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News Release

November 16, 2006

Contact: Edmund D. Byrnes

CHCO Council Formally Adopts Subcommittee Strategic Plans

Washington, DC- Led by U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Linda M. Springer, members of the Chief Human Capital Officers Council approved the Council's FY 2007 subcommittee strategic plan. The plan outlines the mission statements and goals for its six subcommittees, and it provides the foundation for the tasks and priorities the Council will address over the next twelve months.

"As indicated in each of the subcommittee plans, the Chief Human Capital Officers, the deputies, and their staffs will work closely with OPM to achieve their objectives," said Springer. "Developing and fostering this partnership will provide the subcommittees the opportunity to assess the current impediments to progress, compile and share best practices, and make recommendations on strategic human capital management challenges to OPM, the Council and its stakeholders."

The changes to the Council's structure include the creation of six subcommittees: Emergency Preparedness, Hiring and Succession Planning, Human Resources Line of Business, Human Resources Workforce, Learning and Development, and Performance Management.

In addition, the Council's subcommittees' goals and objectives are now linked to OPM's 2006 - 2010 Strategic and Operational Plan. The linkage will enable OPM to forge strategic partnerships with the appropriate subcommittee representatives and their staff.

"It is important the CHCO Council is able to keep up with the fast paced changes happening throughout the federal government," said Springer. "By creating more versatile subcommittees, the Council will be able to respond more quickly to human capital needs."

The approval of the subcommittee plans culminates several updates to the structure of the Council that began earlier in the year under Director Springer's leadership.

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