term when it has several significant interactions even if the main effect term itself does not appear to be significant.

Model appears to account for most of the variability At this stage, this model appears to account for most of the variability in the response, achieving an adjusted R2 of 0.982. All the main effects are significant, as are 6 2-factor interactions and 1 3-factor interaction. The only interaction that makes little physical sense is the " X4: Direction*X5: Batch" interaction - why would the response using one batch of material react differently when the batch is cut in a different direction as compared to another batch of the same formulation?

However, before accepting any model, residuals need to be examined.

Step 4: Test the model assumptions using residual graphs (adjust and simplify as needed)
Plot of residuals versus predicted responses First we look at the residuals plotted versus the predicted responses.

Plot of residuals versus predicted response

The residuals appear to spread out more with larger values of predicted strength, which should not happen when there is a common variance.

Next we examine the normality of the residuals with a normal quantile plot, a box plot and a histogram.

Normal probability plot, box plot, and histogram of the residuals

None of these plots appear to show typical normal residuals and 4 of the 32 data points appear as outliers in the box plot.

Step 4 continued: Transform the data and fit the model again
Box-Cox Transformation We next look at whether we can model a transformation of the response variable and obtain residuals with the assumed properties. JMP calculates an optimum Box-Cox transformation by finding the value of lambda that minimizes the model SSE. Note: the Box-Cox transformation used in JMP is different from the transformation used in Dataplot, but roughly equivalent.

Box-Cox Transformation Graph
Box-Cox transformation graph, optimal value at lambda = 0.2

The optimum is found at lambda = 0.2. A new column Y: Strength X is calculated and added to the JMP data spreadsheet. The properties of this column, showing the transformation equation, are shown below.

JMP data transformation menu
Data Transformation Column Properties
JMP data transformation menu
Fit model to transformed data When the 12-effect model is fit to the transformed data, the "X4: Direction*X5: Batch" interaction term is no longer significant. The 11-effect model fit is shown below, with parameter estimates and p-values.
JMP output for fitted model after applying Box-Cox transformation

    Output after Fitting the 11-Effect Model to
             Tranformed Response Data

               Response:    Y: Strength X

                  Summary of Fit
               RSquare 0.99041
               RSquare Adj 0.985135
         Root Mean Square Error 13.81065
          Mean of Response 1917.115
         Observations (or Sum Wgts) 32
Effect                  Estimate         p-value
Intercept               1917.115          <.0001
X1: Table Speed            5.777          0.0282
X2: Feed Rate             11.691          0.0001
X1: Table Speed*         -14.467          <.0001
    X2: Feed Rate
X3: Wheel Grit           -21.649          <.0001
X1: Table Speed*           7.339          0.007
    X3: Wheel Grit
X4: Direction            -99.272          <.0001
X1: Table Speed*          -7.188          0.0080
    X4: Direction
X2: Feed Rate*            -9.160          0.0013
    X4: Direction
X1: Table Speed*          15.325          <.0001
    X2: Feed Rate*
X3: Wheel Grit*           12.965          <.0001
    X4: Direction
X5: Batch                -31.871          <.0001
Model has high R2 This model has a very high R2 and adjusted R2. The residual plots (shown below) are quite a bit better behaved than before, and pass the Wilk-Shapiro test for normality.
Residual plots from model with transformed response

Run sequence plot of residuals

The run sequence plot of the residuals does not indicate any time dependent patterns.

Normal probability plot, box plot, and histogram of residuals

The normal probability plot, box plot, and the histogram of the residuals do not indicate any serious violations of the model assumptions.

Step 5. Answer the questions in your experimental objectives
Important main effects and interaction effects The magnitudes of the effect estimates show that "Direction" is by far the most important factor. "Batch" plays the next most critical role, followed by "Wheel Grit". Then, there are several important interactions followed by "Feed Rate". "Table Speed" plays a role in almost every significant interaction term, but is the least important main effect on its own. Note that large interactions can obscure main effects.
Plots of the main effects and significant 2-way interactions Plots of the main effects and the significant 2-way interactions are shown below.

Plots of the main effects

Plots of significant 2-way interactions

Prediction profile To determine the best setting to use for maximum ceramic strength, JMP has the "Prediction Profile" option shown below.

Y: Strength X
Prediction Profile

The vertical lines indicate the optimal factor settings to maximize the (transformed) strength response. Translating from -1 and +1 back to the actual factor settings, we have: Table speed at "1" or .125m/s; Down Feed Rate at "1" or .125 mm; Wheel Grit at "-1" or 140/170 and Direction at "-1" or longitudinal.

Unfortunately, "Batch" is also a very significant factor, with the first batch giving higher strengths than the second. Unless it is possible to learn what worked well with this batch, and how to repeat it, not much can be done about this factor.

Analyses with value of Direction fixed indicates complex model is needed only for transverse cut
  1. One might ask what an analysis of just the 24 factorial with "Direction" kept at -1 (i.e., longitudinal) would yield. This analysis turns out to have a very simple model; only "Wheel Grit" and "Batch" are significant main effects and no interactions are significant.

    If, on the other hand, we do an analysis of the 24 factorial with "Direction" kept at +1 (i.e., transverse), then we obtain a 7-parameter model with all the main effects and interactions we saw in the 25 analysis, except, of course, any terms involving "Direction".

    So it appears that the complex model of the full analysis came from the physical properties of a transverse cut, and these complexities are not present for longitudinal cuts.

Half fraction design
  1. If we had assumed that three-factor and higher interactions were negligible before experimenting, a 2(V)^(5-1) half fraction design might have been chosen. In hindsight, we would have obtained valid estimates for all main effects and two-factor interactions except for X3 and X5, which would have been aliased with X1*X2*X4 in that half fraction.
Natural log transformation
  1. Finally, we note that many analysts might prefer to adopt a natural logarithm transformation (i.e., use ln Y) as the response instead of using a Box-Cox transformation with an exponent of 0.2. The natural logarithm transformation corresponds to an exponent of lamda = 0 in the Box-Cox graph.
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