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September 17, 2008
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Letters are listed by recipient. Items with an asterisk are located under the Transit Action Center link and can be used to send to your Senators and Representatives.

July 11, 2008 -- Chairman David Price, House Subcommittee on Homeland Security Appropriations regarding the FY 2009 DHS Appropriations Bill

July 10, 2008 -- House and Senate members regarding Amtrak reauthorization legislative conference

May 13, 2008 -- Chairman Oberstar in support of the “Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Use Act of 2008”

May 1, 2008 -- Senate Leadership on proposals for suspending the federal motor fuels tax for the summer months

April 30 , 2008 -- Joint APTA, AAPD, NCIL and DREDF letter to Senator Tom Harkin, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services regarding a moratorium on proposed Medicaid rules

April 15, 2008 -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit

April 15, 2008 -- Secretary Peters on reallocating unused funds from the Urban Partnership Congestion Initiative to traditional bus projects

April 15, 2008 -- Senate members regarding climate change and the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S. 2191)

April 9, 2008 -- Chairman David Obey, House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, on Medicaid Regulations on the Appropriations Supplemental Bill

February 22, 2008 -- House and Senate members regarding the President’s FY 2009 budget proposal for transit

February 13, 2008 -- OMB Director Nussle regarding the FY 2009 Department of Homeland Security Budget

February 8, 2008 -- Chairman Bennie Thompson, House Homeland Security Committee, regarding transit security funding needs for FY 2009 and the FY 2008 Transit Security Grant Program guidance

January 14, 2008 -- Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on Rail Safety

From 2007

December 5, 2007 -- OMB Director James Nussle on the Administration’s Reported Plan to Eliminate the Transit Security Grant Program in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Budget

December 4, 2007 -- Chairman Barbara Boxer, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, on transit investment, climate change and the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007 (S. 2191)

November 9, 2007 -- Secretary Chertoff on the Administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 budget proposal for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

October 18, 2007 -- Secretary Peters on the Administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 budget proposal for the Department of Transportation (DOT)

October 2, 2007 -- House and Senate Transportation Appropriations Subcommittees on the conference for the FY 2008 Transportation Appropriations bill

August 31, 2007 -- House and Senate Members on §5309 Bus and Bus Facilities Program funding and the Urban Partnership Congestion Initiative

August 31, 2007 -- Secretary Peters on §5309 Bus and Bus Facilities Program funding and the Urban Partnership Congestion Initiative

July 11, 2007 -- Senate Appropriations Committee on Full Funding for Transit in FY 2008

June 29, 2007 -- Senate and House Committees on the Transit Security Grants Distribution Process

June 13, 2007 -- House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Commuter Rail Access

June 11, 2007 -- Senate Committee on Appropriations on Transit Security Funding for the consideration of the FY 2008 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill

June 5, 2007 -- House Appropriations Committee on Transit Security Funding for the consideration of the FY 2008 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill

May 21, 2007 -- House and Senate Appropriation Committees on Transit Security Funding for the Second FY 2007 Supplemental Appropriations Bill

May 3, 2007 -- House and Senate Members on Energy and Climate Change Legislation

May 3, 2007 -- House and Senate Members on Pre-emption in the Case of Federal Rail Safety Law

May 3, 2007 -- House and Senate Members on Transit Security Authorization Legislation for Conference

April 30, 2007 -- House and Senate Appropriations Committee on Transit Security Funding for Subsequent FY 2007 Supplemental Appropriations Bill

April 19, 2007 -- Senate and House Appropriations Committees on Transit Security Funding in the FY 2007 Supplemental Appropriations Bill.

March 30, 2007 -- Free Webinars: Learn More About Google Transit

March 21, 2007 -- All Member of Congress regarding Transit Security funding in the FY 2007 Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations

January 18, 2007 -- All Members of Congress regarding Full Funding for Transit in the FY 2007 Joint Resolution

From 2006

December 11, 2006 -- Docket Management Facility U.S. Department of Transportation on Federal Transit Administration Docket Number 2006-25471

November 14, 2006 -- House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittees for FY 2007 funding.

November 14, 2006 -- Senate Transportation Appropriations Subcommittees for FY 2007 funding.

November 2, 2006 --FTA Administrator Simpson on the Administration's Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 budget proposal for the Department of Transportation (DOT).

November 2, 2006 -- Secretary Peters on the Administration's Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 budget proposal for the Department of Transportation (DOT).

November 1, 2006 -- House Supporters of Transit Security Funding in the SAFE Port Act.

November 1, 2006 -- Senate Supporters of Transit Security Funding in the SAFE Port Act.

