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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Subject Index

Subject Index

Agency Information
Children's Health
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Preventive Services
Consumer Information and Education
Data Development and Use
Dental Health
Effectiveness Health Care
Elderly/Long-Term Care
Evidence-Based Medicine
Health Care Costs and Utilization
Health Care Markets/Managed Care
Health Information Technology
Health Insurance/Access to Care
Health Services Research
Minority Health
Outcomes and Effectiveness Research
Patient Saftey/Medical Errors
Pay for Performance
Primary Care
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Quality of Care
Statistical and Methodological Research
Treating Tobacco Use
Women's Health

Health Care Markets/Managed Care

Cost Shifting Under Managed Behavioral Health Care
Do Different Measures of Hospital Competition Matter in Empirical Investigations of Hospital Behavior?
Have State Caps on Malpractice Awards Increased the Supply of Physicians?
Health Plan Liability and ERISA: The Expanding Scope of State Legislation
Impact of State Laws Limiting Malpractice Damage Awards on Health Care Expenditures, The
Impacts of Mental Health Parity and Managed Care in One Large Employer Group: A Reexamination, The
Medicaid Markets and Pediatric Patient Safety in Hospitals
Preventable Hospitalization and Medicaid Managed Care: Does Race Matter
Responses of Israeli HMOs to Environmental Change Following the National Health Insurance Law: Opening the Black Box
Sustaining and Improving Hospital Performance: The Effects of Organizational and Market Forces

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Health Information Technology

Adoption Gap: Health Information Technology in Small Physician Practices, The
Bioterrorism Preparedness, Information Technology
Getting to "Smart" Health Care
Health Information Technology, Costs and Benefits
Health Information Technology to Advance Excellence in Health Care
Moving Closer to a Rapid-Learning Health Care System
Role of Information Technology and Surveillance Systems in Bioterrorism Readiness
Unintended Consequences of Information Technologies in Health Care—An Interactive Sociotechnical Analysis

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Health Insurance/Access to Care

Access to Care and Utilization Among Children—Estimating the Effects of Public and Private Coverage
Access to Health Care: Does Neighborhood Residential Instability Matter?
Access to Health Care for Nonmetro and Metro Latinos of Mexican Origin in the United States
Children's Eligibility and Coverage: A Look Ahead
Consumer-Oriented Strategies for Improving Health Benefit Design: An Overview
Coverage for Mental Health Treatment: Do the Gaps Still Persist?
Demand for Dependent Health Insurance: How Important is the Cost of Family Coverage? The
Demographic and Clinical Variations in Health Status
Do HMOs Reduce Preventable Hospitalizations for Medicare Beneficiaries?
Does Capitation Matter? Impacts on Access, Use, and Quality
Does SCHIP Benefit All Low-Income Children?
Employer Coverage of Clinical Preventive Services in the United States (From Evidence-Based Practice to Practice-Based Evidence)
Gender Differences in Drug Use and Expenditures in a Privately Insured Population of Older Adults
Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Annual Report on Patterns of Coverage, Utilization, Quality, and Expenditures by a County Level of Urban Influence
Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Annual Report on Patterns of Coverage, Utilization, Quality, and Expenditures by Income
Health Insurance Coverage During a 24-Month Period: A Comparison of Estimates from Two National Health Surveys
Health Insurance: What Employers Are Reporting
Health, Preventive Health Care, and Health Care Access Among Women with Disabilities in the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey, Supplement on Disability
How Much Can Really Be Saved by Rolling Back SCHIP? The Net Cost of Public Health Insurance for Children
Impact of SCHIP on Insurance Coverage of Children, The
Impact of Survey Attrition on Health Insurance Coverage Estimates in a National Longitudinal Health Care Survey, The
Influence of Rural Location on Utilization of Formal Home Care: The Role of Medicaid, The
Informed Participation in TennCare by People with Disabilities
Management Tools for Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Medicaid Coverage and Utilization of Adult Dental Services
Medicare Payment for Selected Adverse Events: Building the Business Case for Investing in Patient Safety
Monitoring and Evaluating Medicaid Fee-for-Service Care Management Programs: A User's Guide
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Access to Health Care
Parity for Whom? Exemptions and the Extent of State Mental Health Parity Legislation
Pathways to Coverage: The Changing Roles of Public and Private Sources
Primary Care Physicians' Perceptions of the Effect of Insurance Status on Clinical Decision Making
Prior Health Care Experiences of Adolescents Who Enroll in SCHIP
Questions and Answers About Health Insurance: A Consumer Guide
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health Insurance Coverage and Usual Source of Health Care, 2002
Responses of Israeli HMOs to Environmental Change Following the National Health Insurance Law: Opening the Black Box
Riding the Rollercoaster: The Ups and Downs in Out-of-Pocket Spending Under the Standard Medicare Drug Benefit
Rural Areas and Children's Health Care Coverage, Use, Expenditures, and Quality: Policy Implications
Rural-Urban Differences in Employment-Related Health Insurance
SCHIP Enrollees with Special Health Care Needs and Access to Care
Serving the Uninsured: Safety-Net Hospitals, 2003
State Differences in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance, 2003
Statistics on Health Insurance: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Tax Subsidies for Employment-Related Health Insurance: Estimates for 2006
Trends in Medical Care Costs, Coverage, Use and Access: Research Findings From the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Who Can't Pay for Health Care
Who Enrolls in Oregon's Premium Assistance Program and How Do They Fare?
Workers Who Decline Employment-Related Health Insurance

