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SANS Publications

If you have written a paper that reports measurements using any of the SANS instruments (NG3/NG7 30m, NG1 8m, BT5 USANS) and you do not see it in the list below, or if the paper is listed but the information is incorrect or out of date, please inform Jeff Krzywon and/or Paul Butler.

If you write a paper that reports measurements using any of the SANS Instruments, please be sure to
(a) include an acknowledgement to NIST if there are no NIST coauthors
(b) (for NG3 30m SANS or USANS only) include an acknowledgement to the NSF
(c) include a reference to the appropriate paper describing the Instrument used (not applicable for 8m SANS):

30m SANS: "The 30 m Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instruments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology", Glinka CJ, et al. J Appl. Cryst. 31(3), 430 (1998).
USANS: "Design and performance of a thermal-neutron double-crystal diffractometer for USANS at NIST", Barker JG, et al. J Appl. Cryst. 38(6), 1004 (2005).

If you reduced your data using the Igor Macros, please include the following reference:

"Reduction and Analysis of SANS and USANS Data using Igor Pro", Kline, S. R. J Appl. Cryst. 39(6), 895 (2006).

Please be aware that all papers with NIST coauthors must be reviewed and approved by the Washington Editorial Review Board (WERB). Members of WERB are concerned not only with scientific merit but with three specific matters: measurement uncertainties, the use of SI units, and brand names. For more detailed information please click here and/or speak with your NIST coauthor(s).

New Item."Probing Nanoscale Structures - The SANS Toolbox". This is a 670 page textbook on the SANS technique and its application to the following areas of research: (1)Polymers, (2)Complex Fluids, (3) Biology, and (4) Materials Science.

In Press

All linked articles open in a new window in PDF format. You can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader here*.

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1Conformation of Oligo(Ethylene Glycol) grafted Poly(Norbornene) in solutions: A Small Angle Neutron Scattering StudyCheng G, Hua F, Melnichenko Y B, Hong K, Mays J W, Hammouda B, Wignall G DEuro. Phys. JPress
2Correlations between structure, material properties and bioproperties in self-assembled β-hairpin peptide hydrogels Hule R A, Nagarkar R P, Altunbas A, Ramay H R, Branco M C, Schneider J P, Pochan D JFaraday Discuss.Press
3Direct Observation of Early-Time Hydrogelation in Beta-Hairpin Peptide Self-AssemblyYucel T, Micklitsch C M, Schneider J P, Pochan D JMacromol.Press
4Influence of Nanoparticle Addition on the Properties of Wormlike Micellar SolutionsNettesheim F, Liberatore M W, Hodgdon T K, Wagner N J, Kaler E W, Vethamuthu MLangmuirPress
5Lipid bilayer structure determined by the simultaneous analysis of neutron and x-ray scattering dataKucerka N, Nagle J F, Sachs J F, Feller S, Pencer J, Jackson A J, Katsaras JBiophys. JPress
6Self-Assembly in Mixed Dialkyl Chain Cationic-Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures: Dihexadecyldimethyl Ammonium Bromide-Monododecyl Hexaethylene Glycol (Monododecyl Dodecaethylene Glycol) MixturesTucker I, Penfold J, Thomas R K, Grillo R, Barker J G, Mildner D FLangmuirPress

