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Stakeholder Meeting Summary


Summary of Second Committee Meeting
October 9-10, 1997
Washington D.C.

I.     Background

     The 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (§1412(b)(13)) directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to arrange for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct a risk assessment for radon in drinking water and an assessment of the health risk reduction benefits associated with various mitigation methods of reducing radon in indoor air. EPA issued a grant to NAS in February 1997, and the NAS selected a committee of scientific experts to address the required assessments. The Committee has scheduled a series of meetings, beginning in July 1997, and is expected to provide its report to EPA by July 1998.

II.     Summary of October, 1997 Meeting

     The second meeting of the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NAS/NRC) Committee on Risk Assessment of Exposure to Radon in Drinking Water was held in Washington, D.C. on October 9-10, 1997. The meeting was attended by the Committee Chair, NAS Study Director and all Committee members, including one member who participated by video conference. The Committee was briefed on progress of subcommittees, which are addressing issues such as risk per unit dose of radon in drinking water, transfer factor from radon in water to radon in residential indoor air, ambient radon level, uncertainty, and mitigation. Subcommittees have developed outlines for their sections of the NAS report and are reviewing literature and available data.

     Committee members heard presentations from EPA (Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and Office of Radiation and Indoor Air), including an update on the schedule for the rulemaking process, and an overview of issues raised at stakeholder meetings on radon risks, risk to smokers and sensitive or vulnerable populations, multimedia mitigation, equity impacts of implementing a multimedia mitigation program, analytical methods, treatment technologies, risk communication and tribal issues.

     The Committee also heard a lecture from Dr. Edith Robbins, Professor of Cell Biology (NYU) on histology of the stomach and G.I. tract. The key emphasis was the relative inaccessibility of stem cells along the entire digestive tract, but particularly within the stomach. The information Dr. Robbins' presented raised questions among some Committee members about whether radon could cause stomach cancer by direct exposure, or only through the circulatory system. The Committee will hear presentations from other experts on ingestion risk before making a final determination on the risks of ingesting radon in drinking water.

     The Committee requested clarification on some elements of the charge, particularly "estimates of cancer risks per unit of exposure" and asked EPA to write a letter confirming mutual understanding that the exposure refers to "per unit concentrations of radon in drinking water."

     The Committee will rely on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI study (December 1997 release expected) for cancer risk estimates for smokers, and will also identify risks to any other sensitive subpopulations.

III.     Next Steps

     Future committee meetings are planned on November 6-7 (Beckman Center, Irvine, CA), December 2-3 (Washington, DC), and January 5-6 (Beckman Center, Irvine, CA).

     Subcommittees addressing transfer factors and national ambient radon level are expected to provide more detailed progress reports at the November meeting.

IV.     For More Information

     More detailed information about the NAS Committee meetings, including the agenda for the next meeting, will be available via the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water home page at, under the "Calendar" section, or at the National Academy of Sciences homepage at Exit EPA Disclaimer (follow the link at the bottom of the page for "More Events") or go directly to Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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