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Microsystems Science

Microsystems Science


Gan S, Y Liang, DR Baer, MR Sievers, GS Herman, and C Peden. 2001. "Effect of Platinum Nanocluster Size and Titania Surface Structure upon CO Surface Chemistry on Platinum-Supported TiO2 (110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(12):2412-2416.

Gan S, Y Lianga, DR Baer, AW. Grant. 2001 "Effects of titania surface structure on the nucleation and growth of Pt nanoclusters on rutile TiO2 (110)" Surface Science Vol475:1-3, 159-170.

Lei, Chenghong, Yongsoon Shin, Jun Liu and Eric, J. Ackerman "Entrapping Enzyme in a Functionalized Nanoporous Support" J. Am. Chem. Soc., ASAP Article 10.1021/jaoe6855oS0002-7863(02)06855-5 Web Release Date: August 28, 2002 (pdf 65KB)

Liang L, X Feng, PC Rieke, and GE Fryxell. 1998. "Reversible Surface Properties of Glass Plate and Capillary Tube Grafted by Photopolymerization of N-Isopropylacrylamide." Macromolecules 31:7845.

Liang L, X Feng, J Liu, and PC Rieke. 1999. "Preparation of Composite-Crosslinked Poly (N-Isopropylacrylemide) Gel Layer and Characteristics of Reverse Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Surface." Journal of Applied Polymer Science 72:1.

Palmer BJ. "Direct Simulation of Hydrodynamic Relaxation in Microchannels." Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 109, p. 196. PNNL-SA-29392

Palmer BJ, and DR Rector. 2000. "Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm for Simulating Thermal Flow in Compressible Fluids." Journal of Computational Physics 161(1):1-20. PNNL-SA-29454

Rogers JW and DR Baer. "Interfacial and Processing Sciences Annual Report 1999". Environmental and Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Conference Papers

Baer DR, Y. Liang, S. Gan. "Formation and Stabilization of Nano-Sized Pt Clusters on Ti02 Rutile Surfaces" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (PDF, 167 Kb)

Liang L, X Feng, J Liu, P Rieke, and G Fyxell. March 1998. "Temperature-Responsive Surface from Photografting Crosslinked Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide) Network Layers." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 78 Kb) PNNL-SA-29735

Liang Y, DR Baer, MH Engelhard, and GS Herman. June 1998. "Interaction of Ultra-Thin Rh Films with the Vicinal TiO2(110) Surfaces." 20th Conference on Applied Surface Analysis, Richland, Washington.

Liang Y, J Daschback, A Joly, D Baer, M Na, H Luo. 1998. "Enhancement Of Catalytic Properties Using Surface And Interface Engineering." MRS Fall meeting, Boston. PNNL-SA-30180

Palmer BJ and DR Rector. "Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm for Simulating Thermal Flow in Compressible Fluids." 7th International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluids, Oxford. PNNL-SA-29983

Rector DR, JM Cuta, and BJ Palmer. 1998. "Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation Code Development for Micro-Fluidic Systems." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 97Kb)

Rector DR and BJ Palmer. April 1999. "Simulation of Chemical Separation Processes Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology in Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 5 Kb) PNNL-SA-31006

Microsystems Science

Microchemical Systems


Drost MK, CJ Call, JM Cuta, and RS Wegeng. 1997. "Microchannel Integrated Evaporator/Combustor Thermal Processes." Journal of Microscale Thermophysics Engineering, 1(4)321-333

Holladay, JD, EO Jones, M Phelps and J Hu. 2002. "Microfuel processor for use in a miniature power supply." Journal of Power Sources 108 (2002) 21-27. (PDF, 227 Kb)

Palo, DR, JD Holladay, RT Rozmiarek, CE Guzman-Leong, Y Wang, J Hu, Y Chin, RA Dagle, and EG Baker. 2002. "Development of a soldier-portable fuel cell power system Part I: A bread-board methanol fuel processor." Journal of Power Sources 108 (2002) 28-34. (PDF, 130 Kb)

TeGrotenhuis WE, R Cameron, MG Butcher, PM Martin, and RS Wegeng. 1998. "Micro Channel Devices for Efficient Contacting of Liquids in Solvent Extraction." Separation Science and Technology. (PDF, 162 Kb) PNNL-SA-28743

Tonkovich AY, JL Zilka, MJ Lamont, Y Wang, RS Wegeng. 1998. "Microchannel Reactors for Fuel Processing Applications. I. Water Gas Shift Reactor." Chemical Engineering Science.

