Iraq - U.S. Policy Documents
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CurrentWhite House Iraq page
CurrentWhite House Iraqi Elections page
04 July 2006President Bush Thanks Military on Independence Day at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
26 June 2006President Bush Meets with Supporters of U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan
26 June 2006Statement by the President on the Murder of Four Russian Diplomats in Iraq
22 June 2006Interview of the Vice President by John King, CNN
17 June 2006President’s Radio Address
14 June 2006Press Conference of the President
13 June 2006President Bush Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq, Meets with Prime Minister Maliki in Baghdad
13 June 2006President Bush Visits Troops in Iraq
13 June 2006Fact Sheet: Camp David Meetings: Building on Progress in Iraq
12 June 2006President’s Remarks to the Travel Pool After Meeting with Interagency Team on Iraq
10 June 2006President’s Radio Address
08 June 2006Statement by the President on Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
30 May 2006President Bush Welcomes Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States
27 May 2006President’s Radio Address
27 May 2006President Delivers Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy at West Point
26 May 2006Vice President Delivers Commencement Address at the United States Naval Academy
25 May 2006President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom Participate in Joint Press Availability
23 May 2006Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for Expeditionary Strike Group One
22 May 2006President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
21 May 2006President’s Remarks on the Formation of a New Government in Iraq
20 May 2006President Congratulates Iraqis on Formation of New Unity Government
12 May 2006President Bush Meets with Former Secretaries of State and Secretaries of Defense
01 May 2006President Discusses Recent Visit to Iraq by Secretary of State Rice and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
29 April 2006President’s Radio Address
22 April 2006President Congratulates Iraqi Leadership on National Unity Government Agreement
19 April 2006President Meets with Governors Who Traveled to Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan
19 April 06Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
18 April 2006Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops of the 24th Infantry Division
10 April 2006President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
07 April 2006Statement on the Formation of the Iraq Study Group (ISG)
06 April 2006President Discusses Global War on Terror
29 March 2006President Discusses Democracy in Iraq with Freedom House
29 March 2006Fact Sheet: Strategy for Victory: Freedom in Iraq
28 March 2006President Discusses Iraq Following Cabinet Meeting
22 March 2006President Discusses War on Terror, Progress in Iraq in West Virginia
21 March 2006Press Conference of the President
21 March 2006Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Scott Air Force Base
20 March 2006President Discusses War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom
20 March 2006Fact Sheet: Strategy for Victory: Clear, Hold, and Build
19 March 2006President Remarks on Third Anniversary of Beginning of Iraq Liberation
19 March 2006Interview of the Vice President by Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation
18 March 2006President’s Radio Address
18 March 2006Fact Sheet: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Three Years Later
17 March 2006Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops at Charleston Air Force Base
16 March 2006The National Security Strategy
13 March 2006President Discusses Freedom and Democracy in Iraq
13 March 2006Fact Sheet: Strategy for Victory: Defeating the Terrorists and Training Iraqi Security Forces
11 March 2006President’s Radio Address
07 March 2006Vice President’s Remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee 2006
28 February 2006Vice President’s Remarks at the 46th Annual American Legion Conference
24 February 2006President Addresses American Legion, Discusses Global War on Terror
22 February 2006President Extends Condolences and Condemns Bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra to Iraqi People
17 February 2006President Discusses Global War on Terror Following Briefing at CENTCOM
16 February 2006Fact Sheet: President Requests $72.4 Billion for the Global War on Terror
09 February 2006President Discusses Progress in War on Terror to National Guard
23 January 2006President Discusses Global War on Terror at Kansas State University
19 January 2006Vice President’s Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
18 January 2006President Meets with Victims of Saddam Hussein, Discusses Progress
11 January 2006President Participates in Discussion on the Global War on Terror
10 January 2006President Addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars on the War on Terror
10 January 2006Fact Sheet: Progress and the Work Ahead in Iraq
06 January 2006Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
05 January 2006President Meets with Current and Former Secretaries of State and Defense
04 January 2006President Discusses War on Terror Following Pentagon Briefing
04 January 2006Vice President’s Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror at The Heritage Foundation
20 December 2005Remarks by Stephen Hadley, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
As prepared for delivery to the Center for Strategic and International Studies
19 December 2005Press Conference of the President
18 December 2005President’s Address to the Nation
18 December 2005Interview of the Vice President by ABC News
18 December 2005Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops in Iraq
16 December 2005President Meets with Ambassador to the United Nations from Iraq
15 December 2005President Visits with Iraqi Out-of-Country Voters
14 December 2005President Discusses Iraqi Elections, Victory in the War on Terror
Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
12 December 2005President Discusses War on Terror and Upcoming Iraqi Elections
Remarks to the Philadelphia World Affairs Council
12 December 2005Fact Sheet: Democracy in Iraq
07 December 2005President Discusses War on Terror and Rebuilding Iraq
Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
07 December 2005Fact Sheet: Rebuilding Iraq
07 December 2005Setting the Record Straight: Sen. Pelosi Downplays Progress in Iraq
  • Bush Gives Lip Service to Security and Economy in Iraq, While Ignoring Unmet Needs at Home - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
  • 06 December 2005Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
    06 December 2005President Meets with World Health Organization Director-General
    30 November 2005President Outlines Strategy for Victory in Iraq
    Remarks at the US Naval Academy
    30 November 2005National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
    30 November 2005Fact Sheet: Training Iraqi Security Forces
    30 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: Democrats on an Articial Timetable in Iraq
  • We Should Follow Congressman Murtha’s Lead on Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
  • Statement On the President’s Speech Today - Sen. Russ Feingold
  • War in Iraq - Rep. John Murtha
  • 26 November 2005 Setting the Record Straight: Sen. Biden Adopts Key Portions of the Administration’s Plan for Victory in Iraq
  • Time for an Iraq Time Table - Sen. Joseph Biden
  • 21 November 2005Vice President’s Remarks on the War on Terror
    19 November 2005President Addresses Troops at Osan Air Base in Osan, Korea
    19 November 2005Statement on Victory in Iraq, Prevailing in the War on Terrorism
    17 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: The Senate Amendment on the Strategy for Victory in Iraq
  • Give Our Troops a Strategy for Success, Not an Attack Campaign - Sen. Harry Reid
  • A Vote of No Confidence on the Bush Administration Policy in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
  • 15 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: The New York Times Editorial on Pre-War Intelligence
    14 November 2005President Delivers Remarks at Elmendorf AFB on War on Terror
    14 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: Sen. Levin on Iraq
    13 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: The Washington Post on Pre-War Intelligence
    11 November 2005President Commemorates Veterans Day, Discusses War on Terror
    11 November 2005Setting the Record Straight: Sen. Kennedy on Iraq
  • Reaction to Bush Iraq Speech - Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • 29 October 2005President’s Radio Address
    28 October 2005President Discusses War on Terror
    28 October 2005Vice President’s Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
    25 October 2005President Bush Meets with President Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq
    25 October 2005President Addresses Joint Armed Forces Officers’ Wives’ Luncheon
    16 October 2005President Congratulates Iraqis on Successful Elections
    15 October 2005President’s Radio Address
    13 October 2005President Addresses U.S. Troops in Iraq in Video Teleconference
    06 October 2005President Discusses War on Terror at National Endowment for Democracy
    05 October 2005President Meets with Secretary Rumsfeld, Generals Pace and Petraeus to Discuss Progress in Iraq
    05 October 2005Vice President’s Remarks at the Association of the United States Army Sustaining Members Luncheon
    03 October 2005Remarks by the Vice President to the Marines at Camp Lejeune
    01 October 2005President’s Radio Address
    28 September 2005President Meets with Generals Abizaid and Casey, Discusses War on Terror
    22 September 2005President Discusses War on Terror and Hurricane Preparation
    14 September 2005President Addresses United Nations Security Council
    13 September 2005President Welcomes President Talabani of Iraq to the White House
    28 August 2005President Discusses Hurricane Katrina, Congratulates Iraqis on Draft Constitution
    27 August 2005President's Radio Address
    24 August 2005President Addresses Military Families, Discusses War on Terror
    23 August 2005President Discusses Iraqi Constitution with the Press Pool
    22 August 2005President Honors Veterans of Foreign Wars at National Convention
    22 August 2005Statement on Iraqi Leaders Submitting Draft Constitution to National Assembly
    20 August 2005President's Radio Address
    18 August 2005Vice President's Remarks at the 73rd National Convention of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
    15 August 2005President's Statement on Iraqi Draft Constitution
    13 August 2005President's Radio Address
    11 August 2005President Meets with Defense and Foreign Policy Teams
    03 August 2005President Discusses Second Term Accomplishments and Priorities
    28 July 2005Statement on Condemnation of Algerian Diplomat Murders in Iraq
    11 July 2005President Discusses War on Terror at FBI Academy
    08 July 2005Statement on Murder of Egypt's Chief of Mission to Iraq
    28 June 2005President Addresses Nation, Discusses Iraq, War on Terror
    25 June 2005President's Radio Address
    24 June 2005President Welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister Jaafari to the White House
    18 June 2005President's Radio Address
    01 June 2005Vice President's Remarks at United States Air Force Academy Commencement
    27 May 2005President Discusses War on Terror at Naval Academy Commencement
    19 May 2005Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has An Interest
    18 May 2005President Attends International Republican Institute Dinner
    28 April 2005President Congratulates New Iraqi Leaders
    12 April 2005President Discusses War on Terror
    06 April 2005President Congratulates Iraq's Transitional National Assembly
    02 April 2005President's Radio Address
    31 March 2005President Discusses Schiavo, WMD Commission Report
    29 March 2005President Discusses Freedom and Democracy
    19 March 2005President's Radio Address
    08 March 2005President Discusses War on Terror
    National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair
    23 February 2005President Thanks U.S. Troops at Wiesbaden Army Airfield Base
    22 February 2005Joint Statement by the United States and the European Union on Iraq
    14 February 2005Fact Sheet: Request for Additional FY 2005 Funding for the War on Terror
    13 February 2005President Congratulates Iraqis on Provisional Election Results
    02 February 2005State of the Union Address
    30 January 2005President Congratulates Iraqis on Election
    29 January 2005President's Radio Address
    20 January 2005President Sworn-In to Second Term
    20 December 2004President Holds Press Conference
    07 December 2004President Thanks Military Personnel and Families For Serving Our Country, Camp Pendleton, California
    06 December 2004President and Iraqi Interim President Al-Yawer Discuss Iraq Future
    21 November 2004President's Statement on Iraqi Debt
    17 November 2004Statement on Margaret Hassan
    05 November 2004Statement on the EU's Reaffirmation for a Democratic Iraq
    07 October 2004President Bush Discusses Iraq Report
    24 September 2004Certification Permitting Rescission of Iraq as a Sponsor of Terrorism Presidential Determination No.2004-52
    23 September 2004President Bush and Prime Minister Allawi Press Conference
    22 September 2004Statement on Senate Confirmation of Porter Goss
    21 September 2004President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Allawi in New York
    21 September 2004President Speaks to the United Nations General Assembly
    21 September 2004Remarks by President Bush and Secretary General Annan
    14 September 2004President's Remarks to the General Conference of the National Guard Association of the United States
    11 September 2004Three Years of Progress in the War on Terror (Fact Sheet)
    10 September 2004Notice Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
    07 September 2004Statement on Designating Iraq under the Generalized System of Preference (GPS)
    19 August 2004Remarks by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Followed by Q & A to U.S. Institute of Peace Washington, DC
    05 August 2004Remarks by the President at the Signing of H.R. 4613, The Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2005
    05 August 2004Text of Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    30 July 2004Executive Order 13350 Terminating the National Emergency With Respect to Iraq
    27 July 2004Vice President Remarks Marine Corps Base Camp Joseph HR Pendleton, CA
    22 July 2004President's Statement on Congress Approving Funding for Troops
    21 July 2004President Bush Signs Project Bioshield Act of 2004
    21 July 2004Fact Sheet: Progress in the War on Terror
    14 July 2004President's Statement on Congress Passing Project Bioshield Act of 2004
    12 July 2004President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror
    09 July 2004President Bush Discusses Senate Intelligence Committee Report
    02 July 2004Memorandum for the Secretary of State
    28 June 2004President Bush Discusses Early Transfer of Iraqi Sovereignty
    26 June 2004Text of U.S.-EU Declaration of Support for the People of Iraq
    17 June 2004President Discusses Economy, Iraq in Cabinet Meeting
    16 June 2004President Salutes the Military at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa
    09 June 2004President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Discuss Iraq at G8 Summit
    09 June 2004Briefing on Meeting with Prime Minister Blair
    09 June 2004President Bush, President Al-Yawer Remarks
    08 June 2004President Discusses Security Council Resolution on Iraq at G8 Summit
    08 June 2004President Bush, President Putin Discuss Iraq
    05 June 2004Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Berlusconi
    05 June 2004Radio Address by the President to the Nation
    01 June 2004President Bush Discusses the Iraqi Interim Government
    25 May 2004President Meets with Iraqis Who Received Medical Care in the US
    24 May 2004Statement by the Press Secretary (Leaders of Greater Middle East invited to G8 Conference)
    20 May 2004Interview of the President by AL Zaman Newspaper
    20 May 2004Message to the Congress of the United States (regarding next document)
    20 May 2004Notice Continuation of the National Emergency Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has An Interest
    17 May 2004 Statement by President regarding Death of Izzedin Saleem
    12 May 2004 President Bush Condemns Brutal Execution of Nicholas Berg
    12 May 2004 Text of Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    10 May 2004 President Bush Reaffirms Commitments in Iraq
    06 May 2004 President Bush, Jordanian King Discuss Iraq, and Middle East
    05 May 2004 President Bush Meets with Al Arabiya Television on Wednesday
    05 May 2004 Statement by the President
    05 May 2004 President Bush Meets with Alhurra Television
    04 May 2004 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Iraq and the Middle East
    29 April 2004 President Bush Meets with the 9/11 Commission
    21 April 2004 President Outlines Path for Lasting Prosperity, Remarks by the President at the Newspaper Association of America Annual Convention, Washington, DC
    19 April 2004 President Announces Intention to Nominate Ambassador to Iraq
    16 April 2004 Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference
    13 April 2004 President Addresses Nation in Prime Time News Conference
    12 April 2004 President Bush, Egyptian President Mubarek Meet with Reporters
    12 April 2004 Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Mohamed Hosny Mubarek
    10 April 2004 President Bush Discusses Iraq in Saturday Morning Radio Address
    10 April 2004 Fact Sheet bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US
    08 April 2004 Dr. Condoleezza Rice's Opening Remarks to Commission on Terrorist Attacks
    28 March 2004 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses the War on Terror on "60 Minutes"
    24 March 2004 Interview of the National Security Advisor by Network Correspondents
    24 March 2004 Interview of Dr. Condoleezza Rice by Tom Brokaw, NBC
    19 March 2004 President Bush Reaffirms Resolve to War on Terror, Iraq and Afghanistan
    12 March 2004 President Bush Honors Victims of Bombings in Spain
    11 March 2004 President Bush Condemns Terrorist Bombings in Spain
    10 March 2004 The National Security Advisor Delivers Remarks at The McConnell Center for Political
    02 March 2004 President Marks Homeland Security's Accomplishments at Year One
    11 February 2004 President Announces New Measures to Counter the Threat of WMD
    06 February 2004 Fact Sheet: Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
    04 February 2004 President Bush Discusses Importance of Democracy in Middle East
    03 February 2004 President Bush Meets with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
    22 January 2004 Progress in the War on Terror
    20 January 2004 State of the Union Address
    19 December 2003 President Bush Meets With Wounded Soldiers at Walter Reed
    15 December 2003 Presidential News Conference New Iraqi Healthcare System
    14 December 2003 President Bush Addresses Nation on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
    14 December 2003 White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan Press Briefing
    10 December 2003 President Meets With Iraqi National Symphony
    29 November 2003 President Thanks Troops in Weekly Radio Address
    27 November 2003 President Bush Meets with Troops in Iraq on Thanksgiving
    27 November 2003 President Discusses Trip to Iraq with Reporters
    21 November 2003 President Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Turkey
    21 November 2003 Interview of the President by Al-Sharq Al-Awsat
    20 November 2003 US/UK Declaration on Iraq
    20 November 2003 US/UK Joint Statement on Multilateralism
    19 November 2003 President Bush Discusses Iraq Policy at Whitehall Palace in London
    19 November 2003 President, Queen Exchange Toasts at Buckingham Palace
    17 November 2003 President Bush Meets with Iraqi Women Leaders
    16 November 2003 President Bush Discusses Progress in Iraq with Reporters Sunday
    14 November 2003 President Bush, Italian President Ciampi Discuss Iraq
    13 November 2003 Dr. Rice Briefs on the President's Trip to the UK
    12 November 2003 Roundtable Interview of the President by British Print Journalists
    11 November 2003 President Bush Discusses Iraq in Veterans Day Address
    10 November 2003 Interview of the National Security Advisor by WTVT-TV, Tampa, Florida
    10 November 2003 Interview of the National Security Advisor by WAGA-TV, Atlanta, Georgia
    06 November 2003 President Signs Wartime Supplemental
    06 November 2003 President Bush Discusses Freedom in Iraq and Middle East
    06 November 2003 Fact Sheet: President Bush Calls for a "forward Strategy of Freedom" to Promote Democracy in the Middle East
    27 October 2003 President Bush, Ambassador Bremer Discuss Progress in Iraq
    Remarks by the President and Special Envoy to Iraq, Ambassador Bremer