2008 Publications

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1A Facile Route for Creating “Reverse” Vesicles: Insights into “Reverse” Self-Assembly in Organic LiquidsTung S H, Lee H Y, Raghavan S RJ Amer. Chem. Soc.1302789132008
2A novel application of small-angle scattering techniques: Quality assurance testing of virus quantification technology Kuzmanovic D A, Elashvili I, O'Connell C, Krueger SRad. Phys. Chem.7732152008
3Association and Structure of Thermosensitive Comblike Block Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions Cheng G, Hua F, Melnichenko Y B, Hong K, Mays J W, Hammouda B, Wignall G DMacromol.411348242008
4Binding of Alkyl Polyglucoside Surfactants to Bacteriorhodopsin and its Relation to Protein StabilitySantonicola G M, Lenhoff A M, Kaler E WBiophys. J94936472008
5Chain Dimensions in Poly(ethylene oxide)/Poly(methyl methacrylate) BlendsZeroni I, Lodge T PMacromol.41310502008
6Characterization of Micron-Sized Periodic Structures in Multicomponent Polymer Blends by Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Optical Microscopy Wanakule N S, Nedoma A J, Robertson M L, Fang Z, Jackson A, Garetz B A, Balsara N PMacromol.4124712008
7Characterization of the Nanostructure of Complexes Formed by a Redox-Active Cationic Lipid and DNAPizzey C L, Jewell C M, Hayes M E, Lynn D M, Abbott N L, Kondo Y, Golan S, Talmon YJ Phys. Chem. B112858492008
8Conformation of Arborescent Polymers in Solution by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering: Segment Density and Core-Shell Morphology Yun S I, Lai K C, Briber R M, Teertstra S J, Gauthier M, Bauer BMacromol.4111752008
9De Novo Design of Strand-Swapped β-Hairpin HydrogelsNagarkar R P, Hule R A, Pochan D J, Schneider J PJ Amer. Chem. Soc.1301344662008
10Density Measurement of 1-D Confined Water by Small Angle Neutron Scattering Method: Pore Size and Hydration Level Dependences Liu D, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wu J, Chen C C, Mou C Y, Chen S HJ Phys. Chem. B1121443092008
11Effect of Surfactant Concentration on the Morphology and Texture of MCM-41 Materials Lelong G, Bhattacharyya S, Kline S, Cacciaguerra T, Gonzalez M A, Saboungi M LJ Phys. Chem. C11229106742008
12Effect of Water on Overbased Sulfonate Engine Oil AdditivesTavacoli J W, Dowding P J, Steytler D C, Barnes D J, Routh A FLangmuir24838072008
13Effects of additives on the structure of rhamnolipid (biosurfactant): A small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) studyDahramza B, Mulligan C N, Nieh M PJ Coll. & Interface Sci.31925902008
14Ethoxylated copolymer surfactants for the HFA134a–water interface: interfacial activity, aggregate microstructure and biomolecule uptakeSelvam P, Chokshi U, Gouch A, Wu L, Porcar L, da Rocha S RSoft Matter423572008
15Gel-like behavior in aggrecan assembliesHorkay F, Basser P J, Hecht A M, Geissler EJ Chem. Phys.128131351032008
16Hierarchical Structure of Carbon Nanotube Networks Chatterjee T, Jackson A, Krishnamoorti RJ Amer. Chem. Soc.1302269342008
17Humidity-Induced Phase Transitions in Ion-Containing Block Copolymer Membranes Park M J, Nedoma A J, Geissler P L, Balsara N P, Jackson A, Cookson DMacromol.41622712008
18In vivo deuteration strategies for neutron scattering analysis of bacterial polyhydroxyoctanoateRussell R A, Holden P J, Wilde K L, Garvey C J, Hammerton K M, Foster L JEuro Biophys J3757112008
19Incorporation of sparingly soluble species in mesostructured surfactant–polymer filmsO'Driscoll B M, Hawley A M, Edler K JJ Coll. & Interface Sci.31725852008
20Interfacial Concentration Profiles of Rubbery Polyolefin Lamellae Determined by Quantitative Electron MicroscopyGomez E D, Ruegg M L, Minor A M, Kisielowski C, Downing K H, Glaeser R M, Balsara N PMacromol.4111562008
21Macroscopic alignment of nanoparticle arrays in soft crystals of cubic and cylindrical polymer micellesPozzo D C, Walker L MEuro. Phys. J E261-21832008
22Mechanically Induced Damage in Composite Plastic-Bonded Explosives: A Small Angle Neutron and X-ray StudyTrevino S F, Wiegand D AJ. Energetic. Mater.261792008
23Mechanisms of Neutron Irradiation Hardening in Impurity-Doped Ferritic AlloysNishiyama Y, Liu X Y, Kameda JMetal. & Mater. Trans. A39A111182008
24Molecular Model for Toughening in Double-Network Hydrogels Tirumala V R, Tominaga T, Lee S, Butler P D, Lin E K, Gong J P, Wu W LJ Phys. Chem. B1122780242008