Conference Papers

Brenchley DL. May 2001. "Applications for Micro Chemical and Thermal Systems." IMRET 5 2001 International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Strasbourg, France. (PDF, 197 Kb)

Brenchley DL and RS Wegeng. March 1998. "Status of Microchemical Systems Development in the United States of America." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 29 Kb) PNNL-SA-29597

Brenchley DL, RS Wegeng, and MK Drost. "Development of Micro Chemical and Thermal Systems" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 336 Kb)

Brooks KP, CJ Call, and MK Drost. March 1998. "An Integrated Microchannel Combustor/ Evaporator with Low Air Toxic Emissions." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 27 Kb)

Brooks KP, SD Rassat, RS Wegeng, VS Stenkamp, WE Tegrotenhuis, DD Caldwell. March 2002. "Component Development for a Microchannel In Situ Propellant Production System" 2002 International Conference on Microreaction Technology. New Orleans, LA. (.pdf, 417Kb)

Call CJ, MK Drost, and RS Wegeng. 1996. "Combustion and Partial Oxidation in Microchannel Reactors." 1996 AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans. PNWD-SA-4343

Daymo EA, DP VanderWiel, SP Fitzgerald, Y Wang, RT Rozmiarek, MJ LaMont, AY Tonkovich. "Microchannel Fuel Porcessing for Man Portable Power" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 162Kb)

Drost MK, CJ Call, JM Cuta, and RS Wegeng. 1996. "Microchannel Integrated Evaporator/Combustor Thermal Processes." 2nd U.S Japan Seminar in Molecular and Microscale Transport Phenomena, August 8-10, Santa Barbara, California. PNWD-SA-4448

Fitzgerald SP, RS Wegeng, AY Tonkovich, Y Wang, H Freeman, JL Marco, GL Roberts, DP VanderWiel. "A Compact Steam Reforming Reactor for Use in an Automotive Fuel Processor" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 35Kb)

Holladay, J, E Jones, M Phelps, Y Chin, R Savinell, J Wainright, and M Litt. March 2002. "Fuel Processor Development for Miniature Power Supplies to Power Microdevices." AIChE 2002 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Holladay, E Jones, M Phelps, and J Hu. October 2001. "High-efficiency microscale power using a fuel processor and fuel cell." The Internaional Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) conference on MEMS Components and Aplications for Industy, Automobiles, Aerospace, and Communications. San Francisco, CA (.pdf, 407KB)

Holladay, J. E Jones, B Rozmiarek, J Hu, M Phelps, E Baker, Y Wang, and R Dagle. September 2001 "Miniature Fuel Processors for Portable Fuel Cell Systems." 200th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, CA. (.pdf, 851KB)

Holladay, J, D Palo, E Baker, J Hu, Y Chin and R Dagle. July 2002. "Micro-fuel Processors for a 15-25 Watt Fuel Cell Battery Hydrid Power Supply." Paper 20074 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC). Washington, D.C. (.pdf, 301KB)

Holladay, J, E Jones and M Phelps. July 2002. "Microscale Power Generatioin Using a Fuel Process and Fuel Cell." Paper 20054 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC). Washington, D.C. (.pdf, 467KB)

Holladay, J. E Jones, D Palo, M Phelps, Y Chin, R Dagle, J Hu, Y Wang, and E Baker. December 2002. "Miniature Fuel Processors for Portable Fuel Cell Power Supplies." 2002 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting. Boston, MA. (.pdf, 576KB)

Holladay, J, D Palo, E Jones, M Phelps, Y Chin, R Dagle, J Hu, Y Wang, and E Baker. April 2002. "Fuel Processor Development for Small Power Supplies." Small Fuel Cells for Portable Applications 2002. Washington, DC (.pdf, 1.7MB)

