United States Office of Personnel Management


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November 27, 2001

Contact: Sharon Wells
(202) 606-2402

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to Appear at OPM
Aldrin Supports OPM Adoption of Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt

Washington, DC -- One of the greatest American heroes of all time, Buzz Aldrin, will appear at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management on Wednesday, November 28, in support of the toy drive for the children of the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

In an October 30 event, Kay Coles James, Director of the OPM, and Mrs. Eileen O'Hanlon, wife of the Commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, exchanged gifts, words of support and thanks during ceremonies in which the ship and her crew were adopted by the human resources agency.

As part of OPM's adoption program, Roosevelt crew members will receive from agency employees holiday greeting cards and letters, CDs and other items to lessen their homesickness. The toys will be presented to the crew's children during a party at the Norfolk Naval Base on Sunday, December 2.

WHAT:    Speech by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

WHERE:   OPM Alan K. Campbell Auditorium,1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC

WHEN:    Wednesday, November 28, 2001

TIME:     2 p.m.


Media planning to attend should contact Sharon Wells or call (202) 606-2427.


United States
Office of
Office of
Theodore Roosevelt Building
1900 E Street, NW
Room 5347
Washington, DC 20415-1400
(202) 606-2402
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