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News Advisory

April 17, 2002

Contact: Edmund Byrnes
(202) 606-2402

OPM Director to Speak at the National Press Club
Will Discuss OPM’s New Direction and the Importance of the President’s Management Agenda

Washington, D.C. - In what is sure to be a milestone for the human resources agency, US Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James will discuss the many changes she sees for OPM and the role it plays in building the federal work force of the 21st century. She also will address the government's appetite for people with fresh ideas and who understand that government service is a noble calling, one that requires the very best and brightest this country has to offer.

In addition to presenting OPM's new direction, James also will pinpoint why it is important to implement the President's Management Agenda, especially because of the potential loss of up to 50 percent of the federal work force due to retirements over the next five years.

In addition to Director James, Members of Congress and presidents of colleges and universities from around the country will be present to show their support for the initiative.


Luncheon speech by Kay Coles James, Director of the US Office of Personnel Management


National Press Club
Ballroom (13th Floor)
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045


Thursday, April 25


Noon - 2 p.m.

For more information, and to RSVP, please contact OPM's Office of Communications at 202-606-2427. To make reservations, contact the National Press Club directly at 202-662-7501.

- END -

OPM oversees the federal work force and provides the American public with up-to-date employment information. OPM also supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

United States Office of Personnel Management

Theodore Roosevelt Building
1900 E Street, NW, Room 5347
Washington, DC 20415-1400

Phone: (202) 606-2402
FAX: (202) 606-2264

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