Jones E. May 2001. "Sub-watt Power Using an Integrated Fuel Processor and Fuel Cell." IMRET 5 2001 International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Strasbourg, France. (PDF, 99Kb)

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett, DC Stewart, and JW Johnston. 1997 "Laser Micromachined Microchannel Solvent Separator." SPIE conference Proceedings, Vol. 3223. PNNL-SA-29041

Palo DR. May 2001. "Fuel processor development for a soldier-portable fuel cell system." IMRET 5 2001 International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Strasbourg, France. (PDF, 105Kb)

TeGrotenhuis, WE, DL King, KP Brooks, BJ Golladay, and RS Wegeng. March 2002. "Optimizing Microchannel Reactors by Trading-Off Equilibrium and Reactioin Kinetics through Temperature Management." AIChE Spring National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. (PDF, 184KB)

TeGrotenhuis WE, R Cameron, MG Butcher, PM Martin, and RS Wegeng. October 1997. "Micro Channel Devices for Efficient Contacting of Liquids in Solvent Extraction." 10th Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications, Gaitlinburg, Tennessee. PNNL-SA-29530

TeGrotenhuis WE, R Cameron, MG Butcher, PM Martin, and RS Wegeng. March 1998. "Microchannel Devices for Efficient Contacting of Liquids in Solvent Extraction." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 70 Kb) PNNL-SA-29619

TeGrotenhuis WE, RJ Cameron, VV Viswanathan, and RS Wegeng. April 1999. "Solvent Extraction and Gas Absorption Using Microchannel Contactors." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 63 Kb)

TeGrotenhuis WE, RS Wegeng, DP Vanderwiel, GA Whyatt, VV Viswanathan, KP Schielke. "Microreactor System Design for NASA In Situ Propellant Production Plant on Mars" AICHE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA. (PDF, 49 Kb)

Tonkovich AY, CJ Call, D Jimenez, RS Wegeng, and MK Drost. 1996. "Microchannel Heat Exchangers for Chemical Reactors." Heat Transfer - Houston 1996 (AIChE Symposium Series 310), pp. 119-125. PNWD-SA-4349

Tonkovich AY, CJ Call, DM Jimenez, and MK Drost. 1996. "Microchannel Heat Exchangers for Chemical Reactors." Proceedings of the 1996 National Heat Transfer Conference, Houston.

Tonkovich AY, CJ Call, and JL Zilka. March 1998. "The Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane in a Microchannel Chemical Reactor." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 53Kb) PNNL-SA-29748

Tonkovich AY, JL Zilka, DM Jimenez, MJ Lamont, and RS Wegeng. March 1998. "Microchannel Chemical Reactors for Fuel Processing." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 90Kb) PNNL-SA-29747

Tonkovich AY, S Fitzgerald, JL Zilka, MJ Lamont, Y Wang, DP Vanderwiel, and RS Wegeng. April 1999. "Microchannel Chemical Reactors for Fuel Processing Applications. II. Compact Fuel Vaporization" 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 35Kb)

VanderWiel DP, J.L. Zilka-Marco, Y. Wang, A.Y. Tonkovich, R.S. Wegeng. "Carbon Dioxide Conversions in Microreactors" AIChe 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 54 Kb)

Wegeng RS, CJ Call, and MK Drost. 1996. "Chemical Systems Miniaturization." 1996 AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans.

Wegeng RS, CJ Call, and MK Drost. March 1996. "Micro Thermal And Chemical Systems." Government Microcircuit Applications Conference.

Wegeng RS, et al. February 1997. "Microchemical Systems Development Progress at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." 1st International Conference on Microreactor Technology, Frankfurt, Germany.