    04 October 2003 President Condemns Terrorist Act
    03 October 2003 President Bush, Police Commissioner Kerik Discuss Police Force in Iraq
    02 October 2003 Statement by David Kay
    Statement by on the Interim Progress Report on the activities of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG)

    23 September 2003 President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly
    22 September 2003 President Bush Welcomes Iraqi Ministers to Oval Office
    11 September 2003 President Reflects on September 11
    07 September 2003 President Addresses the Nation
    29 August 2003 President Condemns Bombing Outside Imam Ali Mosque in Iraq
    19 August 2003 President Discusses Energy, Iraq and Middle East
    19 August 2003 President Condemns Bombing in Baghdad, Iraq
    08 August 2003 Results in Iraq: 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom
    PDF version [52 kb]

    08 August 2003 President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld Discuss Progress in Iraq
    07 August 2003 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Foreign Policy
    31 July 2003 Continuation of the National Emergency with Iraq
    31 July 2003 National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Interview with ZDF German Television
    30 July 2003 President Bush Discusses Top Priorities for the U.S.
    29 July 2003 President Discusses Middle East Peace with Prime Minister Sharon
    25 July 2003 President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Abbas to White House
    23 July 2003 President Bush Discusses Progress in Iraq
    22 July 2003 Press Briefing on Iraq WMD and SOTU Speech
    Dan Bartlett and Steve Hadley

