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Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 1995

Division of STD Prevention

September 1996

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
Public Health Service 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention 
Division of STD Prevention 
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

Copyright Information 

All material contained in this report is in the public domain and may be
used and reprinted without special permission; citation to source, however,
is appreciated.

Suggested Citation

Division of STD Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance,
1995. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 1996.

Copies can be obtained from Information Technology and Services Office,
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-06, Atlanta, Georgia
30333 or by telephone at (404) 639-1819.

The reports for 1993 through 1995 are now available electronically on CDC
WONDER. For information about registering for CDC WONDER, please contact
CDC's Information Resource Management Office at (404) 332-4569. These
reports are also available from the Internet via the CDC home page address

                Figures in the National Profile


Figure_1.  Chlamydia -- Reported rates: United States, 1984- 1995
Figure_2.  Chlamydia -- Rates by state: United States, 1995
Figure_3.  Chlamydia -- Rates by region: United States, 1984- 1995
Figure_4.  Chlamydia -- Rates in U.S. cities of >200,000 population,
Figure_5.  Chlamydia -- Rates by gender: United States, 1984-1995

Figure_6.  Gonorrhea -- Reported rates:  United States, 1970-1995 and
               the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_7.  Gonorrhea -- Rates by state:  United States, 1995
Figure_8.  Gonorrhea -- Rates by region:  United States, 1981-1995 and
               the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_9.  Gonorrhea -- Rates in U.S. cities of >200,000 population,
               1981-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_10.  Gonorrhea -- Rates by gender:  United States, 1981-1995 and
                the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_11.  Gonorrhea -- Rates by race and ethnicity:  United States,
                1981-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_12.  Gonorrhea -- Age- and gender-specific rates:  United States,
Figure_13.  Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) -- Location
                of participating clinics and regional laboratories:  United
                States, 1995
Figure_14.  Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) -- Trends in
                plasmid-mediated resistance to penicillin and tetracycline,
Figure_15.  Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) -- Trends in
                chromosomally mediated resistance to penicillin and
                tetracycline, 1988-1995
Figure_16.  Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) -- Prevalence
                of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with decreased susceptibility or
                resistance to ciprofloxacin, 1990-1995

Figure_17.  Syphilis -- Reported cases by stage of illness: United
                States, 1941-1995
Figure_18.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Reported rates: United
                States, 1970-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000
Figure_19.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Rates by state: United
                States, 1995
Figure_20.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Counties with rates above
                and counties with rates below the Healthy People year 2000
                objective: United States, 1995
Figure_21.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Rates by region: United
                States, 1981-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000
Figure_22.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Rates in U.S. cities of
                >200,000 population, 1981-1995 and the Healthy People year
                2000 objective
Figure_23.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Rates by gender: United
                States, 1981-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000
Figure_24.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Rates by race and
                ethnicity: United States, 1981-1995 and the Healthy People
                year 2000 objective 
Figure_25.  Primary and secondary syphilis -- Age- and gender-specific
                rates: United States, 1995
Figure_26.  Congenital syphilis -- Reported cases in infants <1 year of
                age and rates of primary and secondary syphilis among
                women: United States, 1970-1995
Figure_27.  Congenital syphilis -- Rates in infants <1 year of age:
                United States, 1981-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000

Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Figure_28.  Pelvic inflammatory disease -- Hospitalizations of women
                15-44 years of age: United States, 1980-1993
Figure_29.  Pelvic inflammatory disease -- Initial visits to physicians'
                offices by women 15-44 years of age: United States,
                1980-1995 and the Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_30.  Nonspecific urethritis -- Initial visits to physicians'
                offices by men: United States, 1966-1995
Figure_31.  Chancroid -- Reported cases: United States, 1981-1995
Figure_32.  Human papillomavirus (genital warts) -- Initial visits to
                physicians' offices: United States, 1966-1995 and the
                Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_33.  Genital herpes simplex virus infections -- Initial visits to
                physicians' offices: United States, 1966-1995 and the
                Healthy People year 2000 objective
Figure_34.  Trichomonal and other vaginal infections -- Initial visits
                to physicians' offices: United States, 1966-1995

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007