The Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the United States: March 1999 (Update) (PPL-131)

These tables present data on the demographic, social, and economic characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander population in the United States from the March 1999 supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS). Topics covered include geographic distribution, age and sex distribution, family type and family size, educational attainment, labor force participation and unemployment, occupational characteristics, family income, and poverty status. Data are presented for the United States. Tables 1-16 provide data for the Asian and Pacific Islander and the non-Hispanic White populations.

A paper version of these tables is available as PPL-131 for $22.00. The previous tabulation package entitled "The Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the United States: March 1998 (Update)" is also available as PPL-113 for $28.40. To receive a paper copy of one or both of these tabulations, send your request along with a check or money order in the amount of $22.00 for PPL-131, $28.40 for PPL-113, or $50.40 for both, payable to Commerce-Census-88-00-9010, to U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, P.O. Box 277 943, Atlanta, GA, 30384-7943, or call our Statistical Information Office on 301-457-2422. Please be certain to specify which PPL you are requesting. A copy of these tabulations will be made available to any existing CPR P20 subscriber without charge, provided that the request is made within 3 months of the issue date of this report. Contact our Statistical Information Office.

NOTE: Percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent; therefore, the percentages in a distribution do not always add to exactly 100 percent. The totals, however, are always shown as 100. Moreover, individual figures are rounded to the nearest thousand without being adjusted to group totals, which are independently rounded; percentages are based on the unrounded numbers.

Source of Data
The estimates in this report come from data obtained in March 1999 from the Current Population Survey (CPS). The Census Bureau conducts the CPS every month, although this report uses only data from the March survey.

Accuracy of the Estimates
Statistics from surveys are subject to sampling and nonsampling error. All comparisons presented in this report have taken sampling errors into account and meet Census Bureau standards for statistical significance. Nonsampling errors in surveys may be attributed to a variety of sources, such as how the survey was designed, how respondents interpret questions, how able and willing respondents are to provide correct answers, and how accurately the answers are coded and classified. The Census Bureau employs quality control procedures throughout the production process - including the overall design of surveys, the wording of questions, review of the work of interviewers and coders, and statistical review of reports.

The Current Population Survey employs ratio estimation, whereby sample estimates are adjusted to independent estimates of the national population by age, race, sex, and Hispanic origin. This weighting partially corrects for bias due to undercoverage, but how it affects different variables in the survey is not precisely known. Moreover, biases may also be present when people who are missed in the survey differ from those interviewed in ways other than the categories used in weighting (age, race, sex, and Hispanic origin). All of these considerations affect comparisons across different surveys or data sources.

For further information on statistical standards and the computation and use of standard errors, contact, Carrae L. Echols of the Demographic Statistical Methods Division on the Internet at: dsmd_s&


Racial Statistics Branch
U.S. Bureau of the Census
(301) 457-2402

Table of Contents

Table 1. Population by Age, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (12k)

Table 2. Population Age 15 Years and Over by Marital Status, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Age: March 1999 (37k)

Table 3. Householders in Family Households by Family Type and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (2k)

Table 4. Householders in Family Households by Size of Family Group, Family Type, and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (5k)

Table 5. Population Age 25 Years and Over by Educational Attainment, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (9k)

Table 6. Foreign Born Population by Year of Entry and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (2k)

Tables 7a and 7b. (7k)

Table 8. Population Age 15 Years and Over by Current Occupation, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (11k)

Table 9. Population Age 15 Years Old and Over by Total Money Income in 1998, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (9k)

Table 10. Householders in Family Households by Total Money Income in 1998, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Family Type: March 1999 (13k)

Table 11. Population Age 15 Years and Over by Total Money Earnings in 1998, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (9k)

Table 12. Population by Poverty Status in 1998, Selected Age Categories, Race and Hispanic Origin, and Sex: March 1999 (10k)

Table 13. Householders in Family Households by Poverty Status in 1998, Family Type, and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (4k)

Table 14. Householders Age 15 Years and Over by Tenure, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (3k)

Table 15. Population by Region, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (4k)

Table 16. Population by Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Residence, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin: March 1999 (3k)