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Benefit from Student Programs

The "Benefit" section includes frequently asked questions by students on applying for a position and employment, information on salaries, benefits, and types of student positions available with the USGS.

  1. Student Programs provides information about the student educational employment programs the USGS uses, eligibility requirements, and an employment outlook.
  2. Benefits is a table which describes the benefits available under each component of the Student Educational Employment Program.
  3. Salaries provides information regarding pay for student positions.
  4. Frequently Asked Questions details some of the most frequently asked questions about student employment. Click on the question that interests you to find the answer or simply scroll down the page to view all questions and answers. Detailed information on Veteran's Preference and an electronic version of the required Form 9-3076 for the Student Career Expereience Program are included in this section. A PDF version of Form 9-3076 is also available.