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Fatigue (PDQ®)
Patient VersionHealth Professional VersionEn españolLast Modified: 09/09/2008

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Pathogenesis of Fatigue

Contributing Factors



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Contributing Factors

Cancer Therapies
Nutrition Factors
Psychologic Factors
Cognitive Factors
Sleep Disorders and Inactivity

Although fatigue is clearly prevalent in patients with cancer, it has been difficult to identify consistent correlates of fatigue in this patient population. The factors most often implicated have been the following:[1-8]

  • Cancer treatment.
  • Anemia.
  • Medications.
  • Cachexia/anorexia.
  • Metabolic disturbances.
  • Hormone deficiency.
  • Psychological distress.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Excessive inactivity.
  • Pulmonary impairment.
  • Neuromuscular dysfunction.
  • Pain.
  • Infection.
  • Concomitant medical illness.
Cancer Therapies

Fatigue is a common symptom that accompanies surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and biologic response modifier therapy. Chemotherapy-related and radiation therapy–related fatigue may be associated with anemia or with an accumulation of cell destruction end products.[9] In the case of radiation therapy, fatigue may be caused by increased energy requirements to repair damaged epithelial tissue.[10]

A number of pathologic, environmental, psychologic, and nutritional factors have been associated with chemotherapy-related fatigue. Some psychologic responses to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are mood variations and sleep-pattern disruptions. Physiologic responses including nausea, vomiting, chronic pain, and cachexia have also been cited as factors causing fatigue.[11]

Fatigue has long been associated with radiation exposure. The phenomenon of fatigue accompanying radiation therapy, however, is not well understood.[11] A number of research studies document the existence of a fatigue syndrome that is not specific to the disease type or to the radiation site, and that demonstrates a gradual decline in fatigue in the patient after treatment is completed.[10,12-15] Some of these studies suggest, however, that not all patients return to pretreatment energy levels. Specific etiologic factors and correlates of fatigue associated with radiation therapy have not been identified.[11] Risk factors for persistent low energy in cancer patients include older age, advanced disease, and combination-modality therapy.[16]

Fatigue is a dose-limiting toxicity of treatment with a variety of biotherapeutic agents. Biotherapy exposes patients with cancer to exogenous and endogenous cytokines.[17] Biotherapy-related fatigue usually occurs as part of a constellation of symptoms called flulike syndrome. This syndrome includes fatigue, fever, chills, myalgias, headache, and malaise.[18] Mental fatigue and cognitive deficits have also been identified as biotherapy side effects.[19] The type of biotherapeutic agent used may influence the type and pattern of fatigue experienced.

Many people with cancer undergo surgery for diagnosis or treatment. Despite the high incidence of postoperative fatigue observed in clinical practice, little research exists that examines causes and correlates of postoperative fatigue in people with cancer.[11] It is clear, however, that fatigue is a problem following surgery that improves with time and is compounded by fatigue experienced from other cancer treatments.[11]


Evidence suggests that anemia may be a major factor in cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and quality of life in cancer patients.[9,20,21] Anemia can be related to the disease itself or caused by the therapy. Occasionally, anemia is simply a co-occurring medical finding that is related to neither the disease nor the therapy. Anemia is often a significant contributor to symptoms in persons with cancer. For individual patients, it can be difficult to discern the actual impact of anemia, for there are often other problems that confound the ability to weigh the specific impact of anemia. The impact of anemia varies depending on factors such as the rapidity of onset, patient age, plasma-volume status, and the number and severity of comorbidities.[22] A retrospective review was conducted to understand the problem of anemia in patients receiving radiation therapy. Anemia was prevalent in 48% of the patients initially, and increased to 57% of the patients during therapy. It was more common in women than men (64% vs. 51%); however, men with prostate cancer experienced the greatest increase in anemia during radiation therapy.[23] In certain cancers, such as cancer of the cervix and cancer of the head and neck, anemia has been found to be a predictor of poor survival and diminished quality of life in patients undergoing radiation therapy.[24-27]

Nutrition Factors

Fatigue often occurs when the energy requirements of the body exceed the supply of energy sources.[28,29] In people with cancer, three major mechanisms may be involved: alteration in the body’s ability to process nutrients efficiently, increase in the body’s energy requirements, and decrease in intake of energy sources. Causes of nutritional alterations are listed in the following table.