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Health Services Research

Assessing and Understanding Measurement Equivalence in Health Outcome Measures: Issues for Further Quantitative and Qualitative Inquiry
Completeness of Cause of Injury Coding in Healthcare Administrative Databases in the United States, 2001
Cost-Effective Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve Comparisons of Patient Safety
Creating and Synthesizing Evidence with Decision Makers in Mind: Integrating Evidence from Clinical Trials and Other Study Designs
Developing a Research Agenda for Assisted Living
Development of a CAHPS® Instrument for Nursing Home Residents (NHCAHPS), The
Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve Risk Adjustment of Hospital Mortality
Global Self-Rated Mental Health: Associations with Other Mental Health Measures and with Role Functioning
Health Limitations and Quality of Life Associated with Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases by Phase of Care
Identifying, Categorizing, and Evaluating Health Care Efficiency Measures
Improving Depiction of Benefits and Harms: Analyses of Studies of Well-Known Therapeutics and Review of High-Impact Medical Journals
Increasing the Relevance of Research to Health Care Managers: Hospital CEO Imperatives for Improving Quality and Lowering Costs
Interdisciplinary Research: The Role of Nursing Education
Intersections for Mutual Success in Nursing and Health Services Research
National Survey of Primary Care Practice-Based Research Networks, A
On Modelling Response Propensity for Dwelling Unit (DU) Level Non-Response Adjustment in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
Opportunity for Health Services Research: The AHRQ Furthers Nursing Practice, An
Organizational Climate: Implications for the Home Healthcare Workforce
Performance of Performance Measurement, The
Population-Based Trends in Volumes and Rates of Ambulatory Lumbar Spine Surgery
Resource Guide to AHRQ Child and Youth Health and Health Care Services Data
Some Tips on Getting Funding for Health Services Research
So What? The Challenge of Doing "Need to Know" versus "Would Like to Know" Research
Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Hospital Inefficiency: A Review of Empirical Issues and an Assessment of Robustness
Study Designs for Effectiveness and Translation Research: Identifying Trade-offs
Translating Research into Nursing Practice: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Translation Research: Where Do We Go From Here?
Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Hospital Discharge Data
Validity of ICD-9-CM Codes in Identifying Postoperative Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism, The

