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August 24, 1998
CONTACT: Michael Orenstein
(202) 606-1800


Washington, D.C. -- The 1998 U.S. Office of Personnel Management Directors Award for Outstanding Employee Health Services Programs will be given to three federal organizations on Tuesday, September 1, at 9 a.m., for providing innovative and effective health services to employees.

The awards will be presented by Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Janice R. Lachance during the National Conference on Federal Employee Assistance and Health Enhancement Programs. Ms. Lachance will present awards to:

OPM is sponsoring the conference which will be held at the McLean Hilton Hotel, 7920 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Virginia, from Tuesday, September 1 through Thursday, September 3.

The Office of Personnel Management encourages agencies to establish or improve employee health services programs and showcases model programs to other organizations. Employee health services programs generally fall in the categories of physical fitness and health promotion, disease prevention, health education and awareness, and employee assistance.

Synopsis of this years winners:

Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Following a workplace survey in 1995, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) fulfilled employee wishes by substantially expanding work, family life and health services programs. Since the expansion, annual health screenings have been offered to employees at Health and Wellness Fairs organized at CFTC headquarters and regional operations. Perhaps the most popular of all health-service improvements has been the opening of a headquarters fitness center that has drawn about 50 percent of the agencys Washington staff through its orientation program.

Department of the Air Force: From fitness and nutrition to health-risk appraisals and cardiovascular disease prevention, the Health and Wellness Center at Tinker Air Force Base offers a variety of health services to thousands of employees and their family members. Among notable health-service accomplishments are smoking cessation programs, desktop computers that offer on-line promotion of health services to employees, and a Health Promotion Working Group chaired by the base commander and comprised of unit commanders. More than 17,000 personal contacts have been made by the Health and Wellness Center via wellness classes, health fairs, special health observances and other community events.

Department of the Army: Since 1995 and the start of the reduction of United States personnel in the Panama Canal, the Army Souths Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has served as a steadying force for canal zone employees. While the Commanding General implemented a training program entitled The Human Side of Downsizing and held Town Hall meetings to provide facts and dispel rumors, the EAP offered one other important safety net for employees whose lives were being disrupted. Transition Support Groups, organized by the EAP, were staffed and trained to listen compassionately to employees experiencing a tidal wave of emotions over the swirling professional and financial changes they faced with the loss of their jobs.

Media interested in attending the conference or receiving additional information should contact OPMs Mike Orenstein at 202-606-1800.

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