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Brad Winter Votes For Tax Cut

City Councillor Brad Winter issued the following public statement today: “Last week, I was pleased to vote for a tax cut for the people of Albuquerque – twice. The attack ads running against me are ridiculous and completely false.”

Winter was responding to a radio campaign currently running on KKOB AM claiming Winter voted against a tax decrease. Winter voted FOR Ordinance 07-84 calling for a 1/8 cent tax decrease. He was also the sponsor of another 1/8 cent tax decrease that went into effect January 1, 2007.

“The budget battle this year is no different than in years past. Mayor Chavez continues to fight for panda bear and SCUBA tank-type priorities instead of fully funding public safety. It is laughable that this Mayor plays these kinds of games when just months ago he tried to sneak in a higher tax to pay for a streetcar,” said Winter.

The Amendment to delay the tax cut for O-07-84 passed (5-4) with Councilors Winter, Loy, Sanchez, and Mayer voting NO on the delay. The tax cut bill (O-07-84) passed the council 7-2, with Councilors Loy and Sanchez voting NO on the tax cut.

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