    21 July 2003 President Bush, PM Berlusconi Discuss Iraq and War on Terrorism
    17 July 2003 President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Discuss War on Terrorism
    12 June 2003 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Speaks at Los Angeles Town Hall
    07 May 2003 President Removes Iraq Sanctions
    06 May 2003 President Names Envoy to Iraq
    03 May 2003 President Bush, P.M. Howard Discuss Operation Iraqi Freedom
    01 May 2003 President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended
    28 April 2003President Discusses the Future of Iraq
    24 April 2003 President Gives Iraq Update to Workers of Tank Plant in Lima, Ohio
    10 April 2003 President's Message to the Iraqi People
    08 April 2003 President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Blair in Northern Ireland
    04 April 2003 Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Iraq Reconstruction
    03 April 2003 President Discusses Operation Iraqi Freedom at Camp Lejeune
    27 March 2003 President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Hold Press Availability
    25 March 2003 Statement of Support from Coalition
    21 March 2003 President Thanks Congress; Remarks by the President in Meeting with Congressional Leaders
  • House Resolution
  • Senate Resolution
  • 19 March 2003 President Bush Addresses the Nation: Operation Iraqi Freedom
    17 March 2003 President Says Saddam Hussein Must Leave Iraq Within 48 Hours
    06 March 2003 President George Bush Discusses Iraq
    26 February 2003 President Discusses the Future of Iraq
    28 January 2003 The President's State of the Union Address
    January 2003 What Does Disarmament Look Like?
    2003 Apparatus of Lies: Saddam's Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003
    22 November 2002 Joint U.S.-Russia Statement on Iraq
    08 November 2002 President Pleased with U.N. Vote
  • U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441
  • 16 October 2002 Statement by the President (re: H.J. Res. 114)
    07 October 2002 President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat
    02 October 2002 Joint Resolution To Authorize The Use Of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
    12 September 2002 Remarks by the President in Address to the United Nations General Assembly
    12 September 2002 A Decade of Deception and Defiance
    September 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States
    29 January 2002 The President's State of the Union Address
    2002 The President's Quotes On Islam
    20 September 2001 Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People


    Department of Defense
    Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
    Multi-National Force - Iraq
    Operation Iraqi Freedom Document Portal
    Coalition Provisional Authority
    Coalition Provisional Authority Briefings

