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NDWAC Consumer Confidence Report Working Group July 8 & 9, 1997


Embassy Suites Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Working Group, formed under the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC), met in July for its final discussion of the draft rule. The Working Group expressed consensus on the basic CCR format and agreed to include minority opinions on unresolved issues in the rule which the full NDWAC will review.

The Working Group discussed findings from the Wyoming CCR town meetings and the risk communication panel discussion held in Washington, DC, heard a presentation on the results of American Water Works Association (AWWA)-sponsored focus groups, and reviewed the latest draft of the CCR regulation. Susan Seacrest and Maurice Arel, the NDWAC representatives to the Working Group, discussed options for the Working Group's recommendations to the Council. Members agreed to submit all recommendations, and to explain disagreements, within the draft rule.

Fran‡oise Brasier, EPA's rule manager, outlined major changes to the current draft of the regulation, including the potential incorporation of revised public notice information, and the input from the risk communication panel. The Working Group then reviewed two new sample reports.

The Working Group agreed to a CCR regulation that requires:

  • full disclosure of data relevant to consumers' health.
  • information on the source water.
  • identification of likely sources of detected contaminants.
  • links to sources of further information.

Several outstanding issues will be presented to the full NDWAC for its consideration. These issues include: the ultimate purpose of the reports (national data base vs. local information resource) and the flexibility of the regulations (specific mandated format and language for all information vs. core requirements in regulation and substantial guidance document).

At the conclusion of the meeting, EPA agreed to prepare a new draft of the regulation, incorporating the results of voting on various issues. NDWAC will discuss the CCR regulation in a conference call on July 25.

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