Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States

Winnemucca 1° x 2° Sheet

Home > US Map > Nevada

Lovelock Winnemucca quad map Elko
1134 Dun Glen fault
1135 Grass Valley fault zone
1136a Pleasant Valley fault zone, China Mountain section
1136b Pleasant Valley fault zone, Tobin section
1136c Pleasant Valley fault zone, Pearce section
1136d Pleasant Valley fault zone, Sou Hills section
1137 Edna Mountain fault
1138 Sulphur Spring fault
1139 Buffalo Mountain fault
1140 Buffalo Valley fault zone
1141 Unnamed faults north of Ellison siding
1142 Battle Mountain fault
1143 Eastern Battle Mountain faults
1144 Jersey Valley fault zone
1145 Unnamed faults at south end of Tobin Range
1146 Northern Fish Creek Mountains faults
1147 Southeast Fish Creek Mountains fault
1148 Shoshone Range fault zone
1149 Sheep Creek Range western faults
1150 Southeast Sheep Creek Range fault
1151 Beowawe fault
1152 Unnamed faults in Bobs Flat
1153 Dry Hills faults
1154 Marys Mountain fault
1155 Carico Lake Valley fault zone
1156 Crescent Valley faults
1157a Cortez Mountains fault zone, northeast section
1157b Cortez Mountains fault zone, middle section
1157c Cortez Mountains fault zone, southwest section
1158 Northern Simpson Park Mountains fault zone
1159 Unnamed faults in Pine Valley
1160a Pinon Range fault zone, northern section
1160b Pinon Range fault zone, southern section
1161 Diamond Valley fault
1162 Unnamed faults east of Mount Lewis, Shoshone Range
1163 Fish Creek basin faults
1164 Unnamed faults of eastern Augusta Mountains
1176 Central Carico Lake Valley fault group
1178 Simpson Park Mountains fault zone
1510 Krum Hills fault zone
1532 Willow Creek fault
1554 Eastern Tuscarora Mountains fault zone
1638 Buena Vista Valley fault zone
1687a Dixie Valley fault zone, Stillwater seismic gap
Last modified December 16, 2005 by Web Team