A.R.M Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring and
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.: Water Quality Monitoring Network :.
Water Quality Modeling
Canal Sediment and Water Quality Characterization
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Water Quality Monitoring Network

The enhanced water quality monitoring network complements the existing water quality compliance network created under the 1992 Federal Consent Decree by characterizing the water quality of a larger Refuge area, particularly the fringe area potentially impacted by canal water intrusions. The expanded monitoring network, initiated in June, 2004, consists of monthly grab samples collected at 39 canal and marsh stations, and continuous measurements of conductivity along 7 transects from the canal to the interior.

Some of the conductivity instruments were deployed on transects as early as March 2004.

thumbnail version of location map Download PDF (125 KB) or JPG (45 KB) of a map showing the location of the new monitoring network

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This page is: http://sofia.usgs.gov/lox_monitor_model/wq_network.html
Page last updated: 04 December, 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Comments about website: Heather Henkel (hhenkel@usgs.gov)