October 25, 2006-- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff regarding the Administration’s FY 2008 Budget for Transit Security Funding

September 20, 2006 -- Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens and Ranking Member Daniel Inouye on the nomination of Mary Peters to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

August 24, 2006 -- National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission on Proposed Field Hearings

August 11, 2006 -- APTA Writes to Treasury on Unfair Excise Tax

August 2, 2006 -- Letters to the Senate and House Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Committee on Appropriations Chairman Gregg on the conference on the Fiscal Year 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill, H.R. 5441

August 2, 2006 -- Letters to the Senate and House Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Committee on Appropriations Chairman Rogers on the conference on the Fiscal Year 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill, H.R. 5441

July 11, 2006 -- The Senate on Increases in Funding for Public Transportation Security Needs

June 21, 2006 -- Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee on FY 2007 Public Transportation Security Funding

June 21, 2006 -- Senate Transportation and Housing Committee on the Safety Performance of Push-Pull Commuter Trains

June 20, 2006 -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley on SILOs/LILOs Transaction

June 20, 2006 -- House Ways and Means Committee Chairman William Thomas on SILOs/LILOs Transaction

May 24, 2006 -- House on Holt/Castle Amendment Regarding Transit Security Funding

May 18, 2006 -- House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee on FY 2007 Transportation Appropriations and Transit Funding in the Supplemental Appropriations Bill for Hurricane Katrina Recovery

April 27, 2006 -- Senate Appropriations Leadership on Transit Funding in the Supplemental Appropriations Bill for Hurricane Katrina Recovery

March 15, 2006 -- Senate on Lieberman Budget Amendment regarding Transit Security

March 9, 2006 -- House and Senate Appropriations Committees on Transit Funding in Supplemental Appropriations for Hurricane Recovery

March 9, 2006 -- APTA Resolution on Katrina Relief and Recovery Funding of Public Transportation

February 22, 2006 -- FTA Chief Counsel on Grant Conditions and Commuter Railroad Fees in the Northeast Corridor

February 21, 2006 -- House and Senate Budget Committees on Transit Funding in the FY 2007 Budget Resolution

January 31, 2006 -- Secretary Mineta on Proposed Commuter Railroad Fees in the Northeast Corridor and Amtrak Reform; Attachment - APTA Principles on Amtrak Reform/Amtrak Restructuring

From 2005

November 10, 2005 -- President of the United States on Hurricane Assistance

November 9, 2005 -- Congress on SAFETEA-LU Financing Commissions

November 8, 2005 -- FY 2006 Transportation Appropriations Bill Letter to Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Transportation

October 24, 2005 -- Hurricane Katrina Letter to Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Transportation

October 19, 2005 -- President George W. Bush on the Use of Public Transit in Times of High Gas Prices

October 12, 2005 -- Letters to Senate Appropriations Leadership on Amtrak Language in Pending Senate Transportation Appropriations Bill

To the Honorable Christopher Bond

To the Honorable Patty Murray

September 22, 2005 -- Senate Transportation Appropriations – Fund Transit Programs at Level Authorized by SAFETEA-LU

September 13, 2005 -- Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman on Stable Fuel Supply for Transit Providers

July 22, 2005 -- Senate and House Conference Committee--FY 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, H.R. 2360 -- To Senate

July 22, 2005 -- Senate and House Conference Committee--FY 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, H.R. 2360 -- To House

July 12, 2005 -- Shelby Amendment on Transit Security

July 7, 2005 -- Senate Homeland Security Appropriations – More Funding, Not Cuts, Needed

June 27, 2005 -- Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Chairman Susan Collins on Transit and Rail Security Funding Issues

June 20, 2005 -- Senate Letter to Subcommittee on Homeland Security Appropriations Regarding Cuts in Transit Security Funding

June 6, 2005 -- Letter on H.R. 3 Conference

May 16, 2005 -- Senate Letter on Senator Jeff Sessions’ amendment (#646) to H.R. 3

April 14, 2005 -- All Senators on Reauthorization bill

March 15 , 2005 -- Letter sending Resource Guide to New Members of Congress

February 17, 2005 -- Congratulations To Elected Representatives

January 28, 2005 -- House and Senate Budget Committees on Transit Funding in the FY 2006 Budget Resolution

From 2004

December 6, 2004 -- Chairman Hoekstra, Chairman, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, regarding S.2845, "The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act."

October 29, 2004 -- DHS Secretary Ridge on P.L.108-334, the FY 2005 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill

October 1, 2004 -- Senate and House Conference Committee - APTA Supports Grandfathering of Pending Leasing Transactions -- To Senate

October 1, 2004 -- Senate and House Conference Committee - APTA Supports Grandfathering of Pending Leasing Transactions -- To House

September 28, 2004 -- Senate and House Conference Committee on the FY2005 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill -- To Senate

September 28, 2004 -- Senate and House Conference Committee on the FY2005 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill -- To House

August 11, 2004 -- Secretary Ridge on 9/11 Commission Report

August 2, 2004 -- President Bush on 9/11 Commission Report

July 14, 2004 -- APTA Business Members Support Reauthorization: Letter to President and House and Senate Conferees

July 6, 2004 -- FY2005 Transportation Appropriations Letter -- Senate

July 2, 2004 -- FY2005 Transportation Appropriations Letter -- House

June 8, 2004 -- TSA's Passenger Rail Security Directives -- Senate

June 8, 2004 -- Letter to Conferees on Reauthorization -- House and Senate

June 2, 2004 -- TSA's Passenger Rail Security Directives--House.