    07 July 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Kurt Cichowski, Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategy, Plans and Assessments, Multinational Force, Iraq
    30 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Col. Snow, Commander, 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division
    27 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey, Commander, Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq
    22 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Casey, Commander, Multinational Force Iraq
    16 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Thurman from Iraq
    14 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Ham, Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    09 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Caldwell, Spokesman, Multinational Force in Iraq
    08 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld from NATO Headquarters, Brussels
    07 June 2006DoD News Briefing the Gen. Hagee, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
    02 June 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Donald Campbell, Chief of Staff, Multinational Corps Iraq
    31 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Ham, Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    26 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Col. Beech, Commander, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division
    23 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Ham, Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    19 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Chiarelli from Iraq
    30 May 2006Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
    12 May 2006 DoD News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Fry, Deputy Commander of Multinational Force Iraq and Senior British Representative in Iraq
    09 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Adm. Giambastiani from the Pentagon
    05 May 2006DoD News Briefing with Major General Turner from Iraq
    28 April 2006News Briefing with Col. Barham, Commander, 49th Military Police Brigade, Iraq
    25 April 2006Press Availability with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Casey in Baghdad, Iraq
    24 April 2006Television Interview with Secretary Rumsfeld on the Pentagon Channel
    21 April 2006DoD News Briefing from Iraq with Col. David R. Gray, Commander, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division
    14 April 2006DoD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Halstead, Commander, 3rd Corps Support Command
    13 April 2006Television Interview with Secretary Rumsfeld and Talal Al-Haj on Al Arabiya
    06 April 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defense Reid
    31 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Thurman from Iraq
    28 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen Pace
    24 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Dempsey, commander, Multi-national Security Transition Command, Iraq
    23 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Adm. Giambastiani
    19 March 2006What We’ve Gained in 3 Years in Iraq
    Op-Ed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
    17 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Chiarelli, Commander, Multinational Corps in Iraq
    14 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
    09 March 2006FY 2006 Supplemental Request Statement before the Senate Appropriations Committee
    07 March 2006DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
    03 March 2006News Briefing with Gen. Casey, Commander, Multinational Forces in Iraq
    02 March 2006Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks at the Truman Library, Independence, MO
    March 2006Iraqi Perspectives Project: A View of Operation Iraqi Freedom from Saddam’s Senior Leadership
    24 February 2006News Briefing with Col. Snow
    17 February 2006News Briefing with Col. Davis, Commander, Iraqi Public Order National Police TransitionTeams
    10 February 2006News Briefing with Col. Stephen W. Davis, Commander, Regimental Combat Team-2
    03 February 2006News Briefing with Col. Jeffrey S. Buchanan
    02 February 2006National Press Club
    Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
    February 2006Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
    27 January 2006News Briefing with Col. H.R. McMaster, Commander, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and Multinational Force-Northwest
    20 January 2006News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Thomas Turner II, Commander, Multinational Division North and 101st Airborne Division
    18 January 2006The Strategy for Victory in Iraq
    Speech by Peter W. Rodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, at the American Enterprise Institute
    13 January 2006News Briefing with Lt. Gen. John Vines, Commander, Multinational Corps Iraq and Commanding General of the VXIII Airborne Corps
    06 January 2006 News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Stephen T. Johnson, Commanding General, Multinational Force West and II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward)
    05 January 2006DoD News Briefing by General Peter Pace, USMC, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    30 December 2005News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Webster, Commander, Multinational Division-Baghdad
    24 December 2005Secretary Rumsfeld’s Remarks to Task Force Freedom in Mosul, Iraq
    23 December 2005News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and Jalal Talabani, President of Iraq
    23 December 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Fallujah Townhall Meeting
    23 December 2005Iraq Force Adjustments Announced
    16 December 2005News Briefing with Gen. George Casey, Commander, U.S. Forces in Iraq
    16 December 2005Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Radio Interview with Melissa Block, NPR
    15 December 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Pentagon Town Hall Meeting
    09 December 2005DoD News with Brigadier General Augustus Collins, USA, Commander, 155th Brigade Combat Team
    08 December 2005Secretary Rumsfeld and General Pace Stakeout at Capitol Hill
    08 December 2005Secretary Rumsfeld and General Pace Stakeout at Capitol Hill
    05 December 2005The Future of Iraq
    Remarks as delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, John’s Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
    02 December 2005News Briefing with Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey, Commander, Multinational Security Transition Command in Iraq
    29 November 2005News Briefing with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Peter Pace
    22 November 2005News Briefing with Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, Commander, Multinational Corps Iraq and Commanding General of the 18th Airborne Corps
    20 November 2005Stakeout with Secretary Rumsfeld and General Pace after Appearance on CNN
    20 November 2005Stakeout after Appearance on CBS
    18 November 2005News Briefing with Col. James Brown, Commander, 56th Brigade Combat Team, Texas Army National Guard
    15 November 2005News Briefing with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Adm. Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr.
    08 November 2005Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Radio Interview with Samir Nader, Radio SAWA, Middle East Broadcasting Networks
    04 November 2005 News Briefing with Maj. Gen. J. B. Dutton, Commander of Multinational Division Southeast Maj. Gen. J. B. Dutton, The Royal Marines, The United Kingdom
    03 November 2005News Briefing with PDASD for Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita and Lt. Gen. James Conway
    01 November 2005News Briefing with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Peter Pace
    28 October 2005News Briefing with Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Taluto, Commander, Multinational Division North-Central of Task Force Liberty
    21 October 2005News Briefing with Maj. Gen. William G. Webster Jr., Commander of Multinational Division, Baghdad
    14 October 2005Defense Department Update on Security Operations in Iraq
    Col. David J. Bishop, commander, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division and Maj. Gen. Bashar M. Ayoub, commander, 9th Mechanized Division, Iraqi Army
    13 October 2005Special DoD News Briefing
    Peter Rodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and Lt. Gen. Gene Renuart, Director, Strategic Plans and Policy, The Joint Staff
    13 October 2005Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq: Report to Congress in Accordance with Conference Report 109-72 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
    11 October 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks at Townhall Meeting, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida
    07 October 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Operations in Western Iraq
    Maj. Gen. Stephen T. Johnson, Commanding General, Multinational Force West and 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force Forward
    06 October 2005Defense Department Operation Update Briefing
    Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, Lawrence Di Rita and Deputy Director for Regional Operations J-3, Brig Gen Carter Ham
    05 October 2005Defense Department Special Briefing
    Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, Former Commander, Multi-National Transition Command Iraq and NATO Training Mission Iraq
    30 September 2005DoD Press Briefing
    Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
    27 September 2005Defense Department Briefing
    Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, and Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    23 September 2005Special Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
    Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, Deputy Commander, Multinational Force-Northwest
    20 September 2005Defense Department Regular Briefing
    Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, and Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    14 September 2005Special Defense Department Operational Update Briefing on Operations in Northwest Iraq
    Colonel Robert Brown, Commander of The 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, Multinational Force-Northwest
    13 September 2005Press Briefing on Overview of Operation Restoring Rights in Tall Afar, Iraq
    Col. H. R. McMaster, commander of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment
    09 September 2005Media Availability with Secretary Rumsfeld and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
    09 September 2005Defense Department Special Briefing
    Brigadier General John P. Basilica, Commander of 256th Brigade Combat Team, Louisiana National Guard, Assigned to Task Force Baghdad, Multinational Corps-Iraq
    02 September 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Operations in Iraq
    Lt. Gen. John Vines, Commander of Multinational Corps-Iraq and Commander General of the 18th Airborne Corps
    29 August 2005Troop Talk at the National Training Center
    Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
    26 August 2005Defense Department Briefing on Ongoing Security Operations in North-Central Iraq
    Maj. Gen. Joseph Taluto, Commander of Multinational Division North-Central, Task Force Liberty and 42nd Infantry Division
    23 August 2005Defense Department Regular Briefing
    Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, Jr.
    19 August 2005Defense Department Briefing
    Maj. Gen. David M. Rodriguez, commander, Multinational Force Northwest and Task Force Freedom
    12 August 2005Special DoD Press Briefing
    Brigadier General Yves J. Fontaine, USA,Commander, 1st Corps Support Command, Multinational Corps-Iraq
    09 August 2005Defense Department Briefing
    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    05 August 2005Defense Briefing by British Royal Marines
    Maj. Gen. J.B. Dutton, Commander of Multinational Division Southeast
    04 August 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council
    03 August 2005Defense Department Regular Briefing
    Larry Di Rita, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, and U.S. Army Brigadier General Carter Ham, Commander, Multinational Brigade-Northwest
    02 August 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks at Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce
    27 July 2005Secretary Rumsfeld COSCOM Town Hall Meeting in Balad, Iraq
    27 July 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout with Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari
    27 July 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout with U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George Casey in Baghdad, Iraq
    27 July 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability Enroute to Iraq
    22 July 2005Defense Department Special Briefing
    21 July 2005Security and Stability in Iraq Report to Congress
    21 July 2005Briefing on Report to Congress Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
    20 July 2005DoD News Briefing
    15 July 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Security Operations in Baghdad
    08 July 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Security Operations in Baghdad
    01 July 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Security Operations in Northwest Iraq
    27 June 2005DoD News Briefing
    23 June 2005Senate Armed Services Committee Testimony
    21 June 2005Briefing on Security Operations in Iraq
    16 June 2005DoD News Briefing
    25 May 2005World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
    27 April 2005Senate Appropriations Committee Statement as Prepared for Delivery by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
    12 April 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability with Mr. Barzani
    12 April 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability with Dr. Jaafari
    12 April 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability with Prime Minister Allawi
    11 April 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Enroute to Iraq
    23 March 2005Defense Department Special Briefing on Iraq and Afghanistan
    18 March 2005Town Hall Meeting at the Pentagon
    08 March 2005Special Defense Department Briefing
    04 March 2005Combined Press Information Center Briefing via Satellite from Baghdad, Iraq
    03 March 2005Civil Liberties, Civil Society and Civility
    Speech by Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, to the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
    22 February 2005DoD News Briefing
    17 February 2005Freedom, Safety and Sovereignty
    Speech by Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, to the Council on Foreign Relations
    12 February 2005Remarks by Secretary Rumsfeld at 41st Munich Conference on European Security Policy
    11 February 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks at Mosul Award Ceremony
    11 February 2005Media Availability with Secretary Rumsfeld; General John Abizaid and General George W. Casey, Jr
    10 February 2005DoD Briefing on NATO Training Mission in Iraq
    04 February 2005Special Defense Department Briefing on Iraq Security Forces
    03 February 2005Testimony as Delivered to the Senate Armed Services Committee: Hearing on Military Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
    Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    03 February 2005DoD News Briefing
    03 February 2005Special Defense Department Briefing
    Iraqi Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib
    01 February 2005Secretary Rumsfeld's Interview with Bret Baier, FOX News
    01 February 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Jamie McIntyre, CNN
    28 January 2005Special Defense Department Briefing
    Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih
    27 January 2005DoD Video-teleconference with Iraqi Minister of State Kasim Daoud
    26 January 2005Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability Following Senate Briefing
    26 January 2005Press Stakeout Following Briefing of House Armed Services Committee on Iraq And Afghanistan
    Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; and General John Abizaid, Commander, U.S. Central Command
    19 January 2005Special Defense Department Briefing On Iraq Reconstruction
    Charles Hess, Iraq Project and Contracting Office; Bill Taylor, Iraq Reconstruction Management Office; Chris Milligan, USAID
    18 January 2005Special Defense Department on MEF Operations in Iraq
    16 January 2005Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Tempo
    15 January 2005DoD Update on Ongoing Security Operations in Northwestern Iraq
    13 January 2005Defense Department Operational Update Briefing Presented by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita and Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Staff Operations Directorate, Brig. Gen. David Rodriguez
    13 January 2005Coalition Press Information Center Briefing on Operations in North Central Iraq
    07 January 2005Defense Department Briefing Presented by Lawrence Di Rita, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs; Brigadier General David Rodriguez, Deputy Director for Regional Operations, Joint Staff Operations Directorate
    05 January 2005Operational Update Presented by Gen. Thomas Metz, Commander, Multinational Corps-Iraq
    05 January 2005Special Defense Department Briefing on Security Operations In Baghdad
    04 January 2005Defense Department Background Briefing on Upcoming Elections in Iraq
    24 December 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Addresses Troops in Fallujah with Lt. Gen. Sattler
    24 December 2004Secretary Rumsfeld with the 1st Infantry Division in Tikrit
    24 December 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Greets Troops in Mosul with Brig Gen. Ham
    23 December 2004Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in Baghdad with Task Force Baghdad
    23 December 2004Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld En Route to Iraq
    22 December 2004Defense Department Operational Update Briefing Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; and General Richard Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    16 December 2004DoD News Briefing
    General George W. Casey, Jr., Commander, Multinational Force, Iraq
    15 December 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on CENTCOM Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
    15 December 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Iraq Reconstruction Update
    15 December 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Iraq Reconstruction Update - Slides
    08 December 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Town Hall Meeting in Kuwait
    03 December 2004Iraq Reconstruction Passes 1,000 Project Milestone
    19 November 2004Defense Department Briefing on Progress of Reconstruction Work in Iraq; Plans for Reconstruction in Fallujah
    07 October 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Construction and Non-Construction Projects in Iraq
    07 October 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Construction and Non-Construction Projects in Iraq - Briefing Slides
    05 October 2004“Courage and Freedom”: Address at Warsaw University Remarks as Delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Warsaw, Poland
    04 October 2004Council on Foreign Relations, Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, NYC NY
    29 September 2004Speech to the Committee on the Present Danger and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC
    24 September 2004Media Availability with Secretary Rumsfeld following meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister and Defense Minister
    20 September 2004Media Availability with Lt. General Sharp
    14 September 2004Eisenhower National Security Conference
    Remarks as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Ronald Reagan Bldg and Intl Trade Center, Washington, DC
    10 September 2004Department of Defense Statement on Seymour Hersh Book Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib
    10 September 2004National Press Club Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Washington, DC
    08 September 2004A Strategic Approach to the Challenge of Terrorism
    Remarks as Prepared for Delivery Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Grand Hyatt Washington DC
    08 September 2004Transformation and Security Cooperation
    Remarks by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, ComDef 2004 Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC
    25 August 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Results of Investigation of Military Intelligence Activities at Abu Ghraib Prison Facility
    25 August 2004Special Defense Department Briefing on Results of Investigation of Military Intelligence Activities at Abu Ghraib Prison Facility - Briefing Slides
    25 August 2004Background Briefing on Investigations on Abu Ghraib
    17 August 2004Hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on U.S. Intelligence
    Transcript of Testimony by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Russell Senate Office Bldg, Wash DC
    12 August 2004Iraqi Interim Government Briefing
    10 August 2004Statement for the House Armed Services Committee as Prepared for Delivery by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Washington, DC
    22 July 2004Remarks as Delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, at Luke AFB Arizona
    19 July 2004Remarks to a Delegation of Iraqi Women as Delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    16 July 2004Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Remarks at Aspen Institute
    15 July 2004Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz in Capitol Hill Stakeout
    29 June 2004Press Conference with Iraqi Prime Minister
    25 June 2004Testimony as Delivered to the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Transition in Iraq
    23 June 2004Prepared Statement before the House Armed Services Committee by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith
    15 June 2004Iraq: Winning the Hearts and Minds, prepared statement of Peter W. Rodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations of the House Government Reform Committee
    24 June 2004 Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Brit Hume, Fox News Live
    24 June 2004 Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Sean Hannity, ABC Radio
    24 June 2004Regular DoD News Briefing, Lawrence Di Rita, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
    23 June 2004Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz on MSNBC Hardball
    23 June 2004Special Defense Department Briefing with Secretary of the Navy Gordon England
    22 June 2004Prepared Statement for the House Armed Services Committee As Prepared for Delivery for the House Armed Services Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Washington, DC, Tuesday, June 22, 2004
    17 June 2004Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Press Conference in Mosul
    09 June 2004The Road Map For A Sovereign Iraq As published in the Wall Street Journal by Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
    08 June 2004Press Conference with Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez
    05 June 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Maria Ressa, CNN
    30 May 2004Ask the U.S. Commander in Iraq, BBC BG Mark Kimmitt
    24 May 2004Defense Department Briefing on Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts
    24 May 2004Defense Department Briefing on Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts - Briefing Slides
    24 May 2004Defense Department Briefing on Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts - Briefing Slides/PMO User Guide
    20 May 2004Stakeout After Classified Senate Operations and Intelligence Committee Brief
    18 May 2004Final Administrative Review Procedures for Guantanamo Detainees
    18 May 2004 Prepared Statement for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    17 May 2004 Remarks by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to the Heritage Foundation
    14 May 2004 Major General Miller Interview in Baghdad with Pentagon Press Corps
    13 May 2004 Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and General Myers Speech at Abu Ghraib Prison
    13 May 2004 Prepared Statement for the Senate Armed Services Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    07 May 2004 Testimony of Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
    as prepared for delivery to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees
    07 May 2004 Testimony of Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld - Chronology of Investigations
    as prepared for delivery to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees
    05 May 2004 Philadelphia World Affairs Council Remarks as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Philadelphia, PA
    04 May 2004 Iraq: One Year Later by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
    04 May 2004 Special Defense Department Briefing, Presenter Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen George Casey
    29 April 2004 Prepared Statement for the House Appropriations Committee, Foreign Operations Subcommittee, by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    22 April 2004 Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to the Newspaper Association of America/American Society of Newspaper Editors
    22 April 2004Defense, Democracy and the War on Terrorism Remarks by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
    21 April 2004 Prepared Statement For the Senate and House Armed Services Committees by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, 20 And 21 April
    20 April 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes, Fox News
    14 April 2004U.S. Strategy for the War on Terrorism by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, University of Chicago
    23 March 2004Testimony Prepared for Delivery to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    19 March 2004Terror is Losing, Article in New York Post by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    10 March 2004Briefing on Contracting Programs in Iraq
    23 February 2004Baghdad Police Academy Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks
    23 February 2004Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with the Iraqi Media
    19 February 2004Special Defense Department Briefing Operational Update
    13 February 2004Briefing on Detainee Operations at Guantanomo Bay
    04 February 2004Remarks on Intelligence Secretary Rumsfeld
    02 February 2004Defense's Wolfowitz Says Women's Empowerment Vital to Iraqi Democracy
    01 February 2004Women in The New Iraq Washington Post article Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz
    30 January 2004Wolfowitz: U.S., Turkey Share Common Vision on Future of Iraq
    06 January 2004DoD News Briefing – Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers
    06 January 2004Background Briefing on Reconstruction Contracting in Iraq
    06 January 2004 82nd Airborne Division Commanding General's Briefing

