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Center for Transportation Excellence

Transit Factoids:

In the last five years, transit use has increased faster than any other mode of transportation.

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The Center for Transportation Excellence
1640 19th Street, NW
Suite 2
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202) 234-7562
Fax: (202) 318-1429

Welcome to the Center for Transportation Excellence, a non-partisan policy research center created to serve the needs of communities and transportation organizations nationwide. The purpose of the center and this website is to provide research materials, strategies and other forms of support on the benefits of public transportation.
Learn more about CFTE.

Campaigns and Elections:

Tag2008 Election Monitoring & Results
CFTE is monitoring communities around the country considering ballot measures in 2008. Check out our regularly updated list of possible transit campaigns.


Tag Survey Request: In order to ensure that CFTE can provide the most up-to-date and accurate election information, we are asking representatives of transit agencies and/or local advocacy groups to take a brief survey on upcoming transportation ballot measures in their communities (Choose the one that best applies):
1. CFTE Survey for transportation ballot measures scheduled in 2008 or early 2009
2. CFTE Survey for communities/regions considering a ballot measure in the future (2009 or later)


Visit CFTE's Election Resources & Issues page to find helpful information for planning and executing a successful campaign.



Feature Stories:


Lessons Learned In 2007
Voters Decide to “Keep Mecklenburg Moving
By Alan Wulkan, founder and a managing partner of InfraConsult, LLC

On November 6, 2007, 70% of the voters in Mecklenburg County defeated an attempt to repeal the county's existing ½-cent transit sales tax.  At first glance, it might appear this was an easy election to win since the tax had been in place since 1998, transit ridership was at record levels, and Charlotte was about to open the South Corridor Light Rail Line, but nothing would be further from the truth.


Public Transportation Use Substantially Reduces Greenhouse Gas

An independent scientific study supported by the American Public Transportation Association has identified transit use as a major component of the nation’s climate change strategy. The study, Public Transportation’s Contribution to U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction, shows that when compared to other household actions that limit carbon dioxide (CO2,), taking public transportation can be more than ten times greater in reducing this harmful greenhouse gas.

Press Release New Study confirms Transit as Vital Tool in Combating Global Warming

Recent News Stories:

Oakland, CA "AC Transit vows fare deal if tax passes" Oakland Tribune, September 2, 2008

Pittsburgh, PA "Pittsburgh-area drink tax ballot measures tossed" Philadelphia Daily News, September, 2, 2008

Phoenix, AZ "Court rejects ballot bid for transportation plan" The Arizona Republic, August 26, 2008

Kalamazoo County, MI "Kalamazoo County authority to seek four-year transit tax in November" Kalamazoo Gazette, August 26, 2008

Jonesboro, AR "Financial concerns raised with transit in Jonesboro" The Sun, August 25, 2008

Washoe County, NV "Sales tax question could prevent bus service cuts" Reno Gazette-Journal, August 24, 2008

Eagle Mountain, UT "Towns hoping for bus service" Deseret News, August 24, 2008


2008 News Archive

2007 News Archive

2006 News Archive

What's New?

CFTE is Launching a New Blog!
COMPETITION: Name our blog and win a free registration to TIC 2009

This September, CFTE plans to provide a new forum for analysis and discussion of the latest in transportation ballot initiative news. The only thing we need is a name! The winner of the blog naming competition will receive a free registration to the 2009 Transit Initiatives in Communities Conference!

Please submit your ideas to by September 10, 2008.


New Report: The Transit Cooperative Research Program has released a new report on the Effects of TOD on Housing, Parking, and Travel. The research looks at the actual transportation performance of 17 built TOD projects with the objective of providing original and reliable data to help seed new professional guidance for building TODs.


New Report: The USC-Caltech Center
for the Study of Law and Politics and The Initiative and Referendum Institute have released Direct Democracy and Land Use: Eminent Domain and Big Box Development at the Local Ballot Box. The findings of this report, which takes an in depth look at land use ballot measures, may be helpful in the planning of other ballot measures. For a hard copy of the report, please contact the author, Phyllis Myers, at

Responding to Critics: Public transportation critic Randal O'Toole has released the report, "Does Rail Transit Save Energy or Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?” The answer is yes, and CFTE helps transit supporters respond effectively to the report which falsely claims otherwise. Check our Responding to Critics section to find ways to handle these claims.

Find more information on Responding to Critics and Transit Myth & Fact

New Report:
A Better Way to Go: Meeting America's 21st Century Transportation Challenges with Modern Public Transit
Released earlier this month by U.S.PIRG, the report examines the changes facing America's transportation system, which it calls "increasingly out of step with the challenges of the 21st century."


New Report: Assessing Federal Employment Accessibility Policy: An Analysis of the JARC Program
The Brookings Institution released a report last month regarding national unemployment and poverty policies and how improvements in urban transportation mobility can be used to address these issues.


CFTE Report:
Transportation Finance at the Ballot Box: Voters Support Increased Investment & Choice

CFTE analyzed transportation ballot measures from 2000 - 2005. This report documents key trends in these elections and the implications for transportation finance. From 2000 - 2005, voters in 33 states approved ballot measures totaling more than $70 billion. Transportation measures have an amazing 70% approval rate with voters.
More Information on the Report
Press Release


American Public Transportation Association: Reports and Presentations from the January 22, 2008 policy forum: Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Energy Conservation: Public Transportation’s Strategic Role

January 15, 2008: Transportation for Tomorrow: Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission

Gas Prices & Transit Use
Evidence mounts that rising gas prices are translating into rising, and sustained, public transportation ridership.
Washington Post: Stung at the pumps, More hop on bus
New York Times: Gas Prices Send Surge of Riders to Mass Transit
USA TODAY: Ridership is up, but fuel costs strain transit agencies
USA Today: Interest in mass transit, carpools, scooters jumps
2005 Ridership Report


Solving "Oil Addiction"
Public transportation can dramatically reduce the nation's dependency on foreign oil by cutting energy consumption. New research outlines the energy and environmental value of transit.

Read this report and others in 'Trends in Transit'







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Responses to Recent Reports

Bus Rapid Transit

What The Critics Are Saying

Election Information

CFTE Survey