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Policy and Procedural Memoranda on Adoptions/Orphans

These are memoranda which have been issued by USCIS (and INS prior to the creation of USCIS) on this topic. You will need the free Adobe Reader software to view these files.

June, 2003

The "Adjudicate Orphan Status First" Pilot Program (239KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQOPS

May, 2003

Additional Guidance: Processing Fingerprint Checks Prior to the Filing of Form I-600 Abroad (80KB PDF)
William R. Yates HQOPS

April, 2003

Processing Fingerprint Checks Prior to the Filing of Form I-600 Abroad (100KB PDF)
William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQISD

December, 2001

Suspension of Adjudication of Cambodian Orphan Petitions (106KB PDF)
James W. Ziglar HQCOM

January, 2001

Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (69KB PDF)
Thomas E. Cook HQADN

November, 2000

Guidance on Processing Petitions for Adopted Alien Children Less Than 18 Years of Age Considered a "Child" Under the Immigration and Nationality Act Through Public Law 106-139 (81KB PDF)
Michael A. Pearson HQADN

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