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Superseded by the 10/08/04 Preventive Maintenance Eligibility Memo

Subject: INFORMATION: Safety and Geometric Considerations for Interstate Maintenance Program Projects Date: October 12, 1993
From: Executive Director Reply to:
Attn. of:
To: Regional Federal Highway Administrators
Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Program Administrator

My June 14 memorandum on Interstate Maintenance (IM) Program (copy attached) included typical examples of preventive maintenance work which could be undertaken on the Interstate System under the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 119(e). This memorandum also referenced Mr. Anthony R. Kane's July 27, 1992, memorandum on Preventive Maintenance (copy attached) and reiterated that "... any proposals for IM funded projects should include considerations for safety or geometric enhancement in accordance with Mr. Kane's memorandum.

I have recently been advised that there may be some questions concerning the applicability of safety and geometric enhancements in IM Program funded projects as a result of these two memoranda.

The longstanding policy of FHWA has been that all resurfacing, restoration, or rehabilitation projects require consideration of safety and geometric enhancement. This policy was modified somewhat by Section 1016(b)(3) of the 1991 ISTEA to provide that safety considerations may be met by phase construction consistent with an operative safety management system.

The exception provided under Mr. Kane's July 27 memorandum is only applicable to minor types of preventive maintenance as described in that memorandum. Any other types of work must include a consideration of safety and geometric enhancements prior to approval as a part of the project review and evaluation process for high cost National Highway System (NHS) projects or as a part of an operative safety management system for 3R projects and low cost projects on the NHS.

/s/ original signed by
E. Dean Carlson

2 Attachments

More Information


Celso Gatchalian
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Celso

This page last modified on 07/27/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration