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News Release

May 3, 2004

Contact: J. Porter

U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James Focuses on Veterans with Special VIP Booth At New York Recruitment Fair

OPM Partners With Veteran Service Organizations to Get Message Out

Washington, DC - U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Kay Coles James' veterans recruitment team hosted a special Veteran Invitational Program (VIP) booth during the recent New York City recruitment fair. The booth was a central point for veterans attending the fair to gain valuable information on veterans' preference including the OPM-produced DVD "What Veterans Need to Know About Veterans' Preference," a comprehensive 40 minute video seminar on veterans' preference rights and eligibilities.

OPM has aggressively reached out to veterans through the VIP which was launched in August 2003. In Phase I, OPM developed informational brochures and posters designed to raise the level of awareness among separating soldiers from the U. S. Armed Forces. These materials were distributed to major veteran service organizations and military separation offices throughout the country.

During the fair, Director James visited with veterans at the booth as well as those in line waiting to get into the fair. During the meetings she discussed opportunities available to them in the Federal civil service and received positive feedback on VIP and OPM's veteran outreach efforts.

"Recognizing the sacrifices of those who wear our country's uniform - yesterday, today and tomorrow - the Federal Government embraces a moral obligation to ensure that veterans have appropriate and proper access to Federal jobs when they separate from military service," said James. "That obligation is spelled out in plain legislative language extending back 60 years. We refer to it as veterans' preference."

Prior to the fair, OPM Senior Policy Advisor Doris Hausser and Associate Director for Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability Marta Brito Perez hosted a conference call with leaders from prominent Veterans Service Organizations (VSO). The call was a special effort to again reach out to the veteran community and make them aware of the April 20th OPM ‘Working for America' recruitment fair in New York City. A number of the VSO's e-mailed their members alerting them to the New York City fair. More than 500,000 e-mails were sent.

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