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News Release

November 22, 2005

Contact: Debby Pafel

OPM Promotes Public Service to University Students in Western Pennsylvania

Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) kicked off Pittsburgh's Federal Career Day 2005 by encouraging students and members of the community to bring their skills, talents, and commitment to public service—to become part of the Federal workforce.

"There is a common thread that runs through the Federal family. That thread is dedication to work, commitment to mission, and overall pride in being part of America's civil service," commented OPM's Deputy Associate Director of the Center for Merit System Compliance, Kevin Mahoney, who delivered the opening address on career day. "Public service, whether civilian or military, reflects a dedication to community and country."

OPM supported the day-long event with information booths and multiple presentations. Many students navigated the USAJOBS website in depth using the technology provided at one OPM booth. Students were also encouraged to visit the students.gov website. The OPM presentations on "Resume Writing and Interviewing for Success" and "Understanding the Federal Application Process" were well attended. Representatives from OPM's Federal Investigative Services Division talked with attendees about positions being filled across the country, and about the Federal Career Intern Program, which has internships for investigators available at multiple locations.

More than 50 other Federal agencies sent representatives who interviewed applicants and distributed recruitment materials. Some agencies had authority to make on-the-spot job offers.

The event was well attended by students from the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, and Carlow University. These universities sponsored the event along with the Pittsburgh Federal Executive Board and the Partnership for Public Service.

"Working for America means making sure our social safety net works well; it means making sure our diplomatic services can do their jobs; it means keeping our environment, our public lands, our borders, and our country safe and secure," explained Mahoney. "It means public service is a noble calling and your work is honored and appreciated!"

Pittsburgh's Federal Career Day 2005 is part of an ongoing campaign to bring Federal employment opportunities to America's campuses.

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Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. OPM supports U.S. agencies with personnel services and policy leadership including staffing tools, guidance on labor-management relations and programs to improve work force performance.

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