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    September 22, 2008

USGS Hydrologist Receives Charles River Award

By Bruce Taggert

Dr. Peter K. Weiskel (right) receives the '2005 Award' from Mr. Robert Zimmerman. USGS hydrologist Dr. Peter K. Weiskel (right) receives the '2005 Award' from Mr. Robert Zimmerman, Jr., Executive Director of the Charles River Watershed Association. One of the oldest watershed associations in the Nation, CRWA is working with host of groups to restore 'fishable/swimmable' water-quality conditions to the Charles River by the year 2005.

Ever since the native peoples of Massachusetts fished and canoed its waters, the Charles River has served as a vital natural and cultural resource. Home to the first printing press as well as the first university in America, the banks of the Charles are now surrounded by the Boston metropolitan region. In recent years, the protection and restoration of the Charles River has become a high-priority environmental issue for both government agencies and citizens' groups.

The USGS has played a key role in addressing the scientific information needs associated with this restoration effort. Studies of contaminated sediment and stormwater quality in the lower watershed, and of the effects of ground-water pumping on streamflow and aquatic habitat in the upper watershed, have greatly enhanced the basic understanding of this ecosystem and the likely effects of proposed restoration actions. These studies have resulted in eight USGS publications since 2000.

In recognition of his role in advancing the restoration of the Charles River, the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) presented its "2005 Award" to Dr. Peter K. Weiskel of the USGS on November 19, 2003. Dr. Weiskel accepted the award on behalf of the team of USGS scientists who collaborated on the studies, including David Armstrong, Lora Barlow, Robert Breault, Leslie DeSimone, Jack Eggleston, Mark Nimiroski, Gene Parker, Jason Sorenson, and Phillip Zarriello.

The CRWA, founded in 1965, is one of the oldest watershed associations in the Nation. Awarded annually since 1999, the award is named for the Clean Charles 2005 Initiative, a partnership of government, private-sector, and non-profit organizations jointly committed to achieving swimmable and fishable conditions in the entire Charles River by the year 2005.

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