Computer Based Training Tutorials


Basic Skills


Starting the MTPS software


Moving around the map


Saving and using bookmarks


Measuring distance and size


Changing and customizing maps


Using legends


Displaying data


Additional Skills


Creating maps


Selecting features and records


Using images in a map


Editing Linear Features, Area Features, and Landmarks


Editing linear features


Editing area features


Editing landmark points




Working with the address list


Updating the address records for a block


Updating structure points


Reporting and viewing your LUCA changes




Updating the BAS form (County participants)


Updating the BAS form (American Indian Areas participants)


Creating additions/annexations, deletions/deannexations, and new entities


Reporting and viewing your BAS changes




Getting started


Changing PSAP areas and attributes


Verifying your PSAP work


Reporting and viewing your PSAP changes




Getting started


Creating and editing districts


Making block boundary suggestions


Reporting and viewing your VTD/BBSP changes




Getting started


Changing attributes


Consolidating districts


Correcting district boundaries


Performing complex dissolution


Statewide comparison


Verifying your SDRP work


Reporting and viewing your SDRP changes