Internet Publishing and Broadcasting: NAICS 516

NOTE: The NAICS 2002 subsector Internet Publishing and Broadcasting: NAICS 516 has been discontinued in NAICS 2007 and the establishments that had been classified in this subsector have been moved into Other Information Services: NAICS 519. BLS is in the process of converting from NAICS 2002 to NAICS 2007. Limited data for Internet Publishing and Broadcasting are still available from BLS as shown below.

About the Internet Publishing and Broadcasting subsector

The internet publishing and broadcasting subsector was part of the information sector in NAICS 2002.

The internet publishing and broadcasting subsector consists of a single industry group, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting: NAICS 5161.

NOTE: There was a change in the definition of this subsector between NAICS 2002 and NAICS 2007. Some of the data below reflect the 2002 definition and some reflect the 2007 definition. See the BLS implementation schedule for NAICS 2007 to find out which BLS programs have already implemented NAICS 2007.

Workforce Statistics

This section provides information relating to employment in internet publishing and broadcasting. These data are obtained from employer or establishment surveys. The following tables present an overview of the industry including data for occupations common to the industry, and projections of occupational employment change.

Employment by Occupation

Data series Employment,

Computer and information systems managers


Computer programmers


Computer software engineers, applications




Network systems and data communications analysts


(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)


For projected (future) employment estimates, see the National Employment Matrix, which includes employment estimates by industry and occupation for internet publishing and broadcasting.

(Source: Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections)


Recent hourly and annual earnings for occupations commonly found in internet publishing and broadcasting.

Earnings by Occupation

Data series Wages, 2007
Hourly Annual
Median Mean Median Mean

Computer and information systems managers

$57.19 $59.69 $118,960 $124,150

Computer programmers

$31.94 $33.46 $66,420 $69,600

Computer software engineers, applications

$40.22 $40.88 $83,650 $85,030


$21.42 $24.54 $44,560 $51,050

Network systems and data communications analysts

$29.98 $32.26 $62,350 $67,100

(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)

Workplace Trends

This section presents data on the number of establishments in internet publishing and broadcasting.


Data series Back
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter

Number of establishments


Private industry

Jump to page with historical data
3,565 3,696 3,834 3,982

Local government

Jump to page with historical data
1 1 1 1

Federal government

Jump to page with historical data
4 4 4 4

(Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages)

Other BLS Resources

Career Guide to Industries

To learn about careers from an industry perspective, see the Career Guide to Industries.


Data extracted on: October 03, 2008