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Accidental Iatrogenic Pneumothorax in Hospitalized Patients
Ambulatory Surgery in U.S. Hospitals, 2003
CAHPS Hospital Survey: Development, Testing, and Use, The
Cardiac Ischemia, Acute Emergency Department Technologies
Care of Adults with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2004
Cost of Hospitalization for Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants in the United States
Current Status of Surge Research
Decontamination of Children: Preparedness and Response for Hospital Emergency Departments
Disparities Between Two Common Data Sources on Hospital Nurse Staffing
Do Different Measures of Hospital Competition Matter in Empirical Investigations of Hospital Behavior?
Do HMOs Reduce Preventable Hospitalizations for Medicare Beneficiaries?
Effects of Nursing Home Ownership Type and Resident Payer Source on Hospitalization for Suspected Pneumonia
Emergency Departments in Crisis: Implications for Accessibility, Quality, and Safety
Emergency Departments in Crisis: Opportunities for Research
Emergency Preparedness Atlas: U.S. Nursing Home and Hospital Facilities
Emergency Severity Index, Version 4: Everything You Need to Know
Emergency Severity Index, Version 4: Implementation Handbook
Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve Risk Adjustment of Hospital Mortality
Evaluation of Hospital Disaster Drills: A Module-Based Approach
Factors Associated with High-Quality/Low-Cost Hospital Performance
Hospital and Ambulatory Surgery Care for Women's Cancers
Hospital Finances and Patient Safety Outcomes
Hospital Inpatient Costs for Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture
Hospitalization and Death Associated with Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescriptions Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Hospitalization in the United States, 2002
Improving Patient Safety in Hospitals: Contributions of High-Reliability Theory and Normal Accident Theory
Increasing the Relevance of Research to Health Care Managers: Hospital CEO Imperatives for Improving Quality and Lowering Costs
Inpatient Quality Indicators
Mass Casualty Incident, Training Hospital Staff to Respond
Medicaid Markets and Pediatric Patient Safety in Hospitals
Motorcycle-Related Hospitalizations in the United States
Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) Brochure
Optimizing Surge Capacity: Hospital Assessment and Planning
Patient Safety in the Intensive Care Unit: Challenges and Opportunities
Potential Benefits and Problems with Computerized Prescriber Order Entry: Analysis of a Voluntary Medication Error-Reporting Database
Preventable Hospitalization and Medicaid Managed Care: Does Race Matter?
Procedures in U.S. Hospitals, 2003
Reducing Hospitalizations from Long-Term Care Settings
Relationship Between Performance Measurement and Accreditation: Implications for Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Relevance of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicators for Children's Hospitals
Renewed Growth in Hospital Inpatient Cost Since 1998: Variation Across Metropolitan Areas and Leading Clinical Conditions
Reopening Shuttered Hospitals to Expand Surge Capacity
Serving the Uninsured: Safety-Net Hospitals, 2003
Severity of Illness, Race, and Choice of Local Versus Distant Hospitals Among the Elderly
Sleepless in the Hospital: Evidence Mounts that Tired Caregivers May Compromise Quality
Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Hospital Inefficiency: A Review of Empirical Issues and an Assessment of Robustness
Sustaining and Improving Hospital Performance: The Effects of Organizational and Market Forces
Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Hospital Discharge Data

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Insurance. See Health Insurance/Access to Care
Long-Term Care. See Elderly/Long-Term Care
Managed Care. See Health Care Markets/Managed Care
Markets. See Health Care Markets/Managed Care
Measuring Health Care Quality. See Quality of Care
Medical Effectiveness Research. See Outcomes and Effectiveness Research
Medical Errors. See Patient Safety/Medical Errors

Mental Health/Substance Abuse

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Treatment
Care of Adults with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2004
Coverage for Mental Health Treatment: Do the Gaps Still Persist?
Dementia, Pharmacological Treatment
Depression, CYP450 Testing for Adults Treated with SSRIs
Eating Disorders, Management
Effect of Dysthymia on Receipt of HAART by Minority HIV-Infected Women
Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
Global Self-Rated Mental Health: Associations with Other Mental Health Measures and with Role Functioning
Impacts of Mental Health Parity and Managed Care in One Large Employer Group: A Reexamination, The
National Estimates of Antidepressant Medication Use Among U.S. Children, 1997-2002
Observed Association Between Antidepressant Use and Pneumonia Risk Was Confounded by Comorbidity Measures
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Effects on Cognitive Function
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Effects on Mental Health
Parity for Whom? Exemptions and the Extent of State Mental Health Parity Legislation
Perinatal Depression, Prevalence and Screening
Post-Myocardial Infarction Depression
Prescription Drugs and the Changing Patterns of Treatment for Mental Disorders, 1996-2001
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Mental Health Problems and Use of Mental Health Care
Tobacco Use, Prevention, Cessation, and Control

