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Source Water Working Group


National Drinking Water Advisory Council
March 13 & 14, 1997
Washington, D.C.

Attendance: Warren Harper, U.S. Forest Service attended for Steve Glasser. Dr. Bruce Dixon and Mr. William Lindsey were not able to attend. Ms. Leslie Warner attended on the 14th only. Mr. Dalip Bammi attended on the March 13th only.

Summary: The 25 members of the working group met with NDWAC member, L.D. McMullen, on March 13 and 14, 1997 in Washington. At the table were spokespersons for State agencies (drinking water, wellhead, agriculture and forestry), other Federal Agencies (USDA, USGS), large and small water systems, environmental and public health advocates, "up stream" interests such as agriculture and chemical manufacturers as well as local, county and tribal officials.

The working group was called to order with the purpose of assisting the Council in providing recommendations to EPA on the development of National Source Water Assessment Protection Guidance and it's successful implementation by States. The members each presented their perspective on keys to successful implementation and there was general agreement that: flexibility should be combined with accountability; EPA should encourage and expand program coordination and integration; and that public participation is critical. In preparation for a discussion of State use of SRF set asides for assessments, Jamie Bourne, OW/EPA gave a presentation on the status of SRF Intended Use Plans. The working group identified several key incentives and disincentives to State use of the set asides for assessments. The working group then discussed eight issues that raised by EPA and formulated an additional issue regarding the States processes for completing the delineations by States. Issues discussed included: adequacy of contamination source inventories; level of detail in public reporting; adequate susceptibility analyses; boundary waters; specific public participation activities in program development; emphasis in the guidance on the petition process; description of linkages in the guidance; and limitation of DWSRF monies to public health related activities. The group identified but did not discuss several second tier issues which should be addressed by EPA. The meeting concluded with members providing recommendations to the NDWAC representative on the key points that should be conveyed to NDWAC as a whole.

Next Steps: Actions items from the meeting include EPA issuing the draft guidance and providing it to workgroup members, providing additional background materials on State Wellhead Protection Programs, updates on State intended use plans and a summary on the Food Quality Protection Act. The group also asked that appropriate members provide the AWWA/ASDWA survey to the group as whole by June. The working group agreed that the next workgroup meeting should be held on June 2 and 3, 1997.

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