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Policy and Procedural Memoranda on Naturalization

These are memoranda which have been issued by USCIS (and INS prior to the creation of USCIS) on this topic. You will need the free Adobe Reader software to view these files.

August, 2008

Guidance on Continuous Residence, Physical Presence, and Overseas Naturalization for a Spouse or Child of a Member of the Armed Forces (632KB PDF)
Donald Neufeld, Acting Associate Director, Domestic Operations

April, 2008

Naturalization Interview Process Changes (143KB PDF)
Donald Neufeld, Acting Associate Director, Domestic Operations

January, 2003

Addition of Citizen Grandparents and Citizen Legal Guardians as Eligible Applicants Pursuant to INA 322 (113KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD Docket # USCIS-2008-0052

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