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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Accessory Buildings

Accessory buildings, including a storage shed or garage, may be located anywhere in the side yard (area between the front and the rear faces of the house to the side property line) or rear yard (area behind the house face to the property lines), provided the accessory building is no closer than 10 feet to a house or other living quarters and is no closer than 5 feet to any other accessory building. An accessory building may be required to be set back 10 feet or more from the street side property line.

Buildings over 120 square feet (10 feet by 12 feet) require a building permit. Contact Building and Safety on the ground floor at 600 2nd St NW for Building Permit requirements.

You can bring in a site plan/ survey of your property showing were you are proposing to construct or place your shed to make sure you meet City of Albuquerque Code requirements. The site plan will be reviewed on the ground floor at 600 2nd St NW.

Please note: additional restrictions apply on corner lots. See a zoning inspector a 600 2nd St NW for additional information.

Accessory Living Quarters

An accessory building may be used for living quarters if approved through a conditional use. An accessory building may not contain cooking facilities. Any accessory building that is equipped with both plumbing and heating may be considered an accessory living quarters. Go to 600 2nd St NW ground floor to pick up an application and related paper work. An Accessory Living Quarters may not be used as a rental.


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