National Endowment for the Arts  
News Room

National Endowment for the Arts Announces More Than
$67 Million in Grants for the Second Round of FY 2007 Funding

Thirty arts organizations to receive grant support through American Masterpieces: Three Centuries of Artistic Genius

April 24, 2007


Paulette Beete

Washington, DC -- The National Endowment for the Arts today announced that it will award 951 grants totaling $67,348,450. The grants will benefit local, state, regional, and national arts organizations across the country in the categories of Access to Artistic Excellence, Arts on Radio and Television, Learning in the Arts, Partnerships, and American Masterpieces.

"The National Endowment for the Arts is committed to bringing the best of the American arts to all Americans. Our grants range from supporting new presentations of theatrical classics and contemporary art to providing arts workshops in schools - -across all fifty states in communities large and small. I am delighted to announce this most recent round of NEA support," said NEA Chairman Dana Gioia.

Access to Artistic Excellence grants awarded in this round will support the creation and presentation of work in the disciplines of dance, design, folk and traditional arts, literature, media arts, museums, music, musical theater, presenting, theater, and visual arts. Grants to Local Arts Agencies will support service-to-the-field projects that assist artists and arts organizations to improve managerial and strategic resources. Projects funded through Access to Artistic Excellence grants include commissions, residencies, workshops, performances, exhibitions, publications, festivals, and professional development programs. The NEA will fund 620 grants in this category out of 1,040 eligible applications, for a total federal investment of $12,510,250.

Examples of projects supported by Access to Artistic Excellence grants include:

Support to the August Wilson Center for African American Culture to present a series of new works by prominent African American artists with accompanying residency activities, workshops, and audience talkbacks.

Support to the City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs to support the performance components of A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra.

Support to the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses for a series of literary magazine and small press fairs in communities across the country.

Support to the Grabhorn Institute for a series of public programs exploring connections between traditional bookmaking crafts and the work of contemporary artists and writers.

Support to Mississippi Action for Community Education to support folk arts fieldwork in the Mississippi Delta including identifying and documenting undiscovered traditional artists and restructuring, authenticating, and professionalizing the Delta Blues Festival.

Support to the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz and the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts Foundation to present performances and educational programs for jazz students with professional musicians.

Support to the University of Texas at Austin for a New Orleans-based training project by the Center for Sustainable Development that will use salvaged materials for rebuilding and making furniture.

Arts on Radio and Television grants support projects for radio and television arts programs that are intended for national broadcast. The NEA will fund 66 grants in this category out of 156 eligible applications, for a total federal investment of $3,700,000.

Examples of projects supported by Arts on Radio and Television grants include:

Support to Bowery Arts and Science for a documentary film by Robert Levi about NEA Jazz Master Hank Jones.

Support to Minnesota Public Radio for the production of arts features for the weekly radio magazine program Weekend America.

Support to the University of Iowa for a documentary on visual artist Grant Wood's iconic painting American Gothic.

Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth grants support projects that help children and youth acquire knowledge and understanding of and skills in the arts. Projects must provide participatory learning and engage students with skilled artists, teachers, and excellent art. Funded projects also must apply national or state arts education standards. The NEA will fund 171 projects in this category out of 553 eligible applications, for a total federal investment of $5,291,000.

Examples of projects supported by Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth grants include:

Support to the AjA Project for a series of after-school photography workshops targeted to refugee youth, ages 12 to 17, living in the San Diego area.

Support to the Grand Canyon Chamber Music Festival for the Native American Composer Apprentice Project for youth.

Support to the Snow City Arts Foundation to provide creative writing, music, and visual arts workshops with professional artists for hospitalized children.

Partnership grants provide support to the 56 state, jurisdictional, and territorial arts agencies, the six regional arts organizations, and the National Association of State Arts Agencies. Also included in this round is a grant of $65,900 to Pacific Resources in Education and Learning to support the implementation of a two-year plan for services and assistance to art educators, schools, local artists, and community members. In total, 64 grants were awarded in this category for a federal investment of $42,227,200.

American Masterpieces: Three Centuries of Artistic Genius is a major NEA initiative to acquaint Americans with the best of their cultural and artistic legacy. Through American Masterpieces, the National Endowment for the Arts sponsors performances, exhibitions, tours, and educational programs across different art forms that reach large and small communities in all 50 states. American Masterpieces grants in this round will support 29 projects in the categories of museums, choral music, and musical theater and a cooperative agreement with the New England Foundation for the Arts to administer American Masterpieces: Dance for a total federal investment of $3,620,000. Grants for the Big Read, which is the literature component of American Masterpieces, will be announced on June 25.

Examples of projects supported by American Masterpieces grants include:

Support to the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC for a touring exhibition, American Impressionism: Paintings from the Phillips Collection, which highlights paintings from the golden age of American Impressionism (1885-1920).

Support to San Jose Children's Musical Theater for a production of Leonard Bernstein's Candide with accompanying educational activities, theatrical training, and performance experience for young artists.

Support to Washington State University for a two-day choral music festival including performances, workshops, the creation and presentation of a new work by a composer-in-residence, and outreach performances in rural areas of central and eastern Washington and northern Idaho.

The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts–both new and established–bringing the arts to all Americans, and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Arts Endowment is the largest national funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases. For more information, please visit

Grants listings noted in this announcement:

Access to Artistic Excellence

American Masterpieces:
Choral Music
| Dance | Musical Theater | Visual Arts Touring

Arts on Radio and Television

Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth

Partnership Agreements (State and Regional)

Grant listings for these categories are also available by state.

Some details of the projects listed in this grant announcement are subject to change, contingent upon prior Endowment approval. For additional information, contact the National Endowment for the Arts' Office of Communications at 202-682-5570.

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