USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Research Projects

Multidisciplinary Characterization of Contaminant Transport in Fractured Rock -- Mirror Lake, New Hampshire

Drilling a bedrock well in the Mirror Lake, NH, watershed. USGS scientists used bedrock wells to characterize bedrock geology and fractures, and to conduct hydraulic and tracer tests to identify properties of fractures that control fluid movement and chemical migration
Drilling a bedrock well in the Mirror Lake, NH, watershed. USGS scientists used bedrock wells to characterize bedrock geology and fractures, and to conduct hydraulic and tracer tests to identify properties of fractures that control fluid movement and chemical migration

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Early Toxics Program research on point source contamination in fractured rock aquifers was organized around research activities at the Mirror Lake, New Hampshire research site. This site is uncontaminated and characterized by fractured crystalline rock. It lies within the Hubbard's Brook Experimental Forest administered by the U.S. Forest Service. Research conducted at the site has focused on understanding the processes and factors that affect how water flows in the fracture networks developed in such aquifers. The research has also emphasized development of methods to characterize subsurface fracture networks and the properties that affect flow and contaminant transport including noninvasive geophysical techniques. Numerous field tracer experiments have been conducted at the site. Knowledge and methods developed at this site have been generalized and tested at numerous other fractured rock sites across the Nation.

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