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Success Stories: DHS Sets Regulations for Chemical Facility Security

Objective: Protect Critical Infrastructure

Situation   Action
  • Chemical facilities may be targets for attacks involving theft or explosive release by terrorists
  • Tens of thousands of chemical facilities in U.S.
  • Extensive debate on legislation for many years
  • Congress recently gave DHS authority to regulate chemical facility security across U.S.
  • Apr 2, 2007: “Chem Rule” released by DHS
  • DHS reviewed comments from state & local partners, Congress, private industry & the public
  • DHS issued the interim final rule in just 6 months
  • First time ever: comprehensive Federal security regulations for high risk chemical facilities in U.S.
  • Certain chemical facilities required to complete an assessment that determines their level of risk
  • Covered facility: plan & implement site security
  • DHS may seek compliance through imposition of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day
  • DHS: ability to shut down non-compliant facilities
    Regulations for Chemical Facility Security
DHS divideshigh-risk facilities into 4 risk-based tiers. As risk increases from Tier 4 to Tier 1, stricter security measures are required.
Case# 0000007

This page was last modified on September 14, 2007