    31 December 20031st Armored Division Commanding General's Briefing

    23 December 2003Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
    17 December 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Remarks to Proliferation Security Initiative Conference
    16 December 2003Media Availability from Baghdad
    14 December 2003Ambassador Bremer Briefing from Baghdad
    12 December 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks to the National Conference of State Legislators
    11 December 2003Media Availability on the Kellogg Brown & Root Contract
    9 December 2003Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
    6 December 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability in Baghdad
    5 December 2003Television Address to the Iraqi People
    3 December 2003Transforming the U.S. Global Defense Posture
    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, to the Center for Strategic and International Studies

    24 November 2003Strategy and the Idea of Freedom
    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, for the Heritage Foundation

    20 November 2003Brig. Gen. Dempsey Briefs on 1st Armored Division Operations in Iraq
    18 November 2003Army Maj. Gen. Swannack Jr., Live Video Tele-conference from Baghdad
    13 November 2003Council on Foreign Relations: Progress in the Global War on Terrorism
    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, Washington, DC

    6 November 2003 DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
    4 November 2003Representatives in DoD Briefing Room Discuss Recent Congressional Delegation to Iraq
    4 November 2003Conference on Iraqi Reconstruction, Mercatus Center, George Mason University
    31 October 2003Backgrounder on DoD Support to the 9/11 Commission
    30 October 2003Secretary Rumsfeld briefs on Iraq
    30 October 2003 Representatives in DoD Briefing Room Discuss Recent Congressional Delegation to Iraq
    30 October 2003 Winning the Battle of Ideas: Another Front in the War on Terror
    29 October 2003Comptroller and Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim briefs on Iraq Donors Conference
    27 October 2003Commander, 4th Infantry Division, Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno, via Teleconference from Tikrit, Iraq
    26 October 2003Broadcast Statement to Iraqi People (Iraqi Media Network)
    26 October 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Iraq Trip Summary -- onboard aircraft
    26 October 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Iraqi Media Networks
    26 October 2003DoD News: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Remarks on the Attacks on Al Rasheed Hotel
    26 October 2003CPA Interview with George Stephanopoulos, ABC
    25 October 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz briefs on Iraqi Civil Defense Corps
    25 October 2003 Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Roundtable with Sunni Clerics
    23 October 2003 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Interview with Washington Times, Editorial Board
    23 October 2003 Secretary Rumsfeld, Mr Di Rita and Lt. Gen. Schwartz
    22 October 2003DoD News Briefing - Mr. Lawrence Di Rita on Secretary Rumsfeld's 16 October Memo
     Secretary Rumsfeld's 16 October Memo
    22 October 2003Congressional Delegation Returning From Trip to Iraq
    21 October 2003Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
    21 October 2003Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace - Briefing Slides
    16 October 2003Senators in DoD Briefing Room Discuss Recent Congressional Delegation to Iraq
    15 October 2003CPA Briefs on Iraqi Currency Exchange
    15 October 2003Secretary of Defense Delivers Ronald Reagan Public Policy Briefing
    09 October 2003Keeper of the Flame Award
    02 October 2003Briefing on Joint Lessons Learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom
    02 October 2003Briefing on Joint Lessons Learned from Operation Iraqi Freedom - Briefing Slides
    27 September 2003Memorial Service for Ayatollah Muhammed Baqir Al-Hakim
    26 September 2003 Iraq Reconstruction Update Briefing with Ambassador Bremer
    25 September 2003Testimony as Delivered to the House Armed Services Committee: Fighting to Win
    24 September 2003Prepared Statement of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld for the Senate Appropriations Committee
    17 September 2003DoD News Briefing Mr. Di Rita and Mr. Slocombe
    11 September 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with The News Hour With Jim Lehrer
    10 September 2003Briefing on the Investigation of Antiquity Loss from the Baghdad Museum
    10 September 2003Briefing on the Investigation of Antiquity Loss from the Baghdad Museum - Investigation Final Report
    09 September 2003Helping Win the War on Terror Testimony as Delivered to the Senate Armed Services Committee by Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz
    06 September 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Press Availability in Iraq
    02 September 2003Support Our Troops by Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz as published in the Wall Street Journal, Tuesday 2 September 2003
    29 July 2003On Iraq Testimony as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Joshua Bolton, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Acting Chief of Staff General John Keane before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    28 July 2003Roots of Hope In A Realm of Fear by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz as published in The Washington Post Monday, 28 July 2003
    25 July 2003Videoteleconference from Iraq with Maj. Gen. Odierno
    25 July 2003News Conference on DoD Efforts to Help Rebuild the Iraqi Health System
    24 July 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Ambassador Bremer
    23 July 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview on News Hour with Jim Lehrer
    23 July 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Briefing on His Recent Trip to Iraq
    23 July 2003Gen. Keane Press Briefing on Plans to Rotate Forces in Iraq
    23 July 2003Gen. Keane Press Briefing on Plans to Rotate Forces in Iraq - Briefing Slides
    23 July 2003Lt. Gen. Sanchez Briefing on the Confirmation of the Deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein
    23 July 2003Lt. Gen. Sanchez Briefing on the Confirmation of the Deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein - Briefing Slides
    20 July 2003Ambassador L. Paul Bremer Interview with Fox News Sunday
    20 July 2003Ambassador Paul Bremer Interview on CBS Face The Nation
    20 July 2003Ambassador Paul Bremer Interview on Meet the Press
    18 July 2003CSIS Report Briefing
    16 July 2003DoD News Briefing - Mr. Di Rita and Gen. Abizaid
    09 July 2003Testimony on Iraq (Transcript)
    Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Senate Armed services Committee
    07 July 2003Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz Interview with Los Angeles Times
    07 July 2003 Under Secretary Feith Remarks to the Center for Strategic and International Studies
    07 July 2003Briefing on Post-War Developments in Iraq
    03 July 2003Background Briefing on Military Commissions
    30 June 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
    30 June 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers - Briefing Slides
    18 June 2003Testimony on U.S. Military Presence in Iraq: Implications for Global Defense Posture
    As Prepared for Delivery for the House Armed Services Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    18 June 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability with Jay Garner
    18 June 2003Maj. Gen. Odierno Videoteleconference from Baghdad
    Commander, U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno
    13 June 2003Coalition Joint Task Force Seven Commander Live Briefing from Baghdad
    Army Lt. Gen. David McKiernan
    12 June 2003Briefing on Coalition Post-war Reconstruction and Stabilization Efforts
    Ambassador Paul Bremer
    05 June 2003Background Briefing on IAEA Nuclear Safeguards and the Tuwaitha Facility
    03 June 2003DoD Briefing on Operation Iraqi Freedom Lessons Learned Process
    Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Gordon C. Nash & Army Brig. Gen. Robert W. Cone
    30 May 2003Briefing on the Iraq Survey Group
    Stephen A. Cambone, USD (Intelligence)
    30 May 2003First Marine Expeditionary Force Commander Live Briefing from Iraq
    Marine Corps Lt. Gen. James Conway
    28 May 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Karen DeYoung, Washington Post
    28 May 2003Update on Iraq; Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
    27 May 2003Remarks by Secretary Rumsfeld To the Council on Foreign Relations
    27 May 2003Core Principles for a Free Iraq
    27 May 2003Iraq Status Report --Slides
    25 May 2003Speech at First Shia Muslim Convention in North America; Remarks as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.
    22 May 2003Testimony on Iraq Reconstruction As Prepared for Delivery for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.
    16 May 2003Briefing from the Team Investigating Antiquity Loss in Iraq
    15 May 2003Ambassador Bremer Statement from Baghdad, Iraq
    13 May 2003National Defense University Conference on Counterproliferation; Remarks as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Fort Lesley J. Mcnair, Washington, DC
    08 May 2003Enemy Prisoner of War Briefing From Kuwait City
    07 May 2003Briefing on Weapons of Mass Destruction Exploitation in Iraq
    07 May 2003Briefing on Weapons of Mass Destruction Exploitation in Iraq - Mobile Lab Photo
    07 May 2003Fifth Corps Commander Live Briefing from Baghdad
    25 April 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Briefing with Arab/Muslim Media
    25 April 2003Foreign Press Center Briefing On Iraqi Interim Authority; Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    24 April 2003Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with the Associated Press
    15 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
    15 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers - Briefing Slides
    11 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
    11 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers - Briefing Slides
    11 April 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Briefing with Arab/Muslim Media
    10 April 2003Prepared Statement for the Senate Armed Services Committee: The Future of NATO and Iraq
    07 April 2003Briefing on Geneva Convention, EPW's and War Crimes
    01 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
    01 April 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers - Briefing Slides
    25 March 2003Statement of International Support of Iraqi Freedom
    21 March 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers
    21 March 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers - Briefing Slides
    20 March 2003DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers
    14 March 2003Briefing on Free Iraq Forces - Army Maj. Gen. David Barno
    11 March 2003Veterans of Foreign Wars
    Remarks as delivered by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
    05 March 2003Background Briefing On Targeting
    05 March 2003Background Briefing On Targeting - Slides
    26 February 2003Briefing on Human Shields in Iraq
    26 February 2003Briefing on Human Shields in Iraq - Slides
    23 February 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Town Hall Meeting with Iraqi-American Community
    23 January 2003Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Speech on Iraq Disarmament
    31 December 20022002 Year in Review
    December 2002National Strategy To Combat Weapons Of Mass Destruction
    18 October 2002Saddam Hussein: In His Own Words
    08 October 2002DoD Briefing on Iraqi Denial and Deception
    08 October 2002DoD Briefing on Iraqi Denial and Deception - Briefing Slides


