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Small Systems Implementation Working Group

Executive Summary of March 1-2, 1999 Meeting

Baltimore, MD

The NDWAC Small Systems Implementation Working Group met at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor hotel in Baltimore, MD on March 1-2, 1999. The meeting focused on discussion of the revised report entitled "Small Water System Characteristics" and on assessing the SDWA regulatory requirements currently in effect for small systems.

The meeting began with two informational presentations. The first was by Victoria Binetti, Director, Office of Municipal Assistance, USEPA Region 3. Ms. Binetti provided a USEPA Regional view of the 1996 SDWA amendments and how they are impacting and will impact small systems. The second was by William Diamond, Director, Standards and Risk Management Division, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, USEPA. Mr. Diamond outlined the process used to set drinking water standards and discussed how small system issues are considered in that process.

A revised version of the draft report entitled "Small Water System Characteristics" was distributed at the meeting. Peter Shanaghan explained that due to contract ceiling problems, Cadmus had not been able to advance as far as had been hoped in incorporating the groups comments from the January 21, 1999 teleconference. The group expressed general satisfaction with the improvements made to the document as a result of comments already incorporated. The general consensus was that once all the issues identified during the January teleconference, which can be addressed within available resources, have been addressed, the document will provide an adequate factual basis on which the group can proceed to consider broader policy issues and options.

The group was also provided with a draft document entitled "Small System Regulatory Requirements Under the Safe Drinking Water Act as Amended in 1996". Peter Shanaghan presented the following chart as a means of providing an overview of the scope and impact of existing federal drinking water regulations:

Phase ½/5 CWS's; NTNCWS's; and for nitrate and nitrite only, TNCWS's if any MCL is exceeded
Radionuclides CWS's if MCL is exceeded
DBP CWS's and NTNCWS's if MCL is exceeded
SWTR Systems wishing to avoid filtration PWS's using surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water
Pb/Cu CWS's and NTNCWS's if action level is exceeded
CCR Prepare and distribute report 10/99;7/00;7/01...
PN As needed

The working group discussed the requirements of each listed rule as summarized in the draft document. The group found the case scenarios which present the cumulative requirements for systems of various types and sizes useful for discussion. The group agreed that some additional case scenarios need to be developed so that the full range of possible impacts are covered. Additionally, the group asked that Cadmus estimate the hypothetical costs of monitoring and treatment for each of the case scenarios. Cadmus will develop some additional case scenarios and will estimate the hypothetical cost of monitoring and treatment under each scenario prior to the next meeting.

The group agreed to meet again via teleconference on Tuesday May 25, 1999 from 10:00 am to noon (eastern time). There was strong sentiment for scheduling the next face-to-face meeting in Chicago, IL to coincide with the AWWA annual conference. EPA will explore the feasibility of scheduling the meeting to coincide with the AWWA conference.

Members Present Members Absent
Jerry Biberstine Yvette DiPieza
Andrea Griese E. Leon Jacobs, Jr.
Kirk Leifheit Diane Kiesling
Charles Maddox
Bruce Florquist
David Siburg
Curtis Truss, Jr.
Bob Wendeglass
Christine Hoover
Mark Bugher
Michael Walsh
Patrick Banegas
John Scheltens
Jim Dunlap
J.W. Hellums, Jr.
Blanca Surgeon
Gary Morgan
Paul Felz
Peter Shanaghan
Gary Van Stone (representing Michael Dimitriou)

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