Wegeng RS. March 1998. "Opportunities for Distributed Processing Using Microchemical Systems." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 28 Kb)

Wegeng RS, MK Drost, and DL Brenchley. February 1999. "Process Intensification Through Miniaturization or Micro Thermal and Chemical Systems in the 21st Century." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 197 Kb)

Whyatt, GA, CM Fischer and JM Davis. March 2002. "Progress on the Development of a Microchannel Steam Reformer for Automotive Applications." AIChE Spring National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. (.pdf, 1.2MB)

Whyatt GA. May 2001. "Demonstration of Energy Efficient Stream Reforming in Microchannels for Automotive Fuel Processing." IMRET 5 2001 International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Strasbourg, France. (PDF, 108 Kb)

Zilka-Marco JL, Anna Lee Y. Tonkovich, Michael J. LaMont, Sean P. Fitzgerald, David P. VanderWiel, Yong Wang, Robert S. Wegeng. "Compact Microchannel Fuel Vaporizer" AIChe 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 184 Kb)
Microthermal Systems

Microthermal Systems


Ameel TA, RO Warrington, RS Wegeng, and MK Drost. 1996. "Miniaturization Technologies Applied to Energy Systems." Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 38, pp. 969-982

Wegeng RS and MK Drost. 1994. "Developing New Miniature Energy Systems." Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 119, No 9, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.

Conference Papers

Ameel TA, RO Warrington, RS Wegeng, and MK Drost. July 1996. "Miniaturization Technologies Applied to Energy Systems." 3rd Biennial Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Montpelier, France. PNNL-SA-27804

Brenchley DL. May 2001. "Applications for Micro Chemical and Thermal Systems." IMRET 5 2001 International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Strasbourg, France. (PDF, 197 Kb)

Brenchley DL and RS Wegeng. March 1998. "Status of Microchemical Systems Development in the United States of America." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 29 Kb) PNNL-SA-29597

Brenchley DL, RS Wegeng, and MK Drost. "Development of Micro Chemical and Thermal Systems" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 336 Kb)

Brooks KP, PM Martin, MK Drost, and CJ Call. November 1999. "Mesoscale Combustor/Evaporator Development," ASME IMECE Conference, Nashville, TN. (PDF, 112 Kb)

Drost MK. March 1998. "Applicability of Microchannel Heat Exchangers to Large-Scale Process Applications." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans.

Drost MK, MR Beckette, and RS Wegeng. 1994. "Thermodynamic Analysis of a Microscale Heat Pump." ASME Winter Annual Meeting. PNL-SA-23732

Drost MK and M Friedrich. 1997. "Miniature Heat Pumps for Portable and Distributed Space Conditioning Applications." 1997 Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. PNNL-SA-28888

Drost MK and M Friedrich. March 1998. "Miniature Heat Pumps for Portable and Distributed Space Conditioning Applications." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 36 Kb)

Drost MK and M Friedrich. April 1998. "A Miniature Heat-Actuated Air Conditioner For Distributed Space Conditioning Applications." Proceedings of the 1998 Oil Heat Technology Conference. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, pp. 15-20. PNNL-SA-29680

Drost MK, M Friedrich, C Martin, J Martin, and B Hanna. November 1999. "Mesoscopic Heat-Actuated Heat Pump Development." ASME IMECE Conference, Nashville, TN. (PDF, 111 Kb)

Drost MK, M Friedrich, C Martin, J Martin, and R Cameron. April 1999. "Recent Developments in Microtechnology-Based Chemical Heat Pumps." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 118 Kb)

Drost MK and RS Wegeng. 1998. "Recent Research on Miniature Energy Systems." ECOS 1998 - Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems and Processes Conference, Nancy, France. PNNL-SA-29429

Drost MK, RS Wegeng, and DA King. August 1996. "Distributed Space Conditioning for Residential Applications." 1996 American Council for An Energy Efficient Economy Conference.

Drost MK, RS Wegeng, PM Martin, KP Brooks, JL Martin, C Call. "MicroHeater" AIChE 2000 Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 132 Kb)

Ravigururajan TS, J Cuta, C Mcdonald, and MK Drost. 1996. "Single Phase Flow Thermal Performance of a Parallel Micro-Channel Heat Exchanger." American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996 National Heat Transfer Conference.

