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News Release

February 5, 2008

Contact: Ken Oliver

Reginald Brown tapped as agency's Director of Modernization

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Linda M. Springer announced the appointment of Reginald M. Brown as the agency's Director, Office of Modernization and HR Line of Business (HR LOB).  In making the announcement Director Springer expressed her thanks to Joseph E. Campbell, who led the office of the HR LOB over the past five months in addition to his role as HRLOB Shared Services Center Coordinator

"Reginald Brown brings to OPM a wealth of relevant experience, most recently at the Department of Defense (DoD), where he was Director of the Transformation Planning and Performance Directorate at DoD's Business Transformation Agency (BTA)," said Director Springer upon making the announcement. "As Director of Modernization at OPM, he'll help us achieve the same kinds of transformative leadership in systems development, systems implementation and project management," she added.

At DoD's Business Transformation Agency, Brown pioneered multiple improvements to business operations, including the development and execution of the Department of Defense's Enterprise Transition Plan, designed to achieve improved warfighter support while enabling financial accountability across the Department. Brown is well-versed in managing multi-sector teams comprised of government and contractor personnel.

Prior to his most recent position at the BTA, Brown served as Deputy Director of the Transformation Support Office, in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. Brown began his Federal career with the Regional Financial Services Department of the Naval Supply Center in Oakland, California.

Brown majored in accounting for his undergraduate studies at San Francisco State University, and holds an M.B.A. in Technology Management from the University of Phoenix. He is also a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute. In addition, Brown is a certified acquisition level three professional within the field of Program Management.

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