    Department of State
    Department of State
    Iraq Update

    CurrentIraq page
    CurrentState Department Reports on Iraq
    CurrentIraq's Political Process
    CurrentUSG Reports on Iraq
    CurrentRebuilding Iraq
    Iraq Reconstruction Task Force ( U.S. Department of Commerce)

    CurrentIraq Congressional Research Reports
    CurrentU.S. Embassy-Iraq
    CurrentIraq Weekly Status Report
    06 July 2006Section 1227 Report on Iraq
    25 June 2006Iraq’s National Reconciliation and Dialogue Project
    15 June 2006Report by Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the Multinational Force in Iraq
    05 June 2006The Iraqi Virtual Science Library
    21 May 2006Statement on Inauguration of New Iraqi Government
    21 May 2006Transcript of U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad's Press Conference on the Inauguration of the Permanent Government of Iraq
    01 May 2006Launch of the Iraqi Virtual Science Library
    27 April 2006Remarks at Stakeout with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
    26 April 2006Joint Roundtable with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld with Local Reporters
    26 April 2006Joint Roundtable with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
    26 April 2006Briefing En Route Baghdad, Iraq
    26 April 2006Testimony of Ambassador James Jeffrey, Senior Advisor and Coordinator for Iraq for the Secretary of State before the House Committee on International Relations
    24 April 2006Statement by U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad on the Convening of the Iraqi Council of Representatives
    22 April 2006On-the-Record Briefing on Iraqi Political Developments
    19 April 2006Opening Remarks and Q&A Session at Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
    12 April 2006A Path to Success in Iraq
    Joint Op-Ed by Ambassador Khalilzad and General Casey
    09 April 2006Joint Statement by Ambassador Khalilzad and General Casey on Iraqi Freedom Day
    06 April 2006Presidential report to the United States Congress pursuant to the United States Policy in Iraq Act
    03 April 2006Remarks with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw
    April 2006Section 2207 Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
    09 March 2006FY 2006 Supplemental Budget Request
    28 February 2006Assistance to Iraq in the FY 2006 Supplemental Budget and FY 2007 Budget Request
  • Advancing the President’s National Strategy for Victory in Iraq: Funding Iraq’s Transition to Self-Reliance in 2006 and 2007 and Support for the Counterinsurgency Campaign
  • 24 February 2006Iraq Reconstruction Update
    22 February 2006United States Condemns Bombing of Important Shia Mosque in Iraq
    22 February 2006Press Statement of the Security Council on Iraq by Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, in his capacity as President of the Council
    12 February 2006A Political Blueprint for Iraq
    Op-Ed by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad
    10 February 2006United States Welcomes Certified Results of Iraqi Legislative Elections
    09 February 2006Iraq Reconstruction
    Briefing by Daniel V. Speckhard, Director of Strategic Governance and Economic Effects, Director of Iraq Reconstruction Management Office in Baghdad
    09 February 2006Supporting Justice and Accountability in Iraq
    08 February 2006Remarks to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
    Ambassador James Jeffrey, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State for Iraq
    08 February 2006Rebuilding Iraq: U.S. Achievements Through the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund
    09 January 2006The Challenge Before Us
    Op-Ed by U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad
    09 January 2006U.S. Envoy, U.S. General Praise Iraqi Police Force
    January 2006Section 2207 Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
    29 December 2005International Monitors and Experts in Iraq
    23 December 2005Joint Statement by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and General George Casey
    23 December 2005Troop Level Adjustment in Iraq
    U.S. Embassy Baghdad fact sheet
    20 December 2005U.S. Envoy to Iraq Cites Political, Economic, Security Progress
    16 December 2005Joint Statement by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and General George Casey
    16 December 2005Interview with Anne Gearan of Associated Press
    16 December 2005USAID Support for Elections in Iraq
    15 December 2005Iraq Elections Fact Sheet
    15 December 2005After the Elections
    Op-Ed by U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad
    15 December 2005United States Will Continue Support for Emerging Iraqi Democracy
    14 December 2005Statement by Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the Work of the Multinational Force, in the Security Council
    13 December 2005An Overview of International Support for Iraqi Democracy on the Eve of the December 15, 2005 Elections
    Remarks by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Heritage Foundation
    12 December 2005Iraq: Upcoming Elections for the Iraqi Council of Representatives
    Foreign Press Center Briefing by Ambassador James Jeffrey, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator for Iraq
    09 December 2005U.S. Envoy to Iraq Condemns Pre-election Violence, Fraud
    08 December 2005U.S. Officials Explain Iraq Political, Economic Transformation
    07 December 2005Top Ten USAID Strategic Accomplishments in Iraq
    07 December 2005USAID Support for Reconstruction and Stability in Najaf and Mosul
    06 December 2005U.S. Envoy to Iraq Urges Voters to Cast Ballots on December 15
    22 November 2005Interview on CNN with John King
    11 November 2005Remarks at the Inauguration of the Provincial Reconstruction Team
    11 November 2005Joint Press Availabililty with Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari
    11 November 2005Interview on CNN with Kevin Flower
    08 November 2005Statement by Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, on the Extension of Multinational Force, in the Security Council
    28 October 2005Interview by Michael Hirsch, Newsweek
    Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador to Iraq
    26 October 2005Ambassador Khalilzad Praises Passage of Iraqi Constitution
    25 October 2005Iraqi Constitutional Referendum
    19 October 2005Iraq and U.S. Policy
    19 October 2005Remarks at Project HOPE Dinner: Health and HOPE for the Children of Iraq
    18 October 2005Iraq: Post Referendum Update
    16 October 2005On-the-Record Briefing, London, England
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
    12 October 2005U.S. Envoy Welcomes Compromise on Iraq’s Draft Constitution
    October 2005Section 2207 Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
    30 September 2005Princeton University's Celebration of the 75th Anniversary Of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
    Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
    25 September 2005U.S. Envoy to Iraq Reaffirms U.S. Resolve to Assist Iraqi People
    21 September 2005Statement by Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, Deputy U.S. Representative to the United Nations, on the Situation in Iraq, Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1546
    12 September 2005U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad on Reconstruction Efforts
    12 September 2005Interview with the CBS New Editorial Board
    04 September 2005Politics Breaks Out in Iraq
    28 August 2005Congratulations to Iraqi People on Draft Constitution
    28 August 2005U.S. Ambassador Congratulates Iraqi Leaders on Draft Constitution
    23 August 2005Press Conference with Ambassador Khalilzad
    22 August 2005Iraqi Draft Constitution
    16 August 2005Ambassador Khalilzad Comments on Progress Drafting Iraq's Constitution
    16 August 2005Interview on CNN
    Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
    16 August 2005Interview on CNN International
    Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
    16 August 2005Interview on Fox & Friends
    Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
    16 August 2005U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad on MSNBC
    15 August 2005Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on the Iraqi National Assembly Vote to Extend the Date for the Drafting of the Iraqi Constitution
    15 August 2005U.S. Support for Women in Iraq
    14 August 2005Transcript of Al-Iraqiya TV Interview with Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad
    11 August 2005Remarks by Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the Situation in Iraq and the Oil-for-Food Program
    09 August 2005U.S. Transfers International Press Center to Iraqi Government
    07 August 2005U.S. Envoy Outlines Iraq's Compact with America
    07 August 2005U.S. Ambassador Urges Iraq to Respects Equal Rights in Constitution
    04 August 2005Statement by Ambassador John Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on Security Council Resolution 1618 Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Iraq
    04 August 2005Statement by Ambassador John Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on Security Council Resolution 1618 Condemning Terrorism in Iraq
    15 July 2005Interagency Assessment of Iraq Police Training
    13 July 2005The U.S. and the Future of Iraq
    11 July 2005U.S.-Iraq Joint Commission on Reconstruction and Economic Development Joint Communique
    11 July 2005Iraq's Economic Building Blocks: Reviewing Progress
    08 July 2005Killing of Egyptian Envoy to Iraq, Ihab al-Sherif
    July 2005Section 2207 Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
    22 June 2005Remarks at the Closing Session of the International Conference on Iraq
    22 June 2005Joint Press Availability with EU, UN and Iraqi Leaders
    22 June 2005Remarks at the Opening Session of the International Conference on Iraq
    22 June 2005U.S. Commitment to Women in Iraq
    20 June 2005US-EU Summit: Iraq International Conference
    07 June 2005Priorities for U.S. Policy in Iraq
    Statement by Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador-Designate to Iraq, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    02 June 2005Announcement of International Conference on Iraq: Joint Statement by the United States, the European Union and Iraq
    01 June 2005Remarks with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari After Their Meeting
    01 June 2005The United States, The European Union and Iraq Announce International Conference on June 22, 2005
    31 May 2005Statement by Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, Acting U.S. Representative to the United Nations, on the Situation in Iraq Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1546
    20 May 2005Remarks with His Excellency Barham Salih, Minister of Planning of the Republic of Iraq
    19 May 2005Press Roundtable in Baghdad
    15 May 2005Remarks at American Embassy Baghdad
    15 May 2005Remarks with Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari
    15 May 2005Remarks with Kurdistan Democratic Party Leader Massoud Barzani
    28 April 2005Iraqi Transitional Government
    12 April 2005Press Briefing Aboard Aircraft Enroute to Amman, Jordan
    Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick
    06 April 2005Section 2207 Report to Congress: Quarterly update on the use of Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Funds
    05 April 2005Remarks on President Bush's Intention to Nominate Zalmay Khalilzad as Ambassador to Iraq
    01 March 2005Selection of Richard Jones as Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Coordinator for Iraq
    22 February 2005U.S. Commitment to Women in Iraq
    17 February 2005U.S.-EU Cooperation on Iraq
    14 February 2005Iraq: Reconstruction Spending
    08 February 2005World Leaders React to the Iraqi Elections
    06 February 2005Remarks With Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul After Meeting