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Methodological Research. See Statistical and Methodological Research

Minority Health

Access to Health Care for Nonmetro and Metro Latinos of Mexican Origin in the United States
Closing the Health Care Disparities Gap: Turning Evidence Into Action
Coping with Toothache Pain: A Qualitative Study of Low-Income Persons and Minorities
County Characteristics and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Preventive Services
Effect of Dysthymia on Receipt of HAART by Minority HIV-Infected Women
Exploring and Crossing the Disparity Divide in Cancer Mortality
Gaps in Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the National Healthcare Disparities Report
Gender Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups in the Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Associated with Comorbidities
Gender Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups in the Quality of Care for Diabetes
Improving the Use and Safety of Medications in Women Through Sex/Gender and Race/Ethnicity Analysis: Introduction
Integrating Literacy, Culture, and Language to Improve Health Care Quality for Diverse Populations
Minority Healthcare Quality, Improvement Strategies
Preventable Hospitalization and Medicaid Managed Care: Does Race Matter?
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health Insurance Coverage and Usual Source of Health Care, 2002
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Patient Assessments of Interactions with Providers: Disparities or Measurement Biases?
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Mental Health Problems and Use of Mental Health Care
Racial and Gender Disparities in Receipt of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Persist in a Multistate Sample of HIV Patients in 2001
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Potentially Preventable Readmissions: The Case of Diabetes
Severity of Illness, Race, and Choice of Local Versus Distant Hospitals Among the Elderly

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Nursing Homes. See Elderly/Long-Term Care
Obstetrics. See Women's Health
Oral Health. See Dental Health

Outcomes and Effectiveness Research

Advancing Excellence in Health Care: Getting to Effectiveness
Analysis of Administrative Data Found that Proximate Clinical Event Ratios Provided a Systematic Approach to Identifying Possible Iatrogenic Risk Factors or Complications, An
Aprotinin Use in Thoracic Aortic Surgery: Safety and Outcomes
Are Lumbar Spine Reoperation Rates Falling with Greater Use of Fusion Surgery and New Surgical Technology?
Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries
Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Brochure
CERTs Annual Report Year 5
CERTs Annual Report Year 6
Comparison of Outcomes Resulting from Generalist vs. Specialist Care for a Single Discrete Medical Condition, A
Disparities Between Two Common Data Sources on Hospital Nurse Staffing
Effect on Health Outcomes of a Community-Based Medication Therapy Management Program for Seniors with Limited Incomes
End-of-Life Care and Outcomes
Evidence on the Effectiveness of Management for Malignant Pleural Effusion: A Systematic Review, The
Getting to "Smart" Health Care
Health-Related Quality of Life After Mitral Valve Repairs and Replacements
Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adults with Diabetes
Incidence and Short-Term Outcomes of Primary and Revision Hip Replacement in the United States
Literacy and Health Outcomes
Recursive Partitioning-Based Preoperative Risk Stratification for Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Reoperation Rates Following Lumbar Spine Surgery and the Influence of Spinal Fusion Procedures

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Patient Safety/Medical Errors

Accidental Iatrogenic Pneumothorax in Hospitalized Patients
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Quality and Disparities Reports Emphasize Patient Safety
Ambulatory Care Visits for Treating Adverse Drug Effects in the United States, 1995-2001
Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders
Care Transitions: A Threat and an Opportunity for Patient Safety
Challenges in Healthcare Systems and Women's Caregiving Roles
Communication Failure: Basic Components, Contributing Factors, and the Call for Structure
Computerized Physician Order Entry with Clinical Decision Support in Long-Term Care Facilities: Costs and Benefits to Stakeholders
Cost-Effective Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve Comparisons of Patient Safety
DoD Medical Team Training Programs: An Independent Case Study Analysis
Evaluating the Patient Safety Indicators: How Well Do They Perform on Veterans Health Administration Data?
First, Do No Harm: Reducing Pediatric Medication Errors
Hospital Finances and Patient Safety Outcomes
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2007 Comparative Database Report
Hospitalization and Death Associated with Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescriptions Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Importance of Safety and Quality in Rural America, The
Improving Patient Safety by Instructional Systems Design
Improving Patient Safety—Five Years After the IOM Report
Improving Patient Safety in Hospitals: Contributions of High-Reliability Theory and Normal Accident Theory
Improving the Complex Nature of Care Transitions
Improving the Health Care Work Environment: A Sociotechnical Systems Approach
Improving the Health Care Work Environment: Implications for Research, Practice, and Policy
Improving the Quality of Nursing Care Using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data
Improving the Use and Safety of Medications in Women Through Sex/Gender and Race/Ethnicity Analysis: Introduction
Initiating Transformational Change to Enhance Patient Safety
Intensive Care Unit, Patient Safety, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, The
Issues in the Design of Training for Quality and Safety
It's Your Health: Use Your Medications Safely
Keeping Our Promises: Research, Practice, and Policy Issues in Health Care Reliability; Foreword to a Special Issue of Health Services Research
Medicaid Markets and Pediatric Patient Safety in Hospitals
Medical Teamwork and Patient Safety: The Evidence-Based Relation
Medicare Payment for Selected Adverse Events: Building the Business Case for Investing in Patient Safety
Medication Errors: Why They Happen and How They Can Be Prevented
Mistake-Proofing the Design of Health Care Processes
Mistake-Proofing in Health Care: Lessons for Ongoing Patient Safety Improvements
Nurse Staffing and Quality of Patient Care
Nurses' Working Conditions: Implications for Infectious Disease
Organizational Silence and Hidden Threats to Patient Safety
Patient Safety, Effects of Working Conditions
Patient Safety Improvement Corps: Tools, Methods, and Techniques for Improving Patient Safety
Patient Safety Indicators
Patient Safety in Nursing Practice
Patient Safety in the Intensive Care Unit: Challenges and Opportunities
Patient Safety Practices, Making Health Care Safer
Pediatric Quality Indicators
Performance of Performance Measurement, The
Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescriptions Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents: Their Scope and Associated Resident and Facility Characteristics
Problems and Prevention: Chest Tube Insertion
Putting the Patient in Patient Safety
Quality Tools to Improve Care and Prevent Errors
Relationship Between Performance Measurement and Accreditation: Implications for Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Relevance of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicators for Children's Hospitals
Sensemaking of Patient Safety Risks and Hazards
Simulation in Health Care: Setting Realistic Expectations
Sleepless in the Hospital: Evidence Mounts that Tired Caregivers May Compromise Quality
Struggling to Invent High-Reliability Organizations in Health Care Settings: Insights from the Field
Suboptimal Prescribing in Elderly Outpatients: Potentially Harmful Drug-Drug and Drug-Disease Combinations
TeamSTEPPS: Assuring Optimal Teamwork in Clinical Settings
TeamSTEPPS Instructor Guide
Team STEPPS Multimedia Resource Kit
TeamSTEPPS: Optimizing Teamwork in the Perioperative Setting
Team STEPPS Pocket Guide
TeamSTEPPS Poster
Tracking Rates of Patient Safety Indictors Over Time: Lessons from the Veterans Administration
Training Health Care Professionals for Patient Safety
Transforming Hospitals: Designing for Safety and Quality
Using Standardised Patients in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a Patient Safety Tool

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Pay for Performance

Consumer Financial Incentives: A Decision Guide for Purchasers
Modifying DRG-PPS to Include Only Diagnoses Present on Admission: Financial Implications and Challenges
Pay for Performance: A Decision Guide for Purchasers
Payment Matters? The Next Chapter
Provider-Specific Report Cards: A Tool for Health Sector Accountability in Developing Countries
Quality-Based Payment: Six Case Examples
Quality-Based Purchasing in the United States: Applications in Developing Countries?
Strategies to Support Quality-Based Purchasing: A Review of the Evidence

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Pediatrics. See Children's Health
Practice Guidelines. See Clinical Practice Guidelines
Preventive Services. See Clinical Preventive Services

