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Success Stories: DHS Incident Management Team: U.K. Plane Plot

Objective: Continue to Protect our Nation from Dangerous People

Situation   Action
  • Aug 10, 2006: Arrests in U.K.: Islamic extremists’ plot to bomb US-bound aircraft; Terror Alert - RED
  • DHS is concerned about possible backlash against U.S. Arab and Muslim communities
  • IMT: a public-private partnership of government officials and community leaders committed to working together in the aftermath of an incident
  • For the first time DHS initiates the Incident Management Team (IMT) to address incident
  • DHS’ Office for Civil Rights & Civil Liberties initiates conference call to bring parties together
  • DHS, Treasury, FBI & DOJ and U.K. Home Office collaborate with 25 leaders from U.S. Arab, Muslim, Sikh & South Asian communities
  • U.K. Home Office briefs participants on the latest public information available from London
  • Ethnic and religious leaders make clear their commitment to working with the U.S. government
  • U.S. government pledges to continue its work to protect all communities and uphold civil rights and civil liberties through continued collaboration
    DHS Incident Management
"This call reflects our commitment to building strategic partnerships with the American Arab, Muslim, Sikh and South Asian communities."
– Dan Sutherland, DHS Officer for Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
Case# 0000010

This page was last modified on September 6, 2007