    03 February 2005The UN Oil-for-Food Program: Uncovering the Facts and Preventing Abuse
    01 February 2005The Iraqi Elections: Initial Results
    30 January 2005Interview on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice
    30 January 2005Interview on CBS's Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice
    30 January 2005Interview on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos and Peter Jennings
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice
    30 January 2005Interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice
    28 January 2005European Union Pledge for Iraq Reconstruction
    23 January 2005Ambassador John Negroponte on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos
    23 January 2005Ambassador John Negroponte on CBS's Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer
    23 January 2005Ambassador John Negroponte on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
    23 January 2005Ambassador John Negroponte on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace
    23 January 2005Ambassador John Negroponte on NBC's Meet The Press with Tim Russert
    18 January 2005Opening Remarks by Secretary of State-Designate Dr. Condoleezza Rice
    18 January 2005The January 30th Iraqi Elections
    13 January 2005Interview on The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer
    12 January 2005Status of the Out-of-Country Voting Program for Iraqi Citizens in the United States and the Accelerating Pace of Preparations for Elections in Iraq
    11 January 2005Interview on NPR With Juan Williams
    06 January 2005Iraq: Building a New Society
    05 January 2005Section 2207 Report to Congress: Quarterly update on the use of Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Funds
    22 December 2004U.S.-Iraq Joint Economic Commission Joint Communiqué
    21 December 2004Iraq's Successes and Challenges as it Rebuilds its Economy and Rejoins the World Marketplace
    20 December 2004United States and Iraq Sign Memorandums of Understanding Regarding Energy Cooperation
    17 December 2004Remarks at Signing Ceremony for Bilateral Debt Agreement with Iraq
    06 December 2004Remarks with Iraqi Interim Government President Ghazi Al-Yawar
    Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State
    03 December 2004On-the-Record Briefing on Reconstruction Progress in Iraq
    29 November 2004Alan Larson on “the Untold Story” of Iraq’s Economic Progress
    23 November 2004Press Conference Following the International Ministerial Meeting of the Countries Neighboring Iraq, the G-8, and China
    Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State
    21 October 2004Interview by Hany El-Konayyesi of Abu Dhabi TV
    14 October 2004Remarks to the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign
    12 October 2004Interview With Mouafac Harb of Al-Hurra
    07 October 2004Interview by Warren Strobel of Knight-Ridder
    01 October 2004Remarks at the Atlanta Press Club
    October 2004Section 2207 Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
    30 September 2004Remarks at the Development, Democracy and Security Bretton Woods Committee Conference
    27 September 2004Grants To Support Democratization Training for Iraqi Women Washington, DC
    24 September 04Hearing on U.S. Assistance Programs for Iraq
    Statement of Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, before the House Appropriations Committee, Foreign Operations Subcommittee
    24 September 2004Interview With The New York Times Editorial Board
    10 September 2004Remarks at the 2004 Herbert Quandt Distinguished Lecture
    19 August 2004One-Year Anniversary of Bombing at UN Headquarters in Iraq
    30 July 2004Interview on Al Iraqia TV
    30 July 2004Remarks to the Press With Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih
    30 July 2004Statement With Iraqi President Sheikh Ghazi Al Yawer
    29 July 2004Remarks With Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi
    21 July 2004Remarks at Meeting with Iraqi Human Rights Victims
    16 July 2004Interview on PBS's Charlie Rose
    15 July 2004Ongoing Efforts to Assist the People of Iraq
    24 June 2004Interview by Arab Journalists
    23 June 2004Remarks at the Swearing-In of John D. Negroponte, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
    16 June 2004Interview with Hafiz Mirazi of Al-Jazeera Television
    14 June 2004Remarks with King Abdullah of Jordan After Their Meeting
    08 June 2004Remarks at Beginning of Bilateral with President of Iraqi Interim Government Ghazi al-Yawer
    20 May 2004Remarks to International Political Directors on the Way Forward in Iraq
    18 May 2004 Iraq's Transition - the Way Ahead
    Prepared Statement of Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
    17 May 2004 Death of Izzedin Salim, President, Iraq Governing Council
    16 May 2004 Interview on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos
    16 May 2004 Interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace
    16 May 2004 Interview on NBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert
    13 May 2004 The Imminent Transfer of Sovereignty in Iraq
    Testimony of Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, to the House International Relations Committee
    13 May 2004 Interview on Al Arabiya with Hisham Melhem
    22 April 2004 The Iraq Transition: Obstacles and Opportunities
    Testimony of Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    21 April 2004Foreign Assistance and International Terrorism
    Testimony of Ambassador Cofer Black, Coordinator for Counterterrorism, to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations
    21 April 2004 Iraq's Transition to Sovereignty
    Testimony of Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, to the House Armed Services Committee
    20 April 2004 U.S. Policy and Military Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
    Testimony of Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, to the Senate Armed Services Committee
    02 April 2004Bremer Congratulates Iraq's Newest Police Academy Graduates
    29 March 2004Bremer Announces Tens of Thousands of Jobs to be Created in Iraq
    26 March 2004"Stay the Course" against Terrorism, Lecture by Secretary Powell
    at the Kennan Institute, Washington, DC
    25 March 2004Iraq on "Path to Full Democracy," Bremer Says
    23 March 2003Counterterrorism Policy, Secretary Colin L. Powell
    Opening Remarks Before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United State
    19 March 2004Remarks at "Meet and Greet" Event with Coalition Provisional Authority Personnel and Troops; Coalition Provisional Authority
    19 March 2004Remarks to the Press With Coalition Provisional Authority Administrator L. Paul Bremer
    12 March 2004Interview by Tom Brokaw; Washington, DC
    10 March 2004 The President's Budget Request for FY 2005; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Opening Remarks Before the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs; House Appropriations Committee
    03 February 2004Remarks With United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan
    11 February 2004 Economic and Financial Reconstruction in Iraq; E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs; Testimony Before the Senate Banking Subcommittee on International trade and Finance
    02 February 2004Remarks At Meeting of First Iraqi Fulbright Students
    30 January 2004World Bank Authorizes Iraq Construction Trust Fund
    20 January 2004Remarks With President of the Iraqi Governing Council After Their Meeting
    08 January 2004 Secretary Powell's Press Conference; Washington DC
    07 January 2004 Interview; Ted Koppel of ABC's Nightline; Washington DC
    18 December 2003 Redirection of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Experts
    18 December 2003Redirection of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Experts Short-term Program
    17 December 2003 Proliferation Security Initiative
    15 December 2003Status of the Reward Payment for Uday and Qusay Hussein (Taken Question)
    12 December 2003Progress in Clearing Iraq's Landmine Legacy
    09 December 2003 Remarks at Performance of Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra
    05 December 2003Remarks After Meeting With King Abdallah of Jordan
    04 December 2003Press Briefing After NATO Working Luncheon
    26 November 2003Interview With Michele Kelemen of National Public Radio
    25 November 2003Interview With European Newspaper Journalists
    20 November 2003Bombings in Istanbul
    05 November 2003Interview by Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed of Asharq Al-Awsat
    04 November 2003From Nightmare to Freedom: The Rise of a Free Iraq
    31 October 2003Interview by Ted Koppel of ABC'S Nightline
    29 September 2003Secretary Colin L. Powell Remarks at U.S. - Arab Economic Forum
    29 August 2003Secretary Powell Condemnation of Bombing At Imam Ali Mosque in Al Najaf
    21 August 2003Powell Remarks with UN Secretary Kofi Annan Outside UN, New York NY
    19 August 2003Secretary Powell Condemnation of Bombing at UN HQ in Iraq
    19 August 2003Death of Sergio Vieira de Mello UN Envoy for Iraq
    24 July 2003Secretary Colin L. Powell Remarks with Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul
    22 July 2003Secretary Colin L. Powell Interview with The Washington Times Editorial Board
    16 July 2003Remarks With German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer After Their Meeting
    10 July 2003Secretary Colin L. Powell Interview on CNN's Larry King Live
    04 June 2003Future of Iraq
    15 May 2003U.S. Policy Toward Iraq
    Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs, Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee
    14 May 2003Repatriation of Iraqi State Assets to the Iraqi People
    30 April 2003Release of the 2002 "Patterns of Global Terrorism" Annual Report; Secretary Colin L. Powell
    30 April 2003On-the-Record Briefing, Ambassador Cofer Black, Coordinator for Counterterrorism on the Release of the Annual Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002 report
    30 April 2003Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002
        OverviewThis Overview and the report linked above are html versions.
        PDF Version: Note this version is 37 mb and may take a long time to download depending on your internet connection.
    22 April 2003Secretary Colin L. Powell - Interview with Charlie Rose of PBS
    12 April 2003 Secretary Colin L. Powell - Interview by Sir David Frost of BBC
    10 April 2003Opening Statement Before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Pierre-Richard Prosper, Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
    26 March 2003Interview on Al Jazeera TV - Secretary Colin L. Powell
    19 March 2003Nonproliferation Policies and Initiatives
    18 March 2003Diplomacy and the War Against Terrorism
    17 March 2003Briefing on Situation With Iraq Secretary Colin L. Powell
    07 March 2003Remarks After United Nations Security Council Debate Secretary Colin L. Powell
    06 March 2003Secretary Powell's Remarks at U.N. Security Council Meeting
    05 March 2003Iraq: Still Failing to Disarm
    14 February 2003U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council
    11 February 2003Post-Saddam Iraq
    11 February 2003Current and Projected Threats to the National Security of the United States
    05 February 2003U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council
  • PowerPoint presentation used during briefing
  • Video of presentation
  • 03 February 2003U.S. Policy on Iraq - "We Will Not Shrink from War"
    Op-Ed by Secretary Powell
    19 December 2002State Department Cites Gaps in Iraq Weapons Declaration
    December 2002Iraq: A Population Silenced
    08 November 2002U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441
    07 May 2002IRAQ: Crimes Against Humanity
    04 March 2002IRAQ: Country Report On Human Rights Practices 2001


