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Online Tools for Later Life Financial Planning

66 Ways to Save Money: Third Edition (*.pdf format) - The Consumer Federation of America brings you a brochure that includes 66 easy ways to save money in all aspects of your life.

AARP Financial Planning Tools - This tool outlines six essential steps, starting with basics like organizing your financial records to helping you adopt a personal financial strategy that you feel comfortable with, in order to achieve financial security later in your life.

Ballpark Estimate - The American Savings Education Council (ASEC) developed this easy-to-use, one-page worksheet that helps you quickly identify approximately how much you need to save to fund a comfortable retirement. The Ballpark Estimate takes complicated issues like projected Social Security benefits and earnings assumptions on savings, and turns them into language and mathematics that are easy to understand.

Interactive Tools for Investors - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has provided these interactive tools to assist with investment decisions.

Investing for Success - This Web course is an educational program jointly sponsored by the National Urban League (NUL) , the Coalition of Black Investors–Investment Education Fund (COBI-IEF) , and the Investment Company Institute Education Foundation (ICIEF) . This program responds to research showing that, when it comes to investing, African Americans lag behind other groups with similar incomes. The reason most often cited is lack of knowledge. NUL, COBI-IEF, ICIEF, and the mutual fund industry have joined forces to help address this “knowledge gap.”

Personal Wealth Estimator - This two-part financial calculator, a component of the America Saves campaign, calculates your current net worth and projects future net worth.

Plan Well, Retire Well: Your How-to-Guide - At this Web site, you will explore how your savings can grow, investment strategies, and the benefits of tax-deferred retirement plans.   With interactive tools, you can calculate where you are now, estimate how much you need to save, and set goals for your future.

Request a Social Security Statement - This service allows you to transmit your request for a Social Security statement using an online form.

Savings Fitness - A guide to your money and your financial future.  Most of us know it is smart to save money for those big-ticket items we really want to buy, like a new television, car, or home. Yet you may not realize that probably the most expensive thing you will ever buy in your lifetime is your retirement.    

Social Security Benefit Calculators - The Social Security Administration provides three calculators to help you explore your potential benefit amounts using different retirement dates and different levels of potential future earnings. The calculators will show your estimated retirement benefits, as well as an estimate of disability and survivor benefit amounts on your record if you should become disabled or die.

Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning - The U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)  has a publication to help Americans calculate the financial resources they will need to ensure a secure retirement.  This publication is designed to assist individuals who are within 10 years of retirement calculate their income, savings and likely expenses in retirement. To assist individuals to get a better idea of whether they are on track or how much they might need to save, the publication includes worksheets that allow the user to evaluate current assets and expenses, project future assets and expenses, and estimate additional savings for retirement.

Top 10 Ways to Beat the Clock and Prepare for Retirement - The Department of Labor offers 10 suggestions of ways to begin your retirement planning process.


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Last Updated: 07/18/2007