May 24, 2004 -- FY2005 Transportation Appropriations Letter -- House

May 24, 2004 -- FY2005 Transportation Appropriations Letter -- Senate

March 9, 2004 -- House Ways and Means Chairman Thomas on Transit Leasing

February 24, 2004 -- Budget Committee Letter on TEA 21 Reauthorization

February 4, 2004 -- Support for Senate Banking Bill

January 30, 2004 -- All Senators regarding Senate Finance Proposal

January 12, 2004 -- Treasury General Counsel on Transit Leasing

From 2003

December 22, 2003 -- Secretary Mineta on Transit Leasing

November 24, 2003 -- Secretary Mineta on Transit Leasing

November 17, 2003 -- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Ridge regarding the allocation in discretionary funding in the FY 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for transit security

November 10, 2003 -- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Ridge regarding the allocation in discretionary funding in the FY 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for transit security

November 10, 2003 -- Department of Homeland Security Admiral Loy regarding the allocation in discretionary funding in the FY 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations bill for transit security

November 10, 2003 -- Senate Highway Authorization Bill

October 20, 2003 -- FY2004 Transportation Appropriations

October 14, 2003 -- Letter to the House Committee on Ways and Means regarding leasing transactions in the JOBS Act, S1637

September 9, 2003 -- Conference Committee on the FY 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

July 15, 2003 -- APTA Letter on FY 2004 House Appropriations

May 23, 2003 -- Joint Letter on Baucus Grassley

May 20, 2003 -- Senate Conferees regarding Anti Leasing Provisons in the Senate-passed Version of the Economic Growth Tax Legislation

March 21, 2003 -- U.S. Senate regarding Budget Amendment on Transportation.

March 18, 2003 -- U.S. Senate regarding Budget Amendment.

March 5, 2003 -- Chairman Don Nickles (Senate Budget Committee) and Chairman Jim Nussle (House Budget Committee) regarding FY 2004 Congressional Budget Resolution.

February 12, 2003 -- Chairman Richard C. Shelby regarding federal investment in public transportation through Mass Transit Account of Highway Trust Fund

February 4, 2003--Letter supporting commuter rail interests in the FY 2003 appropriations bill

January 29, 2003 -- Chairman Young letter regarding Revenue Principles for TEA 21 Reauthorization (attached)

January 22, 2003--Chairman Jim Nussle regarding FY 2004 Congressional Budget Resolution

January 10, 2003--Chairman Richard C. Shelby regarding FY 2003 Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill

From 2002

November 26, 2002--President George W. Bush regarding Administration funding for federal investment in nation's surface transportation infrastructure.

July 25, 2002--Senator Max Baucus regarding legislation to reauthorize the federal transit program.

July 22, 2002--Representative Don Young regarding urbanized areas (UZAs) whose status has changed as a result of the 2000 Census.

June 24, 2002--Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta regarding effect on commuter rail agencies of potential AMTRAK shutdown.

May 15, 2002--House Appropriations Committee Members on APTA's position on the Fiscal Year 2003 Transportation Appropriations Bill.

May 15, 2002--Senate Appropriations Committee Members on APTA's position on the Fiscal Year 2003 Transportation Appropriations Bill.

April 22, 2002--"Dear Colleague" letter by Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) and Martin Olav Sabo (DFL-MN) sent to House Members to spread the word about the growth in transit ridership.

February 20, 2002--Senate Members urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 3694 and S. 1917, the Highway Funding Restoration Act

February 20, 2002--House Members urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 3694 and S. 1917, the Highway Funding Restoration Act

February 12, 2002--Senate and House Budget Committee Members conveying APTA's views on the Fiscal Year 2003 Budget Resolution

From 2001

November 30, 2001--Senator Tom Daschle urging inclusion of public transportation investment in economic recovery package

September 27, 2001--Letters to Senator Tom Daschle on developing an economic stimulus package

September 27, 2001--Letters to Congressman J. Dennis Hastert on developing an economic stimulus package

September 1, 2000--APTA's Comments on Planning Guidelines for Coordinated State and Local Specialized Transportation Services

July 2, 2001--All Senators on efforts to reduce the federal funding share for new start transit projects

June 19, 2001--All members of Congress on the third anniversary of TEA 21.  Joint letter with several other organizations

May 17, 2001--Senator Trent Lott on implementation of a national energy policy

March 2, 2001--Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committee Members on support for Senate Bill 217, Commuter Benefits Equity Act

February 1, 2001--Joint letter on supporting guaranteed funding for the Surface Transportation Program

January 29, 2001--Budget letter to Senator Pete V. Domenici (similar letters have been sent to the House & Senate Budget Committees)

June 6, 2000--Various members of Congress asking them to co-sponsor House Resolution 3546 that would raise the Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit monthly cap for transit and vanpools from $65 to $175. (joint letter signed by other organizations)

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