Search Results

1 record matched your query [94045222].

Record 1 is displayed.

Author:        Ericson, Margaret D. (Margaret Donelian)
Title:         Women and music : a selective annotated bibliography
                  on women and gender issues in music, 1987-1992 /
                  Margaret D. Ericson.
Published:     New York : G.K. Hall ; London : Prentice Hall
                  International, c1996.
Description:   xxii, 400 p. ; 25 cm.
LC Call No.:   ML128.W7 E75 1996
Dewey No.:     016.78/082 20
ISBN:          0816105804 (alk. paper)
Notes:         Includes index.
Subjects:      Women musicians -- Bibliography.
               Feminism and music -- Bibliography.
Source:        DLC DLC DLC
Control No.:   4908560

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