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September 17, 2008
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Washington Reports & Alerts

August 12, 2008 -- Congress Adjourns For August Recess -- Consideration Of Energy, Stimulus, Appropriations, Amtrak, And Highway Trust Fund Fix Bills Postponed Until September -- Senate Passes Rail Safety Enhancement Act

July 3, 2008 -- House Passes "Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act" To Authorize New Funds For Transit -- Congress Begins Action On Appropriations Bills

June 16 , 2008 -- U.S. Senate Debates Climate Change Legislation -- U.S. House Of Representatives Passes Amtrak Authorization Bill, Advances Transit Security Funding Legislation -- Comments Due This Week On Federal Transit Administration's Proposed Revision To School Bus Transportation Policy Guidance -- U.S. Senate Renews Efforts To Fix Highway Trust Fund

May 5, 2008 -- Congress Sends SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections To The President -- Senate Postpones Vote On Highway Trust Fund Fix -- APTA Responds To Proposals For Gas Tax Holiday -- APTA Releases Policy Paper On Climate Change Legislation -- Amtrak Bill Unveiled In The House Of Representatives

May 5, 2008 -- Urgent action needed to support effort to fix the Highway Trust Fund without adverse impact to Public Transportation!

February 15 , 2008 -- Bush Administration Releases FY 2009 Budget - $10.135 Billion Proposed for Transit -- Economic Stimulus Package Approved Without Funds for Transit

February 1 , 2008 -- Economic Stimulus Legislation

December 27 , 2007 -- Congress Adjourns After Enacting $555 billion Omnibus Spending Bill - $9.492 Billion Approved for Public Transportation

December 18 , 2007 -- Congress and President Reach Tentative Agreement on FY 2008 Spending Levels – Congress to Consider Omnibus Appropriations Act This Week -- $9.4 Billion Proposed for Transit - $400 Million for Transit Security

November 20 , 2007 -- House Passes FY 2008 Transportation Appropriations Conference Report —$9.68 Billion for Transit— Bill Remains On Hold in Senate Chamber

September 17 , 2007 -- U.S. Senate Passes FY 2008 Transportation Appropriations Bill - $9.593 Billion for Transit, a 6.9 Percent Increase

August 9, 2007 -- Congress Adjourns for August Recess after Passing Important Transit-Related Legislation - House Approves Full Funding for Transit in FY 2008 - $9.731 Billion - President Signs Transit Security Authorization Bill – $3.4 Billion over 4 Years

July 18, 2007 -- House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee Approves Full Funding for FY 2008 Transit Program -- Senate Appropriations Committee Sets Transit Funding $134 Million Short of Authorized Level

June 18, 2007 -- House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee Approves Full Funding for FY 2008 Transit Program

June 4, 2007 -- FY 2008 Budget Resolution Passed, Appropriations Cycle Begins -- Transit Security Funding Advances: $100 million added to FY 2007, $400 million proposed for FY 2008

March 26, 2007 --FTA Issues Apportionments for FY 2007 Continuing Appropriations Resolution: $8.975 Billion for Federal Transit Programs

February 8, 2007 -- Senate Considers FY 2007 Joint Resolution --- Bush Administration Releases FY 2008 Budget Proposal: $9.422 Billion for Transit - $309 Million Short

February 1, 2007 -- House Joint Resolution Sets Funding at SAFETEA-LU Level: $8.975 Billion - A New Record for Transit!

January 18, 2007 -- House and Senate Appropriators Plan Joint Resolution FY 2007 Transit Funding Level Threatened!

December 15, 2006 -- Continuing Resolution Funds FTA Programs through February 15 House and Senate Appropriators Plan Joint Resolution

December 11, 2006 -- Continuing Resolution Funds FTA Programs through February 15

November 9, 2006 -- Election Update – Democrats Achieve Majorities in Both Houses

October 5, 2006 -- Continuing Resolution Funds FTA Programs

August 3, 2006 -- Senate Appropriations Committee Sets FY 2007 Transit Funding at $8.875 Billion

June 30, 2006 -- House Approves Record Transit Funding for FY 2007 -- $8.979 Billion

June 2, 2006 -- House Appropriations Subcommittee Fully Funds Transit Program for FY 2007 at Record Level - House Adds $50 Million to Transit Security Funding in Homeland Security Bill

February 8, 2006 -- Administration Releases FY 2007 Budget Proposal

January 5, 2006 -- Final FY 2006 Transit Funding Set at $8.5 Billion: A New High for Transit

November 22, 2005 -- FY 2006 Transportation Appropriations Bill Sent to President - 12.3 Percent Increase for Transit!

October 7, 2005 -- Continuing Resolution Funds FTA Administration

September 22, 2005 -- SAFETEA-LU Implementation

August 3, 2005 -- Tea 21 Reauthorization Bill Passed And Sent To President! Congress Also Passes 12th Short-term Extension of TEA 21

July 20, 2005 -- Congress Passes 9th Short-term Extension of TEA 21; Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Approves Increased FY 2006 Transit Funding

July 1, 2005 -- Conferees Agree On TEA 21 Reauthorization Framework

June 24, 2005 -- House Appropriations Committee Approves Increased FY 2006 Transit Funding

June 16, 2005 -- House Appropriations Subcommittee Increases FY 2006 Transit Funding!