Primary Care

Altered Standards of Care in Mass Casualty Events
Asthma Severity: The Patient's Perspective
Collection and Use of Cancer Family History in Primary Care
Describing Primary Care Encounters: The Primary Care Network Survey and the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Health Emergency Assistance Line and Triage Hub (HEALTH) Model
How Well Do Family Physicians Manage Skin Lesions?
Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care Practice: Innovative Strategies and Future Directions
Linkages With Community Providers
Lost in Translation: The Value of Qualitative Data
National Survey of Primary Care Practice-Based Research Networks, A
Patient Self-Management Support Programs: An Evaluation
Perinatal Depression: Prevalence and Screening
Post-Myocardial Infarction Depression
Prescription Drugs and the Changing Patterns of Treatment for Mental Disorders, 1996-2001
Primary Care Physicians' Perceptions of the Effect of Insurance Status on Clinical Decision Making
Role of Information Technology and Surveillance Systems in Bioterrorism Readiness, The

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Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Adapting Community Call Centers for Crisis Support: A Model for Home-Based Care and Monitoring
Addressing Surge Capacity in a Mass Casualty Event
Addressing the Smallpox Threat: Issues, Strategies, and Tools
AHRQ's Bioterrorism and Health System Preparedness Initiative
Altered Standards of Care in Mass Casualty Events
Bioterrorism Preparedness, Information Technology
Bioterrorism Preparedness, Pediatric Anthrax
Bioterrorism Preparedness, Regionalization
Bioterrorism Preparedness, Training of Clinicians
Changing Organizations for Their Likely Mass-Casualties Future
Community-Based Mass Prophylaxis: A Planning Guide for Public Health Preparedness
Current Status of Surge Research
Decontamination of Children: Preparedness and Response for Hospital Emergency Departments
Developing Alternative Approaches to Mass Casualty Care: The Role of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Development of Models for Emergency Preparedness
Disaster Planning Drills and Readiness Assessment
Emergency Preparedness Atlas: U.S. Nursing Home and Hospital Facilities
Emergency Severity Index, Version 4: Everything You Need To Know
Emergency Severity Index, Version 4: Implementation Handbook
Evaluation of Hospital Disaster Drills: A Module-Based Approach
Health Emergency Assistance Line and Triage Hub (HEALTH) Model
Linkages with Community Providers
Mass Casualty Incident, Training Hospital Staff to Respond
Mass Medical Care with Scarce Resources: A Community Planning Guide
Mass Prophylaxis: Building Blocks for Community Preparedness
Nursing Homes in Public Health Emergencies: Special Needs and Potential Roles
Optimizing Surge Capacity: Hospital Assessment and Planning
Optimizing Surge Capacity: Regional Efforts in Bioterrorism Readiness
Pediatric Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness; A Resource for Pediatricians
Project XTREME: Cross-Training Respiratory Extenders
Reopening Shuttered Hospitals to Expand Surge Capacity
Rocky Mountain Regional Care Model for Bioterrrorist Events
Role of Information Technology and Surveillance Systems in Bioterrorism Readiness, The
Surge Capacity—Education and Training for a Qualified Workforce
Surge Capacity: Facilities and Equipment