25Nematic phases observed in amphiphilic polyelectrolyte–surfactant aggregate solutionsKuntz D M, Walker L MSoft Matter422862008
26Neutron scattering, electron microscopy and dynamic mechanical studies of carbon nanofiber/phenolic resin composites Yoonessi M, Toghiana H, Wheeler R, Porcar L, Kline S, Pittman C UCarbon4645772008
27Organic Solvent-Redispersible Isolated Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Coated by in-Situ Polymerized Surfactant Monolayer Kim T H, Doe C, Kline S R, Choi S MMacromol.41932612008
28Orientational Distributions and Nematic Order of Rodlike Magnetic Nanoparticles in Dispersions Krishnamurthy V V, Mankey G J, He B, Piao M, Wiest J M, Nikles D E, Porcar L, Robertson J LPhys. Rev. E77030314032008
29Phase Behavior of Symmetric Sulfonated Block CopolymersPark M J, Balsara N PMacromol.411036782008
30Protein Structure and Hydration Probed by SANS and Osmotic Stress Stanley C B, Krueger S, Parsegian V A, Rau D CBiophys. J94727772008
31Restricted Swelling and Its Orientation Effect on Copolymer Micellar Solutions of Hexagonal-Packed Cylinders under Steady Shear FlowGrandjean J, Mourchid ALangmuir24623182008
32Rheology of Thermoreversible Hydrogels from Multiblock Associating CopolymersJiang J, Malal R, Li C, Lin M Y, Colby R H, Gersappe D, Rafailovich M H, Sokolov J C, Cohn DMacromol.411036462008
33Small-angle neutron scattering and the errors in protein structures that arise from uncorrected background and intermolecular interactions Rubinson K A, Stanley C, Krueger SJ Appl. Cryst.4124562008
34Small-angle neutron scattering from typical synthetic and biopolymer solutions Horkay F, Hammouda BColloid Polym. Sci.2866-76112008
35Small-angle neutron scattering measurement of silicon nanoparticle sizeChoi J, Tung S H, Wang N S, Reipa VNanotech.19080857152008
36Structural Characterization of PLA-PEO-PLA Solutions and Hydrogels: Crystalline vs Amorphous PLA DomainsAgrawal S K, Sanabria-DeLong N, Tew G N, Bhatia S RMacromol.41517742008
37Structural Characterization of Radiation-Grafted Block Copolymer Films, Using SANS TechniqueMortensen K, Gasser U, Gursel S A, Scherer G GJ Poly. Sci. B461616602008
38Temperature responsive hydroxypropyl cellulose for encapsulationHeitfield K A, Guo T, Yang G, Schaefer DMat. Sci. Engin. C2833742008
39The Effects of Finish Rolling Temperature and Cooling Interrupt Conditions on Precipitation in Microalloyed Steels Using Small Angle Neutron ScatteringWiskel J B, Ivey D G, Henein HMetal. & Mater. Trans. B39B11162008
40The Surface and Solution Properties of Dihexadecyl Dimethylammonium Bromide Tucker I, Penfold J, Thomas R K, Grillo I, Barker J G, Mildner D FLangmuir241365092008
41The effect of physiologically relevant additives on the rheological properties of concentrated Pluronic copolymer gelsJiang J, Li C, Lombardi J, Colby R H, Rigas B, Rafailovich M H, Sokolov J CPolymer491635612008
42The influence of collective behavior on the magnetic and heating properties of iron oxide nanoparticles Dennis C L, Jackson A J, Borchers J A, Ivkov R, Foreman A R, Lau J W, Goernitz E, Gruettner CJ Appl. Phys.103707A3192008
43The influence of curvature on membrane domains Pencer J, Jackson A, Kucerka N, Nieh M P, Katsaras JEuro Biophys J3756652008
44The influence of magnetic and physiological behaviour on the effectiveness of iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia Dennis C L, Jackson A J, Borchers J A, Ivkov R, Foreman A R, Hoopes P J, Strawbridge R, Pierce Z, Goerntiz E, Lau J W, Gruettner CJ. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.41131340202008
45Thermal Stability of Nano-structured Ferritic AlloyMiao P, Odette G R, Yamamoto T, Alinger M, Klingensmith DJ Nuc. Mat.3771592008
46Thermodynamic Interactions in Double-Network Hydrogels Tominaga T, Tirumala V R, Lee S, Lin E K, Gong J P, Wu W LJ Phys. Chem. B1121339032008
47Three-Dimensional Confinement-Related Size Changes to Mixed-Surfactant VesiclesJha A K, Lee J, Tripathi A, Bose ALangmuir241260132008

Previous Publications

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*Disclaimers: The use of certain trade names of commercial products does not imply any endorsement of a particular product, nor does it imply that the named product is necessarily the best product for the stated purpose.

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Last modified 21-April-2008