Ravigururajan TS, J Cuta, C Mcdonald, and MK Drost. 1996. "Effect of Heat Flux on Two-Phase Flow Characteristics of Refrigerant Flows in a Micro-channel Heat Exchanger." American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996 National Heat Transfer Conference.

Ravigururajan TS and MK Drost. 1996. "Liquid Flow Characteristics in a Diamond-Pattern Micro-Heat-Exchanger." 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Atlanta.

Wegeng RS, MK Drost, TA Ameel, and RO Warrington. December 1995. "Energy Systems Miniaturization Technologies, Devices, and Systems." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Energy Conversion System and Related Technologies, RAN95. The Society of Chemical Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 607-614.

Wegeng RS, CJ Call, and MK Drost. March 1996. "Micro Thermal And Chemical Systems." Government Microcircuit Applications Conference.

Wegeng RS, MK Drost, and DL Brenchley. April 1999. "Process Intensification Through Miniaturization or Micro Thermal and Chemical Systems in the 21st Century." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF,197 Kb)




Lin Y, CA Timchalk, DW Matson, H Wu, and KD Thrall (2001) "Integrated Microfluidics/Electrochemical Sensor System for Monitoring of Environmental Exposures to Lead and Chlorophenols", Biomedical Microdevices, 3:4, 331-338.

Lin Y, N Xu, D Matson, RD Smith. "Microfabricated Dual-Microdialysis and Capillary Isoelectric Focusing Devices for Cleanup and Separations/Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Biomolecules" in the Micro Total Analysis Systems; Ed.: D.J. Harrison and A.V. den Berg; pp343-346; ISBN 0-7923-5322-6; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998

Martin PM, DW Matson, WD Bennett, JW Johnston, "Thin Film Optical Materials for Use in Microtechnology", Vacuum Technology and Coatings, November 2000 pp. 22-27.

Martin PM, DW Matson, and WD Bennett. "Microfabrication Methods for Microchannel Reactors and Separations Systems." Chemical Engineering Communications.

Martin PM, DW Matson, WD Bennett, and DJ Hammerstrom. 1998. "Fabrication of Plastic Microfluidic Components." SPIE Proceedings, 3515. PNNL-SA-30148

Martin PM, DW Matson, DL Brenchley, KM Drost, and RS Wegeng. 1999. "PNNL Develops MICRO-CATS for DARPA, DOE, and NASA." Micromachine Devices, August 1999

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett, JW Johnston, DC Stewart, and CC Bonham 2000 "Sputtered Coatings for Microfluidic Applications" Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 18(4, pt 2) 1677-1680.

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett, DE Kurath, Y Lin, and DJ Hammerstrom. 1998. "Fabrication Processes for Polymer-Based Microfluidic Analytical Devices." Proceedings of µ-TAS '98. PNNL-SA-30104

Martin PM, DW Matson, WD Bennett. "Laminated Plastic Microfluidic Components for Biological and Chemical Systems", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 1999, 17, 2264-2269.

Martin PM, DW Matson and WD Bennett. "Microfabrication Methods for Microchannel Reactors and Separations Systems", Chemical Engineering Communications. 1999, 173, 245-254.

Matson DW, PM Martin, AY Tonkovich, and G Roberts/ 1998. "Fabrication of a stainless steel microchannel microcombustor using a lamination process." SPIE Proceedings. PNNL-SA-30172

Tang K, Y Lin, DW Matson, T Kim, and RD Smith (2001) "Generation of Multiple Electrosprays Using Microfabricated Emitter Arrays for Improved Mass Spectrometric Sensitivity", Analytical Chemistry 73, 1658-1663.

Wen J, Y Lin, F Xiang, DW Matson, HR Udseth, and RD Smith, 2000 "Microfabricated Isoelectric Focusing Device for Direct Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry" Electrophoresis, 21, 191-197.

Xiang F, Y Lin, JY Wen, DW Matson, and RD Smith. 1999. "An Integrated Microfabricated Device for Dual Microdialysis and On-line ESI-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry for the Rapid Analysis of Complex Biological Samples." Analytical Chemistry 71(8):1485-1490.

