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Learn About USGS

The "Learn" section presents USGS program information, a message from the USGS Director, quotes about why USGS students like their jobs, information on USGS jobs and qualifications, a photo library showing employees at work, and an interactive map of office locations.

  1. An Exciting Place to Work is a brief message from the USGS Director, Dr. Charles G. Groat, about why the USGS is an exciting place to work right now!
  2. Why USGS Students Like Their Jobs demonstrates reasons why students enjoy working for the USGS.

The Photo Album includes pictures of USGS scientists and students at work and provides links to related USGS information available on the World Wide Web.
  1. USGS Activities Photo Album shows a series of photographs (JPEGs) with captions.
  2. Click on the highlighted text in the caption to link to a USGS web page on a related topic.
  3. Use the left and right arrow buttons to navigate to the previous and next photos in the Photo Album.
  4. Click on a specific photo number, from the menu displayed at the bottom of the page, to jump directly to that photo in the Photo Album.
  5. View the USGS Activities Photo Index to display all of the photo captions and web links on one page. Click the thumbnail version of a photo image to jump directly to that photo in the Photo Album.

Note: It may take several minutes to display the Photo Index page due to the number of images being loaded. Thumbnail images may not load if your internet connections or computer system are slow or if your system has less than 16MB of memory installed.

  1. USGS Programs provides an overview of the activities the USGS is involved in on a daily basis as well as pertinent information regarding how to find employment with the USGS. A PDF version of this document is also available.

  2. Major Occupations and Qualifications provides an overview of the primary occupations USGS employs as well as the basic qualification requirements for those occupations.

  3. USGS Office Locations allows you to find where USGS offices are located. You may either click on a state abbreviation at the top of the page or select a state from the US Map to search for the cities where we have offices. Additionally, the Major USGS Offices link provides addresses, phone numbers and maps and/or directions to these offices.