May 27, 2005 -- TEA 21 Extended Again - Through June 30, 2005; Conferees Appointed

May 26, 2005 -- Side by Side Comparison of Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bills and APTA Reauthorization Proposal

May 18, 2005 -- Senate Passes TEA 21 Reauthorization Bill!

May 11, 2005 -- Senate Increases TEA 21 Reauthorization Funding

April 28 , 2005 -- Senate Takes Up Reauthorization Bill!

April 22 , 2005 -- Senate Reauthorization Bill To Move To Senate Floor

April 8 , 2005 -- Act Now: Get TEA 21 Reauthorization to the Senate Floor!

March 17, 2005 -- Senate Committees Approve TEA 21 Reauthorization Legislation

March 11, 2005 -- House Passes TEA LU Bill!

March 3, 2005 -- House Committees Approve TEA LU Bill

February 17, 2005 -- House T&I Leaders Introduce TEA LU Bill

February 8, 2005 -- Administration Releases FY 2006 Budget

January 31, 2005 -- 109th Congress - Timetable, TEA 21 Reauthorization, and Committee Update


November 22, 2004 -- Lame Duck Session Ends - Transit Funding Up 5.2 Percent!

October 27, 2004 -- The End - Almost! - of the 108th Congress

October 1, 2004 -- Congress Passes Continuing Resolution & Eight-Month TEA 21 Extension

September 24, 2004 -- Reauthorization and Appropriations Update

September 17, 2004 -- Senate Appropriations Committee Approves FY 2005 Transit Funding

September 10, 2004 -- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee FY 2005 Transit Funding -- $7.758 Billion!

August 4, 2004 -- TEA 21 Reauthorization Review

July 23, 2004 -- House Offers Reauthorization Proposal, Puts Conference On Hold Until September

July 16, 2004 -- House Appropriations Subcommittee Marks Up Fy '05 Transit Bill

June 25, 2004 -- Legislative Alert -- Senate Conferees Offer $318 Billion Funding Level

June 18, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- Transportation Appropriations Allocations Cut

June 4, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- House Names Reauthorization Confrees

May 21, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- Senate Names Reauthorization Conferees!

May 12, 2004 -- Update on TEA 21 reauthorization and other issues

April 2, 2004 -- House Passes Reauthorization Bill!

March 29, 2004 -- House Committee Approves Amended TEA LU Bill

February 27, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- TEA 21 Short-Term Extension Bill Passes!

February 13, 2004 -- Legislative Alert -- Senate Approves Reauthorization Bill!

February 4, 2004 -- Legislative Alert -- Senate Banking Committee Marks Up Transit Bill

February 3, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- Senate Finance Commitee Increases Transit Funding

January 30, 2004 -- Legislative Alert -- Oppose Senate Finance Committee Proposal!

January 23, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- Congress Passes Omnibus Appropriations Bill

January 20, 2004 -- Legislative Update -- Co-Sponsors Needed For TEA LU!

January 8, 2004 -- Washington Alert -- Action Call On Transit Leasing


December 4, 2003 -- Washington Report -- FY 2004 Appropriations Update

November 19, 2003 -- Legislative Alert -- House Committee Introduces Six-Year, $375 Billion Transit/Highways Bill; Transit to be Funded at $69.2 Billion!

October 31, 2003 -- Legislative Update -- Senate Passes '04 Transportation Appropriations Bill

September 26, 2003 -- Short Term reauthorization action and update on FY 2004 appropriations

September 5, 2003 -- Senate Bill Sets Public Transportation Funding at $7.3 Billion

August 5, 2003 -- Washington Report – FY 2004 Transportation House Appropriations Bill Advances

July 25, 2003 -- Legislative Update – House Appropriations Committee Approves DOT Funding Bill – Transit at $7.2 Billion

July 16, 2003 -- Legislative Alert – House Appropriations Subcommittee Passes DOT Appropriations Bill

June 30, 2003 -- Washington Report – update on transit issues as Congress reaches the July 4th recess

June 5, 2003 -- Update on the SAFETEA proposal and other legislative issues to date in the 108th Congress

June 4, 2003 -- Legislative Update -- Summary of Transit Provisions of the Administration's Proposed "Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2003" (SAFETEA)

June 4, 2003 -- Legislative Update -- Aid to States under the Jobs and Growth Tax Reconciliation Act

May 23, 2003 -- Legislative Alert

May 20, 2003 -- Legislative Update

April 16, 2003 -- Legislative Update -- New Legislation Provides Funding for Security Activities

April 14, 2003 -- Legislative Update

April 3, 2003 -- Legislative Update

March 24, 2003 -- Legislative Update

March 18, 2003 -- Legislative Alert

March 5, 2003 -- Legislative Alert

February 14, 2003 -- Legislative Update

February 5, 2003 -- Legislative Update

January 24, 2003 -- Legislative Update

January 9, 2003 -- Legislative Update


December 6, 2002 -- Legislative Update

October 24, 2002 -- Washington Report

October 2, 2002 -- Legislative Alert

August 1, 2002 -- Washington Report

June 28, 2002 -- Washington Report

May 23, 2002 -- Washington Report

March 10, 2002 -- Washington Report

February 4, 2002 -- Legislative Update

January 10, 2002 -- Washington Report

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