Nutrition/Energy Factors
Mechanisms   Causes 
Altered ability to process nutrients Impaired glucose, lipid, and protein metabolism
Increased energy requirements Tumor consumption of and competition for nutrients
Hypermetabolic state due to tumor growth
Decreased intake of energy sources Anorexia
Bowel obstruction

Psychologic Factors

Numerous factors related to the moods, beliefs, attitudes, and reactions to stressors of people with cancer are thought to contribute to the development of chronic fatigue. Nonorganic causes comprise approximately 40% to 60% of the cases of fatigue in general medical populations, with anxiety and depression being the most common psychiatric disorders.[30]

Depression can be a comorbid, disabling syndrome that affects approximately 15% to 25% of persons with cancer.[31] The presence of depression, as manifested by loss of interest, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, and feelings of hopelessness, can compound the physical causes for fatigue in these individuals and persist long past the time when physical causes have resolved.[32] Anxiety and fear associated with a cancer diagnosis, as well as its impact on the person’s physical, psychosocial, and financial well-being, are sources of emotional stress. Distress associated with the diagnosis of cancer alone may trigger fatigue. A study of 74 early-stage breast cancer patients with no history of affective disorder, assessed various symptoms of adjustment approximately 2 weeks after diagnosis; about 45% noted moderate or high levels of fatigue. This fatigue may have been secondary to the increased cognitive strain of dealing with the diagnosis or to insomnia, reported as moderate-to-severe by about 60% of the patients. Fatigue may, therefore, begin before treatment as a result of worry or other cognitive factors, both primary and secondary to insomnia. Various forms of treatment may compound this fatigue.[33] Fatigue may also be increased in cancer survivors above that seen in the general population.[34,35] In testicular cancer survivors, anxiety and depression were predictive of fatigue, suggesting a possible role for psychiatric intervention in fatigue management.[36] (Refer to the PDQ summaries on Depression and Anxiety Disorder for more information.)

Cognitive Factors

Impairment in cognitive functioning, including decreased attention span and impaired perception and thinking, is commonly associated with fatigue.[37,38] Although fatigue and cognitive impairments are linked, the mechanism underlying this association is unclear. Mental demands inherent in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer have been well documented, but little is known about the concomitant problem of attention fatigue in people with cancer. Attention problems are common during and after cancer treatment. Some of the reported attention problems may be caused by the fatigue of directed attention.[39,40] Attention fatigue may be relieved by activities that promote rest and recovery of directed attention. Although sleep is necessary for relieving attention fatigue and restoring attention, it is insufficient when attention demands are high. Empirical literature suggests that the natural environment contains the properties for restoring directed attention and relieving attention fatigue.

Sleep Disorders and Inactivity

Disrupted sleep, poor sleep hygiene, decreased nighttime sleep or excessive daytime sleep, and inactivity may be causative or contributing factors in CRF. Patients with less daytime activity and more nighttime awakenings were noted to consistently report higher levels of CRF. Those with lower peak-activity scores, as measured by wristwatch activity monitors, experienced higher levels of fatigue.[6]


Medications other than chemotherapy may contribute to the overall sense of fatigue. Opioids used in the treatment of cancer-related pain are often associated with sedation, though the degree of sedation varies between individuals. Other medications including tricyclic antidepressants, neuroleptics, beta blockers, benzodiazepines, and antihistamines may produce side effects of sedation. The coadministration of multiple drugs with varying side effects may compound fatigue symptoms.


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