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Norbert T. Tiemann


1973 - 1977
Federal Highway Administrator

Financer - Mayor - Governor - Administrator

As Governor of Nebraska (1967-1971), Norbert T. Tiemann was responsible for several major transportation accomplishments. Among these were: the first broad reorganization of the Department of Roads, the first revenue bonds for highway construction, the first 20-year plan for construction of a comprehensive expressway-freeway system, closing the Omaha Gap on I-80, the first mandatory driver examination, and the first motor-vehicle inspection program. After completing his term as Governor, Mt. Tiemann served as the Vice President for Corporate Finance of First Mid-America, Inc., an investment banking firm in Lincoln.

Soon after taking office as Administrator on June 1, 973, Mr. Tiemann stated that his mission was to help develop a total transportation system in which all modes-highways, rails, airways, and waterways--would be interconnected parts. In this regard, his accomplishments included close planning and training liaison between the FHWA and UMTA (now the Federal Transit Administration) and the issuance of A Statement of National Highway Transportation Policy (December 1976) that stressed individual mobility, intergovernmental cooperation and flexibility, safety, the environment, affirmative action, and energy efficiency.

In October 1973, the cut off oil from the Middle East triggered the Nation's first energy crisis. In response, Mr. Tiemann was a national leader in promoting the use of high occupancy vehicles (HOV) and exclusive HOV lanes, enforcement of the new 55 MPH speed limit, the use of transit to reduce driving, auto restrictions in central business districts, and other measures to save energy. Mr. Tiemann also was an early supporter of increased flexibility in the use of highway funds for transit purposes.

Mr. Tiemann's other accomplishments include administering the largest highway funding program to date, helping to resolve disputes over controversial interstate segments, and promoting equal employment opportunity for women in the highway construction crafts-for example, by sponsoring a series of pre-entry level training programs for women. He also launched a new training program in the highway field for Native Americans. In October 1975, he changed the titles of FHWA's "Division Engineers" to "Division Administrators," noting that the change reflected the evolution of the FHWA from its early engineering function to a broader responsibility for highway management. Mr. Tiemann also concluded an agreement with Iran for FHWA personnel to advise and assist that country in building a modern highway network.

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