    Department of Homeland Security
    Department of Homeland Security



    Central Intelligence Agency

    05 March 2005Addendums to the Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD
    16 February 2005Global Intelligence Challenges 2005: Meeting Long-Term Challenges with Long-Term Strategy
    Testimony of Director of Central Intelligence Porter J. Goss Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
    December 2004Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project
    6 October 2004Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (Duelfer Report)
    14 July 2004Transcript of Acting Director of Central Intelligence John E. McLaughlin Interviewed by Steve Roberts on National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show
    14 April 2004 Posted Opening Remarks of Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    14 April 2004 Posted Written Statement for the Record of James L. Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations, before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    14 April 2004 Posted Statement for the Record of John O. Brennan, Director, Terrorist Threat Integration Center on Law Enforcement and The Intelligence Community before the National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    30 March 2004 Testimony to the US Congress by Mr. Charles, Duelfer, Director of Central Intelligence, Special Advisor for Strategy regarding Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Programs
    24 March 2004 Statement by Director of Central Intelligence, George J. Tenet to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States ( as prepared for delivery)
    24 March 2004 Written Statement for the Record of the Director of Central Intelligence Before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    24 February 2004 The Worldwide Threat 2004 Testimony, Director George J. Tenet before Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
    05 February 2004 Remarks, Director George J. Tenet Iraq's WMD Programs, Georgetown University
    2 November 2003Statement by Dr. David Kay, Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence
    2 October 2003Statement by David Kay on the Interim Progress Report on the Activities of the Iraq Survey
    11 August 2003 Statement by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet on the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction
    11 July 2003Statement By George J. Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence
    11 June 2003DCI Tenet Announces Appointment of David Kay as Special Advisor
    30 May 2003Statement by George J. Tenet Director of Central Intelligence
    28 May 2003Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants
    1 May 2003Terrorist Threat Integration Center Begins Operations
    11 February 2003DCI's Worldwide Threat Briefing: Evolving Dangers in a Complex World
    October 2002Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs
    2002Iraq - CIA World Factbook 2002


    Other Policy Sources

    CurrentIraq Sanctions
    Office of Foreign Assets Control. U.S. Department of the Treasury
    13 June 2006Rebuilding Iraq: Actions Still Needed to Improve the Use of Private Security Providers
    Government Accountability Office
    25 April 2006Iraqi Government Laying Foundation for Market Economy
    25 April 2006Rebuilding Iraq: Governance, Security, Reconstruction, and Financing Challenges, by David M. Walker, comptroller general of the United States, before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, House Committee on Government Reform
    28 February 2006Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence for the Senate Armed Services Committee
    23 December 2005Iraq Completes Debt Swap, Receives IMF Standby Arrangement
    Statements by Treasury Secretary John Snow
    20 December 2005Statement on Bush’s Iraq Speech - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    16 December 2005Statement on Republican Resolution on Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    15 December 2005Statement on Elections in Iraq - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    14 December 2005Bush’s Iraq Speech Today - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    14 December 2005Redeployment of Troops in Iraq - Rep. John Murtha
    14 December 2005Response to President Bush’s Latest Speech on Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    12 December 2005There is More Work to be Done in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    12 December 2005Response to Bush’s Speech on Iraq - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    09 December 2005Iraq's Post-Saddam Economy
    Robert M. Kimmitt, Deputy Treasury Secretary
    07 December 2005More of the Same in Iraq is not Making Us Safer Here at Home - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    07 December 2005Bush Again Provides No Way Forward in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    07 December 2005Biden Reacts to President Bush's Latest Speech on Iraq - Sen. Joseph Biden
    06 December 2005Democratic Leaders Call on Bush to Provide a Real Strategy for Success in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    05 December 2005Time for a New Secretary of Defense - Sen. John Kerry
    04 December 2005President Must End Marketing Campaign and Lay Out Real Strategy for Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    December 2005Iraq: Assessment of Progress in Economic Reconstruction and Governmental Capacity Staff Trip Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
    30 November 2005We Cannot Stay the Course, We Must Change the Course - Sen. Harry Reid
    30 November 2005We Should Follow Congressman Murtha’s Lead - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    30 November 2005Reaction to the President’s Address on U.S. Strategy in Iraq - Sen. Patrick Leahy
    30 November 2005Statement on Bush Iraq Speech - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    29 November 2005Democrats Call on Bush to Lay Out His Strategy for Success in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    26 November 2005Time for an Iraq Timetable - Sen. Joseph Biden
    22 November 2005‘Stay the Course’ Not a Strategy for Success in Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    21 November 2005Turning the Corner in Iraq - Sen. Joseph Biden
    21 November 2005Kerry Responds to Latest Attacks by Dick Cheney - Sen. John Kerry
    17 November 2005Congressman Murtha Calls for Redeployment from Iraq - Rep. John Murtha
    17 November 2005To Redeploy U.S. Forces from Iraq - Rep. John Murtha
    17 November 2005War in Iraq - Rep. John Murtha
    16 November 2005We Need Answers and a Way Forward in Iraq, Not Another Cheney Attack Speech - Sen. Harry Reid
    15 November 2005Democrats Offer a Way Forward in Iraq - Sen. Harry Reid
    15 November 2005We Need a Plan for Iraq - Sen. Joseph Biden
    15 November 2005Statement on Levin Iraq Amendment - Sen. Edward Kennedy
    15 November 2005Statement on the Iraq Amendments - Sen. Hillary Clinton
    14 November 2005White House Misleading Public on Prewar Iraq Intelligence - Sen. John Kerry
    11 November 2005Turning the Corner in Iraq - Sen. Joseph Biden
    10 November 2005Kerry Introduces Strategy for Success in Iraq Act in United States Senate - Sen. John Kerry
    03 November 2005President Embarked on a War of Choice without Making Sure Our Troops Were Properly Equipped - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    25 October 2005The War in Iraq - Sen. Patrick Leahy
    13 October 2005President Bush Has Still Not Provided a Clear Plan and Strategy for Success in Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    06 October 2005Statement on President Bush’s Speech on Iraq - Rep. Nancy Pelosi
    06 October 2005Biden Responds to President Bush's Speech to the National Endowment for Democracy - Sen. Joseph Biden
    07 July 2004Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq
    07 July 2004Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq: Conclusions
    Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate
