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Success Stories: TSA Industry-Cooperative Employee Screening Plan

Objective: Continue to Protect our Nation from Dangerous People

Situation   Action
  • Mar 15, 2007: Authorities find guns and drugs on flight from Orlando, FL to San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Baggage handlers are accused of smuggling guns aboard commercial airliner; four arrests are made
  • Temporary security surge; permanency sought
  • DHS, TSA begin collaboration with the private sector to enhance the screening of employees
  • Apr 16, 2007: TSA, American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), Airports Council International Ð North America (ACI-NA) and National Air Transportation Association (NATA) announce plan to measurably maximize the effectiveness of screening employees at airports
  • The six-point plan hardens, bolsters the existing employee screening using risk-based approach
  • DHS brings key stakeholders together to provide effective solutions to ensure U.S. commercial airports remain the safest in the world
  • Perpetual vetting of employees against watch lists, badge and keypad-protected entry points, and TSA employee screening patrols and surges
  • After 90 day plan development: phased rollout to 452 commercial airports in U.S. to begin
    TSA Industry-Cooperative Employee Screening Plan
Case# 0000017

This page was last modified on September 14, 2007