Xu N, Y Lin, D Matson, CJ Call and RD Smith. "A Microfabricated Dialysis Device for Sample Cleanup in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry; Vol.70, 3553-3556, 1998

Conference Papers

Lin Y, DW Matson, WD Bennett, KD Thrall, and C Timchalk, 2000 "Integrated Mirofluidics/Electrochemical Sensor System for Field-Monitoring of Toxic Metals" in: Microreaction Technology: Industrial Prospects (proceedings of IMRET3, 3rd International Conference On Microreaction Technology), W.Ehrfeld, ed., pp. 588-596.

Lin Y, DW Matson, DE Kurath, J Wen, F Xiang, WD Bennett, PM Martin, and RD Smith. 1999 "Microfluidic Devices on Polymer Substrates for Bioanalytical Applications" proceedings of IMRET3, 3RD International Conference On Microreaction Technology April 18-21 (Frankfurt, Germany). (pdf 438KB)

Lin Y, J Wen, F Xiang, D W Matson, R D Smith. Laser Micromachined Isoelectric Focusing Device on Polymer Substrate for Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 3877, Microfluidic Devices and Systems, pp28-35, 1999

Lin Y, R Zhao, KD Thrall, CA Timchalk, WD Bennett, and DW Matson. 1999 "Integration of Microfluidics/Microelectodes for Chemical and Bioanlytical Applications": SPIE Conference Proceeding Vol 3877: Microfluidic Devices and Systems II, pp.248-256.

Martin PM, JW Johnston, WD Bennett, and DC Stewart. 1999 "Ultrathick Silicon Coatings for Infrared Mirror Applications" submitted for publication in 1999 SVC Conference Proceedings, April.

Martin PM, DW Matson, W D Bennett, JW Johnston, 2000 "Thin Film Optical Materials for Use in Microtechnology Applications", Proceedings of the Society of Vacuum Coaters 43rd Annual Technical Conference

Martin PM, DW Matson, and WD Bennett. March 1998. "Microfabrication Methods for Microchannel Reactors and Separations Systems." AIChE 1998 Spring National Meeting, New Orleans. (PDF, 131 Kb) PNNL-SA-29536

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett. 1998 "Laser Machined Components for Microanalytical and Chemical Separation Devices": SPIE conference proceedings vol. 3519: Microrobotics and Micromanipulation, pp. 200-207.

Martin PM, DW Matson, WD Bennett, DC Stewart, CC Bonham. "Laminated Ceramic Microfluidic Components for Microreactor Applications" AIChE 2000 Apring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (PDF, 101 Kb)

Matson DW, PM Martin, DC Stewart, AY Tonkovich, M White, JL Zilka, and GL Roberts, 2000 "Fabrication of Microchannel Chemical Reactors using a Metal Lamination Process" in: Microreaction Technology: Industrial Prospects (proceedings of IMRET3, 3rd International Conference On Microreaction Technology), W.Ehrfeld, ed., pp. 62-71.

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett, DC Stewart, JW Johnston. 1997. "Laser Micromachined Microchannel Solvent Separator." SPIE conference Proceedings, Volume 3223. PNNL-SA-29041

Martin PM, DW Matson, WD Bennett, DC Stewart, Y Lin. 1999 "Laser Micromachined and Laminated Microfluidic Components for Miniaturized Thermal, Chemical and Biological Systems": SPIE conference proceedings vol. 3680: Design, Test, and Microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS, pp. 826-833.

Matson DW, PM Martin, WD Bennett, DC Stewart, and CC Bonham. 1999 "Laminated Ceramic Components for Micro Fluidic Applications": SPIE Conference Proceeding Vol 3877: Microfluidic Devices and Systems II, pp.95-100.

Matson DW, PM Martin, DC Stewart, AY Tonkovich, M White, JL Zilka, and GL Roberts. April 1999. "Fabrication of Microchannel Chemical Reactors Using a Metal Lamination Process." 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technology, Frankfurt, Germany. (PDF, 143 Kb) PNNL-SA-30998

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