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An adult C57BL6 B5eGFP mouse ubiquitously expresses the green fluorescent protein. A B5eGFP mouse embryo. An adult CD-1 B5eGFP mouse.
A chimeric mouse in which the albino (white skin and pink eye) and brown skin (and black eye) are derived from either the host embryo or embryonic stem cells. The chimera has produced offspring that carry the agouti coat color gene from the embryonic stem cells. Two-cell embryos are aligned in a weak electric field before a stronger pulse forces the two cells to fuse to make a tetrapoloid embryo. These embryos can then be use to make mice that are derived from ES cells alone.
Neural stem cells express markers of neural progenitors in culture. Neural stem cells express markers of neural progenitors in culture. Tetraploid embryos aggregated with GFP expressing ES cells. The ES cells are contained in the inner cell mass which will give rise to the mouse, the rest of the embryo will form the placenta and extra-embryonic membranes.
To make a transgenic mouse DNA is injected into one of the two pronuclei from a recently fertilized mouse egg. This is a map of a vector, or DNA molecule that will be used to make a transgenic mouse. Mouse embryos of different ages that express beta-galatosidase (here indicated by a blue reaction) in a neural stem cells.
Transgenic vectors are verified by determining the DNA sequence of the components. A litter of transgenic transgenic mice that carry the gene for an agouti coat color. They have been born to a recipient foster mother that has carried them since they were injected with DNA and surgically transferred to her oviducts. A newborn mouse pup. This is a chimera formed host cells and ES cells that express the green fluorescent protein.
DNA prepared from mice is screened for the presence of the transgene. The first two lanes are controls, a positive and a negative. The next four lanes show a negative, two positive and another negative mouse sample in order. Mouse embryonic stem cells form tightly associated clusters that maintain their totipotency.
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