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Quality of Care

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports: Action Agendas for the Nation, The
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Quality and Disparities Reports Emphasize Patient Safety
AHRQ Summit—Improving Health Care Quality for All Americans: Celebrating Success, Measuring Progress, Moving Forward
AHRQ's National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports: An Ever-Expanding Road Map for Improvement
All or None Measurement: Why We Know So Little About the Comprehensiveness of Care
Assessing the Validity of Self-Reported Medication Adherence in Hepatitis C Treatment
Asthma Care Quality Improvement: A Resource Guide for State Action
Asthma Care Quality Improvement: A Workbook for State Action
Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders
Be Prepared for Medical Appointments: Build Your Question List
Breast Cancer Care in Women, Measuring Quality
Burden of Illness for Children and Where We Stand in Measuring the Quality of this Health Care
CAHPS Hospital Survey: Development, Testing, and Use, The
Children's Health Care in the First National Healthcare Quality Report and National Healthcare Disparities Report
Closing the Health Care Disparities Gap: Turning Evidence Into Action
Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies
Closing the Quality Gap: Antibiotic Prescribing Behavior
Closing the Quality Gap: Asthma Care
Closing the Quality Gap: Care Coordination
Closing the Quality Gap: Diabetes Care Strategies
Closing the Quality Gap: Hypertension Care Strategies
Closing the Quality Gap: Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections
Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS®): Evolving to Meet Stakeholder Needs
Design of the Physical Environment for Changing Healthcare Needs
Development of a CAHPS® Instrument for Nursing Home Residents (NHCAHPS), The
Diabetes Care Quality Improvement: A Resource Guide for State Action
Diabetes Care Quality Improvement: A Workbook for States
Do Trends in the Reporting of Quality Measures on the Nursing Home Compare Web Site Differ by Nursing Home Characteristics?
Do You Know the Right Questions to Ask?
Does Capitation Matter? Impacts on Access, Use, and Quality
Effectiveness of Continuing Medical Education
Emergency Departments in Crisis: Implications for Accessibility, Quality, and Safety
Emergency Departments in Crisis: Opportunities for Research
Enhancing Quality Improvement
Evidence-Based Practice: AHRQ's Role in Generating and Disseminating Knowledge
Factors Associated with High-Quality/Low-Cost Hospital Performance
First National Reports on United States Healthcare Quality and Disparities, The
From Information on Quality to Quality Information
Guide to Health Care Quality
Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Annual Report on Patterns of Coverage, Utilization, Quality and Expenditures by a County Level of Urban Influence
Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Annual Report on Patterns of Coverage, Utilization, Quality, and Expenditures by Income
Health, Spending and the Effort to Improve Quality in OECD Countries: A Review of the Data
Importance of Safety and Quality in Rural America, The
Improving Depiction of Benefits and Harms: Analyses of Studies of Well-Known Therapeutics and Review of High-Impact Medical Journals
Improving the Complex Nature of Care Transitions
Informing Quality Health Care
Inpatient Quality Indicators
Integrating Literacy, Culture, and Language to Improve Health Care Quality for Diverse Populations
Is Our Pharmacy Meeting Patients' Needs? A Pharmacy Health Literacy Assessment Tool: User's Guide
Issues in the Design of Training for Quality and Safety
Measuring Children's Health Care Quality
Missed Opportunities for Quality Improvement
Modifying DRG-PPS to Include Only Diagnoses Present on Admission: Financial Implications and Challenges
Monitoring and Evaluating Medicaid Fee-for-Service Care Management Programs: A User's Guide
National Healthcare Disparities Report (2007)
National Healthcare Quality Report (2007)
National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Tutorial
Nurse Staffing and Quality of Patient Care
Nursing Homes' Response to the Nursing Home Compare Report Card
Patient Safety Indicators
Patient Safety Practices, Making Health Care Safer
Patient Self-Management Support Programs: An Evaluation
Pay for Performance: A Decision Guide for Purchasers
Payment Matters? The Next Chapter
Pediatric Quality Indicators
Prevention Quality Indicators
Process Utility in Breast Biopsy
Provider-Specific Report Cards: A Tool for Health Sector Accountability in Developing Countries
Purchaser Strategies to Influence Quality of Care: From Rhetoric to Global Applications
Quality-Based Payment: Six Case Examples
Quality-Based Purchasing in the United States: Applications in Developing Countries?
Quality of Health Care for Older Women: What Do We Know?
Quality Tools to Improve Care and Prevent Errors
Questions Are the Answer
Redesigning Health Systems for Quality: Lessons from Emerging Practices
Relationship Between Performance Measurement and Accreditation: Implications for Quality of Care and Patient Safety
Report of Nationally Representative Values for the Noninstitutionalized U.S. Adult Population for 7 Health-Related Quality-of-Life Scores
Role of the Physical Environment in Crossing the Quality Chasm, The
Rural Areas and Children's Health Care Coverage, Use, Expenditures, and Quality: Policy Implications
Simulation in Health Care: Setting Realistic Expectations
Sleepless in the Hospital: Evidence Mounts that Tired Caregivers May Compromise Quality
TeamSTEPPS: Optimizing Teamwork in the Perioperative Setting
Third National Reports on Healthcare Quality and Disparities in the United States, The. National Data for Targeting Improvements
Unintended Consequences of Information Technologies in Health Care—An Interactive Sociotechnical Analysis
Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators to Improve Health Care Quality
Using the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports for Executive Decision Making

