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Strategic Plan for Particulate Matter Research: 2005-2010


Publication No. FHWA-HEP-07-029

Michael C. McCarthy, Ph.D.
Douglas S. Eisinger, Ph.D.
Hilary R. Hafner
Todd M. Tamura
Lyle R. Chinkin
Paul T. Roberts, Ph.D.
Sonoma Technology, Inc.
1360 Redwood Way, Suite C
Petaluma, CA 94954-1169

Nigel Clark, Ph.D.
West Virginia University
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
123/125 Engineering Sciences Bldg.
P.O. Box 6106
Morgantown, WV 26506-6106

Peter H. McMurry, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Particle Technology Lab
111 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Arthur Winer, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
School of Public Health, Environmental Science & Engineering
10833 Le Conte, Room 46081
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Prepared for:
U.S. Federal Highway Administration
Office of Natural Environment
400 7th Street SW HEPN-10, Room 3240
Washington, D.C. 20590

November 1, 2005

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