Thursday, September 18, 1997
CONTACT: Bruce Milhans
(202) 606-1800

September 24 Federal Human Resources Forum Updates 1997 Personnel Issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management Acting Director Janice Lachance will present her nine-point initiative to increase the representation of Hispanic-Americans in the federal workforce on the Wednesday, September 24, 1997 Federal Human Resources Forum live interactive satellite telecast.

The telecast will begin at 1 p.m. EDT.

Lachance also will discuss two recent Presidential initiatives affecting federal workers in the Issues Update segment of the broadcast. These are the issuance of guidance on religious observances in the workplace, and the policy on smoking in federal buildings. Other issues include: announcement of the 1998 Open Season for the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program; appropriate use of the Outstanding Scholar Appointing Authority; introduction of The Little Green Book of learning; and notice of the 1998 federal pay raises.

Also on the satellite telecast: demonstration of OPMs new Benefits Center software; an update from the Office of Management and Budget on the Government Performance and Results Act; a legislative update on issues of interest to federal managers, employees and human resources professionals; the new procurement personnel qualifications standards; and an HR in Cyberspace guide on how to use web pages to find specific information.

The broadcast concludes with the opportunity for viewers to phone in questions to experts on the topics included on the telecast and receive immediate answers to their specific interests. The phone numbers for calling in questions are: nationwide 1-800-368-5781 or 1-800-368-5782; within the Washington, D.C. area, 202-463-3170 OR 202-463-3171.

Media are welcome. Please call Bruce Milhans at 202-606-1800 or email to arrange studio attendance or to view telecast at the OPM Auditorium.

Satellite downlink coordinates:

C-Band -- Galaxy 6; transponder 2; 74 degrees west; downlink frequency 3740 MHZ (vertical)

KU-Band -- SBS6; transponder 14; 74 degrees west; downling frequency 12043.5 MHZ (vertical)


United States
Office of
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Theodore Roosevelt Building
1900 E Street, NW
Room 5F12
Washington, DC 20415-0001
(202) 606-1800
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Web page created 19 September 1997