The Republican says he does understand voters' concerns about the financial crisis. Barack Obama mocks his rival's grasp of the issue and his resolve to improve regulations.
TV crews are kept from two Beverly Hills fundraisers as John McCain mocks the Democrat's connection to celebrities. >>

An Alaska official says state employees will ignore subpoenas. >>

A McCain campaign staffer attributes the creation of the technological device to the work of the Senate commerce committee -- of which McCain is a veteran member. >>

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO says that none of the top candidates would be ready to lead a big company. Barack Obama's team uses the comments against John McCain. >>

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by inviting Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, aides to the senator said Tuesday. >>

September 16, 2008
The Democrat criticizes what he says are false and misleading statements by the GOP ticket. McCain responds that Obama has been 'saying some pretty nasty things about Gov. Palin and me.' >>

The Alaska governor probably won't speak with an independent counsel hired to review the termination of her public safety commissioner. >>

McCain says only a reformer can fix the mess. Obama blames the chaos on Bush policies he says his rival would continue. >>

September 15, 2008
His haul of $66 million in August bests John McCain and puts the Democrat well ahead of the record for total fundraising. >>

September 14, 2008
Political innocents may wonder why a candidate such as McCain, whose campaign is premised on 'straight talk' -- and to a lesser extent Obama -- have veered from the truth. Because it works. >>

The Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee promises a cheering Carson City crowd ethics reform, lower taxes and energy self-sufficiency. >>

He keeps the focus on McCain, whom he denigrates at every opportunity. Biden also sticks to the script. >>

Also: Barack Obama is far ahead in the polls -- of other countries. >>

September 12, 2008
Film found in a Swedish station's archives shows the Vietnamese releasing several U.S. captives in 1973. >>

One vice presidential and three presidential debates are scheduled before Nov. 4.

» Sept. 26: Presidential debate in Oxford, Miss.
» Oct. 2: Vice Presidential debate in St. Louis, Mo.
» Oct. 7: Presidential debate in Nashville, Tenn.
» Oct. 15: Presidential debate in Hempstead, N.Y.
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