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News Release

March 28, 2003

Contact: Brendan LaCivita
(202) 606-2863

OPM Director Kay James Kicks-Off E-Scholar Website
Students Gain Instant Access to Scholarships valued over $400 million

Washington, D.C. -- Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James today launched the e-Scholar website, one of the critical components of the 24 e-Government programs under President Bush’s Management Agenda.  The website, linked through OPM’s USAJOBS website, contains hundreds of Federal government-funded education scholarships, fellowships, grants, internships, and cooperative programs. 

"By providing instant access to Federal educational programs through one website, the opportunities for students interested in serving the nation are instantly available," James said.  "This initiative is another important step in President Bush’s efforts to make Government more efficient and opportunities more accessible."

New programs are added daily, enabling browsers to find a program that best meets their needs.  "E-Scholar offers everything from overseas study programs to scholarships for local colleges and universities," James remarked. 

Because of the critical need for new talent, OPM’s goal for e-Scholar is to promote a life-long connection between Federal agencies and potential Federal employees.  "Within a few short years, a tremendous amount of knowledge will be gone because of retirements; we need to minimize that by encouraging a new generation of leaders to work for the Federal government," remarked James.  "This website will provide more exposure to the educational opportunities available by the Federal government and encourage students to consider Federal careers," James said. 

James praised the efforts of the website creator, Major Barry Williams, saying, "Major Williams is a tremendous visionary, committed to empowering students  to realize their dreams.  As a White House Fellow, he represents the White House Fellows Program program at its best – a dedicated and motivated leader who used his own opportunity to identify a problem and create a cutting-edge solution."

In addition to Director James, American University Provost Neil Kerwin; Ambassador Leonard Spearman, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Leslie Sanchez, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans; and Jocelyn White, Director of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships spoke in support of the website.    

The White House Fellows Program was founded in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  This non-partisan program offers exceptional young men and women first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the Federal government.  Following the Fellowship year, Fellows are expected to repay the privilege by contributing to the Nation as better leaders and public servants.

To view the e-Scholar website, please visit

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