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Research. See Health Services Research; Outcomes and Effectiveness Research; Statistical and Methodological Research

Statistical and Methodological Research

Assessing and Understanding Measurement Equivalence in Health Outcome Measures: Issues for Further Quantitative and Qualitative Inquiry
Completeness of Cause of Injury Coding in Healthcare Administrative Databases in the United States, 2001
Demographic and Clinical Variations in Health Status
Enhancement of Claims Data to Improve Risk Adjustment of Hospital Mortality
Health Insurance: What Employers Are Reporting
Serving the Uninsured: Safety-Net Hospitals, 2003
State Level Estimates: Medical Expenditire Panel Survey
Statistics on Health Care Expenditures: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Statistics on Health Insurance: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Statistics on Prescribed Drugs: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Utility of Probabilistic Models to Identify Individuals with Future High Medical Expenditures, The

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Treating Tobacco Use

Clinical Practice Guideline
Clinician Tear Sheet, Prenatal
Clinician Tear Sheet, Primary Care
Clinician's Packet
5-Day Countdown, Flip Book
Good Information for Smokers, Consumer Guide
Health Systems Guide
Helping Smokers Quit, A Guide for Clinicians
Helping Smokers Quit, A Guide for Nurses
PowerPoint Slides
Preventing 3 Million Premature Deaths and Helping 5 Million Smokers Quit: A National Action Plan for Tobacco Cessation
Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians
Quitting Helps You Heal Faster, Hospital Card
Tobacco Use, Prevention, Cessation, and Control
You Can Quit Smoking, Card
You Can Quit Smoking, Consumer Guide
You Can Quit Smoking Kit
You Can Quit Smoking, Poster

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Utilization of Health Care. See Health Care Cost and Utilization

Women's Health

Breast Cancer Care in Women, Measuring Quality
Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries
Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request
Challenges in Healthcare Systems and Women's Caregiving Roles
Coronary Heart Disease in Women, Selected Topics
Coronary Heart Disease in Women, Systematic Review
Cost of Being a Woman: A National Study of Health Care Utilization and Expenditures for Female-Specific Conditions, The
Effect of Dysthymia on Receipt of HAART by Minority HIV-Infected Women
Effect of Immediate Reading of Screening Mammograms on Medical Care Utilization and Costs After False-Positive Mammograms, The
Effectiveness of Noninvasive Diagnostic Tests for Breast Abnormalities
Episiotomy Use in Obstetrical Care
FIBROID Registry: Report of Structure, Methods, and Initial Results, The
Gender Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups in the Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure Associated with Comorbidities
Gender Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups in the Quality of Care for Diabetes
Gender Differences in Drug Use and Expenditures in a Privately Insured Population of Older Adults
Health, Preventive Health Care, and Health Care Access Among Women with Disabilities in the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey, Supplement on Disability
Hospital and Ambulatory Surgery Care for Women's Cancers
Improving the Use and Safety of Medications in Women Through Sex/Gender and Race/Ethnicity Analysis: Introduction
It's Your Health: Use Your Medications Safely
Management of Uterine Fibroids: An Update of the Evidence
Menopause-Related Symptoms, Management
National Estimate of the Elective Primary Cesarean Delivery Rate, A
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Effects on Child and Maternal Health
Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women, Diagnosis and Monitoring
Ovarian Cancer, Genomic Tests for Detection and Management
Perinatal Depression: Prevalence and Screening
Preventive Health Examinations: A Comparison Along the Rural—Urban Continuum
Process Utility in Breast Biopsy
Quality of Health Care for Older Women: What Do We Know?
Surgery Choices for Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer
Therapeutic Management, Delivery, and Postpartum Risk Assessment and Screening in Gestational Diabetes
Toward Optimal Screening Strategies for Older Women
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
What You Need To Know About Episiotomy
Women and Medicines: What You Need to Know
Women: Stay Healthy at Any Age. Your Checklist for Health
Women: Stay Healthy at 50+—Checklists for Your Health
Women's Health Care Utilization and Expenditures

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